JBoss.org Community Documentation

How to use the JBoss DocBook system

A guide for content developers


Target Audience
1. Introduction to DocBook processing
2. How to develop content for JBoss DocBook
2.1. Install Maven2
2.2. Setup the directories
2.3. Author the content
2.4. Build the documents
2.5. Migrating from Ant
3. Maintaining the JBoss DocBook system

All JBoss.org documentation content developers and style developers should read this document. You should also read this if you want to build JBoss.org DocBooks from the public SVN repositories.

This document introduces the unified DocBook system for JBoss.org documentation based on Maven2. Using this system provides the following benefits:

  • The DocBook libraries and all other dependencies are stored in Maven plugins located in the JBoss public maven repository. This allows the entire build environment to be automatically downloaded and configured from just a single pom.xml file stored in a project's docs directory.

  • Styles are also stored in Maven plugins so that they can be managed from a central location. This allows updates to be automatically downloaded when new designs are created or bugs are fixed.

  • It provides a default style based on the JBoss.org community-driven theme that looks clean, fresh and modern.

  • Custom styles can easily be created for individual projects, or groups of related projects, to cater for different requirements. For example some projects may have their own logos or wish to have collapsable menus at the start of each chapter.

  • The build process is simplified and standardized. Just follow the instructions in this guide to setup your docs directory and copy a very simple pom.xml file.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mark Newton (Content Lead) for more information.

DocBook is an XML format for writing documents. It allows the author to focus on the content itself during the writing process instead of worrying about the presentation.

Using standard DocBook tags, we can tag the content according to its syntatic structure. The DocBook document is then processed using XSL stylesheets so that each tagged DocBook element is transformed to a corresponding element in the target output format. For example each <para></para> element in DocBook could be transformed into a <p></p> element in XHTML.

Using different XSL stylesheets, we can generate different output formats. For example, we can generate both XHTML and PDF outputs from a single DocBook source. We can also generate multiple versions of XHTML (or PDF) files each with a different style if necessary.

In the JBoss DocBook system, we provide XSL stylesheets to build XHTML, PDF and Eclipse Help output formats from the DocBook source. The build process is illustrated in Figure 1.1, “The DocBook build process ”.

XHTML is used instead of HTML as it ensures that the content is completely separated from its style using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and image files.

Before you can start to build DocBook documents you first need to install and configure Maven2. At the time of writing Maven 2.0.8 is the latest released version that has been tested and found to work correctly. System requirements and download instructions can be found here.

In order for Maven to reference the JBoss public maven repository you will need to create a ~/.m2/settings.xml file with the following contents:


If you already have a ~/.m2/settings.xml file then you simply need to add the above <profile> element to your <profiles>.

Each JBoss.org project stores its documentation in a docs directory, typically located at <projectName>/trunk/docs. By convention the source for each DocBook should be placed into subdirectories directly beneath this. For example, the DocBook source for a project's User Guide should be placed in <projectName>/trunk/docs/userguide whilst the DocBook source for a Reference Guide should be placed in <projectName>/trunk/docs/reference. Alongside these DocBook subdirectories any number of other subdirectories containing API references, code examples, and articles may also be created.

For example the docs directory for the JBoss Messaging project is shown in Figure 2.1, “The JBoss Messaging docs directory”.

To facilitate translation into other languages the original source of a DocBook is written in English and located in a directory named en. Within this there are typically two subdirectories for the content:

  • images - stores images

  • modules - stores DocBook text modules, usually one per chapter

The master.xml file contains the top-level <book> element and is used to group all of the other text modules together. If you choose to use Ant to perform the build then a build.xml file is used to call the relevant tasks. Otherwise a pom.xml file can be called using Maven2.

The easiest way to setup a DocBook subdirectory within your project is to copy the docbook-support/docs/guide directory (containing the DocBook source for this guide) and use it as a template.

Now you can write your content in DocBook format. Make sure that the master file of your DocBook (i.e. the file that contains the <book> element) is called master.xml and lives directly under the en directory (see Figure 2.1, “The JBoss Messaging docs directory”). You can either put the entire content in master.xml or divide up the chapters and place them in the modules/ directory. If you do the latter, you should reference the chapter files from the master.xml file via entity references. Please see the docbook-support/docs/guide/en/master.xml file to see how this is done.

Previously the JBoss DocBook system used Ant to perform builds. This meant that each DocBook subdirectory contained a build.xml file as follows:

<project name="Documentation" default="all.doc" basedir=".">

    <property name="pdf.name" value="jboss-mybook.pdf" />
    <import file="../../../docbook-support/support.xml" />

    <target name="all.doc" depends="clean">
        <antcall target="lang.all">
            <param name="lang" value="en"/>


The idea was for this file to delegate most of the work to a support.xml file maintained by the docbook-support project. Developers were supposed to check out the docbook-support project alongside their own project in order to reference this file together with the associated libraries and XSL stylesheets. However what usually happened was that the contents of the docbook-support project were copied into each project's SVN tree. This meant that projects ended up having to maintain their own DocBook build systems and any changes made to the docbook-support project would have to be manually synchronised with their own copy.

With the new Maven2 based system this is no longer an issue as Maven takes care of downloading dependencies automatically. As a result all of the build environment can now be centrally maintained by the Content Team as a set of Maven plugins. You are free to continue using Ant if you prefer but since you won't be using the Maven plugins you will have to maintain any DocBook libraries, XSL stylesheets and CSS files copied or referenced from the docbook-support project yourself.

To perform the build using Ant simply enter the ant command from the directory containing the build.xml file. After it is finished, you should have three output documents in the following places:

  • The build/en/html directory contains the HTML version of the document. Each chapter is broken into a separate HTML file and they are linked together by an index.html file.

  • The build/en/html_single directory contains a single index.html file which holds the entire document.

  • The build/en/pdf directory contains the PDF version of the document.


The HTML output created by Ant is not XHTML. If you wish to gaurantee the separation of content and style then Maven2 should be used instead to produce strict XHTML.

If you wish to migrate from Ant to Maven then all you need to do is copy the docbook-support/docs/guide/pom.xml file to your own DocBook subdirectory (alongside the build.xml file) and then follow the instructions in the previous section. You can then delete the build.xml file as it's not longer needed.

The structure of the docbook-support project is illustrated in Figure 3.1, “The docbook-support project ”. The contents are as follows:

  • The docs directory contains the DocBook source for this guide to serve as a template for other projects.

  • The jbossorg-documentation directory contains the maven plugin source for the parent POM that is referenced by each project's pom.xml file. The parent POM contains common configuration information so that it does not have to be duplicated across multiple JBoss.org projects.

  • The jbossorg-docbook-xslt directory contains the maven plugin source for the default JBoss.org XSL stylesheets. These stylesheets produce XHTML, PDF and Eclipse Help output.

  • The jbossorg-jdocbook-style directory contains the maven plugin source for the default JBoss.org CSS and image files. These provide the JBoss.org community-driven look & feel.

  • The styles and support directories together with the support.xml file are provided for backwards compatibility with projects that wish to continue using Ant instead of Maven. The styles directory contains XSL stylesheets together with CSS files to produce HTML and PDF outputs. The support directory contains the DocBook libraries and DTDs along with the standard XSL stylesheets. The support.xml file contains common Ant tasks to perform the build.