Errai is a GWT-based framework for building rich web applications using next-generation web technologies. Built on-top of ErraiBus, the framework provides a unified federation and RPC infrastructure with true, uniform, asynchronous messaging across the client and server.
Errai requires a JDK version 6 or higher and depends on Apache Maven to build and run the examples, and for leveraging the quickstart utilities.
Apache Maven:
Please note, that when launching maven the first time on your machine, it will fetch all dependencies from a central repository. This may take a while, because it includes downloading large binaries like GWT SDK. However, subsequent builds are not required to go through this step and will be much faster.
This section covers the core messaging concepts of the ErraiBus messaging framework.
ErraiBus forms the backbone of the Errai framework's approach to application design. Most importantly, it provides a straight-forward approach to a complex problem space. Providing common APIs across the client and server, developers will have no trouble working with complex messaging scenarios from building instant messaging clients, stock tickers, to monitoring instruments. There's no more messing with RPC APIs, or unweildy AJAX or COMET frameworks. We've built it all in to one, consice messaging framework. It's single-paradigm, and it's fun to work with.
It's important to understand the concept of how messaging works in ErraiBus. Service endpoints are given string-based names that are referenced by message senders. There is no difference between sending a message to a client-based service, or sending a message to a server-based service. In fact, a service of the same name may co-exist on both the client and the server and both will receive all messages bound for that service name, whether they are sent from the client or from the server.
Services are lightweight in ErraiBus, and can be declared liberally and extensively within your application to provide a message-based infrastructure for your web application. It can be tempting to think of ErraiBus simply as a client-server communication platform, but there is a plethora of possibilities for using ErraiBus purely with the GWT client context, such as a way to advertise and expose components dynamically, to get around the lack of reflection in GWT.
In fact, ErraiBus was originally designed to run completely within the client but quickly evolved into having the capabilities it now has today. So keep that in mind when you run up against problems in the client space that could benefit from runtime federation.
The MessageBuilder is the heart of the messaging API in ErraiBus. It provides a fluent / builder API, that is used for constructing messages. All three major message patterns can be constructed from the
Components that want to receive messages need to implement the
But before we dive into the details, let look at some use cases first.
In order to send a message from a client you need to create a
and send it through an instance of
. In this simple example we send it to the subject 'HelloWorldService'.
public class HelloWorld implements EntryPoint {
// Get an instance of the RequestDispatcher
private RequestDispatcher dispatcher = ErraiBus.getDispatcher();
public void onModuleLoad() {
Button button = new Button("Send message");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Send a message to the 'HelloWorldService'.
.toSubject("HelloWorldService") // (1)
.signalling() // (2)
.noErrorHandling() // (3)
.sendNowWith(dispatcher); // (4)
In the above example we build and send a message every time the button is clicked. Here's an explanation of what's going on as annotated above:
We specify the subject we wish to send a message to. In this case, "
We indicate that we wish to only signal the service, meaning, that we're not sending a qualifying command to the service. For information on this, read the section on Protocols .
We indicate that we do not want to provide an
to deal with errors for this message.
We transmit the message by providing an instance to the
An astute observer will note that access to the
differs within client code and server code. Because the client code does not run within a container, access to the
is statically accessed using the
methods. The server-side code, conversely, runs inside a dependency container for managing components. See the section on Errai IOC and Errai CDI for using ErraiBus from a client-side container.
Every message has a sender and at least one receiver. A receiver is as it sounds--it receives the message and does something with it. Implementing a receiver (also referred to as a service) is as simple as implementing our standard MessageCallback interface, which is used pervasively across, both client and server code. Let's begin with server side component that receives messages:
public class HelloWorldService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(Message message) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
He we declare an extremely simple service. The
annotation provides a convenient, meta-data based way of having the bus auto-discover and deploy the service.
In the following example we extend our server side component to reply with a message when the callback method is invoked. It will create a message and address it to the subject '
public class HelloWorldService implements MessageCallback {
private RequestDispatcher dispatcher;
public HelloWorldService(RequestDispatcher disaptcher) {
dispatcher = dispatcher;
public void callback(CommandMessage message) {
// Send a message to the 'HelloWorldClient'.
.toSubject("HelloWorldClient") // (1)
.signalling() // (2)
.with("text", "Hi There") // (3)
.noErrorHandling() // (4)
.sendNowWith(dispatcher); // (5)
The above example shows a service which sends a message in response to receiving a message. Here's what's going on:
We specify the subject we wish to send a message to. In this case, "
". We are sending this message to all clients which are listening in on this subject. For information on how to communicate with a single client, see Section 2.6.
We indicate that we wish to only signal the service, meaning that we're not sending a qualifying command to the service. For information on this, read the section on Protocols.
We add a message part called "text" which contains the value "Hi there".
We indicate that we do not want to provide an
to deal with errors for this message.
We transmit the message by providing an instance of the
Messages can be received asynchronously and arbitriraily by declaring callback services within the client bus. As ErraiBus maintains an open COMET channel at all times, these messages are delivered in real time to the client as they are sent. This provides built-in push messaging for all client services.
public class HelloWorld implements EntryPoint {
private MessageBus bus = ErraiBus.get();
public void onModuleLoad() {
* Declare a local service to receive messages on the subject
* "BroadcastReceiver".
bus.subscribe("BroadcastReceiver", new MessageCallback() {
public void callback(CommandMessage message) {
* When a message arrives, extract the "text" field and
* do something with it
String messageText = message.get(String.class, "text");
In the above example, we declare a new client service called
which can now accept both local messages and remote messages from the server bus. The service will be available in the client to receive messages as long the client bus is and the service is not explicitly de-registered.
Conversations are message exchanges which are between a single client and a service. They are a fundmentally important concept in ErraiBus, since by default, a message will be broadcast to all client services listening on a particular channel.
When you create a reply with an incoming message, you ensure that the message you are sending back is received by the same client which sent the incoming message. A simple example:
public class HelloWorldService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(CommandMessage message) {
// Send a message to the 'HelloWorldClient' on the client that sent us the
// the message.
.with("text", "Hi There! We're having a reply!")
Note that the only difference between the example in the previous section and this is the use of the
method with
Asynchronous messaging necessitates the need for asynchronous error handling. Luckily, support for handling errors is built directly into the
API, utilizing the
interface. In the examples shown in previous exceptions, error handing has been glossed over with aubiquitous usage of the
method while building messaging. We chose to require the explicit use of such a method to remind developers of the fact that they are responsible for their own error handling, requiring you to explicitly make the decision to forego handling potential errors.
As a general rule, you should always handle your errors . It will lead to faster and quicker identification of problems with your applications if you have error handlers, and generally help you build more robust code.
.with("msg", "Hi there!")
.errorsHandledBy(new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {
return true;
The addition of error handling at first may put off developers as it makes code more verbose and less-readable. This is nothing that some good practice can't fix. In fact, you may find cases where the same error handler can appropriately be shared between multiple different calls.
ErrorCallback error = new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {
return true;
.with("msg", "Hi there!")
The error handler is required to return a
value. This is to indicate whether or not Errai should perform the default error handling actions it would normally take during a failure. You will almost always want to return
here, unless you are trying to explicitly surpress some undesirably activity by Errai, such as automatic subject-termination in conversations. But this is almost never the case.
Errai further provides a subject to subscribe to for handling global errors on the client (such as a disconnected server bus or an invalid response code) that occur outside a regular application message exchange. Subscribing to this subject is useful to detect errors early (e.g. due to failing heartbeat requests). A use case that comes to mind here is activating your application's offline mode.
bus.subscribe(DefaultErrorCallback.CLIENT_ERROR_SUBJECT, new MessageCallback() {
public void callback(Message message) {
try {
caught = message.get(Throwable.class, MessageParts.Throwable);
throw caught;
catch(TransportIOException e) {
// thrown in case the server can't be reached or an unexpected status code was returned
catch (Throwable throwable) {
// handle system errors (e.g response marshalling errors) - that of course should never happen :)
It is possible to contruct a message and a default response handler as part of the
API. It should be noted, that multiple replies will not be possible and will result an exception if attempted. Using this aspect of the API is very useful for doing simple psuedo-synchronous conversive things.
You can do this by specifying a
using the
method in the
API after specifying the error handling of the message.
.with("SomeField", someValue)
.repliesTo(new MessageCallback() {
public void callback(Message message) {
System.out.println("I received a response");
See the next section on how to build conversational services that can respond to such messages.
Broadcasting messages to all clients listening on a specific subject is quite simple and involves nothing more than forgoing use of the reply API. For instance:
.with("Text", "Hello, from your overlords in the cloud")
If sent from the server, all clients currently connected, who are listening to the subject
will receive the message. It's as simple as that.
Communication from one client to another client is not directly possible within the bus federation, by design. This isn't to say that it's not possible. But one client cannot see a service within the federation of another client. We institute this limitation as a matter of basic security. But many software engineers will likely find the prospects of such communication appealing, so this section will provide some basic pointers on how to go about accomplishing it.
The essential architectural thing you'll need to do is create a relay service that runs on the server. Since a service advertised on the server is visible to all clients and all clients are visible to the server, you might already see where we're going with this.
By creating a service on the server which accepts messages from clients, you can create a simple protocol on-top of the bus to enable quasi peer-to-peer communication. (We say quasi, because it still needs to be routed through the server)
While you can probably imagine simply creating a broadcast-like service which accepts a message from one client and broadcasts it to the rest of the world, it may be less clear how to go about routing from one particular client to another particular client, so we'll focus on that problem. This is covered in Section 2.11, “Message Routing Information”
In some applications, it may be necessary or desirable to delay transmission of, or continually stream data to a remote client or group of clients (or from a client to the server). In cases like this, you can utilize the
methods in the
Delayed TasksSending a task with a delay is straight forward. Simply utilize the appropriate method (either
.replyDelayed(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 5); // sends the message after 5 seconds.
.sendDelayed(requestDispatcher, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 5); // sends the message after 5 seconds.
A repeating task is sent using one of the MessageBuilder's
methods. The task will repeat indefinitely until cancelled (see next section).
.withProvided("time", new ResourceProvider<String>() {
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
public String get() {
return fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
.sendRepeatingWith(requestDispatcher, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 1); //sends a message every 1 second
The above example sends a message very 1 second with a message part called
, containing a formatted time string. Note the use of the
method; a provided message part is calculated at the time of transmission as opposed to when the message is constructed.
Cancelling an Asynchronous TaskA delayed or repeating task can be cancelled by calling the
method of the
instance which is returned when creating a task. Reference to the AsyncTask object can be retained and cancelled by any other thread.
AsyncTask task = MessageBuilder.createConversation(message)
.withProvided(TimeServerParts.TimeString, new ResourceProvider<String>() {
public String get() {
return String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
}).defaultErrorHandling().replyRepeating(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 100);
// cancel the task and interrupt it's thread if necessary.
It is possible for the sender to infer, to whatever conversational service it is calling, what subject it would like the reply to go to. This is accomplished by utilizing the standard
message part. Using this methodology for building conversations is generally encouraged.
Consider the following client side code:
.with(MessageParts.ReplyTo, "ClientEndpoint")
And the conversational code on the server (for service ObjectService ):
.with("Records", records)
In the above examples, assuming that the latter example is inside a service called "
" and is referencing the incoming message that was sent in the former example, the message created will automatically reference the
subject that was provided by the sender, and send the message back to the subject desired by the client on the client that sent the message.
Every message that is sent between a local and remote (or server and client) buses contain session routing information. This information is used by the bus to determine what outbound queues to use to deliver the message to, so they will reach their intended recipients. It is possible to manually specify this information to indicate to the bus, where you want a specific message to go.
You can obtain the
directly from a
by getting the
QueueSession sess = message.getResource(QueueSession.class,;
String sessionId = sess.getSessionId();
The utility class
contains a utility method for extracting the String-based SessionID which is used to identify the message queue associated with any particular client. You may use this method to extract the
from a message so that you may use it for routing. For example:
public void callback(Message message) {
QueueSession sess = message.getResource(QueueSession.class,;
String sessionId = sess.getSessionId();
// Record this sessionId somewhere.
can then be stored in a medium, say a Map, to cross-reference specific users or whatever identifier you wish to allow one client to obtain a reference to the specific
of another client. In which case, you can then provide the
as a MessagePart to indicate to the bus where you want the message to go.
.with(MessageParts.SessionID, sessionId)
.with("Message", "We're relaying a message!")
By providing the
part in the message, the bus will see this and use it for routing the message to the relevant queue.
It may be tempting however, to try and include destination
at the client level, assuming that this will make the infrastructure simpler. But this will not achieve the desired results, as the bus treats
as transient. Meaning, the
information is not ever transmitted from bus-to-bus, and therefore is only directly relevant to the proximate bus.
The ErraiBus maintains it's own seperate session management on-top of the regular HTTP session management. While the queue sessions are tied to, and dependant on HTTP sessions for the most part (meaning they die when HTTP sessions die), they provide extra layers of session tracking to make dealing with complex applications built on Errai easier.
The lifescyle of a session is bound by the underlying HTTP session. It is also bound by activity thresholds. Clients are required to send heartbeat messages every once in a while to maintain their sessions with the server. If a heartbeat message is not received after a certain period of time, the session is terminated and any resources are deallocated.
One of the things Errai offers is the concept of session and local scopes.
A session scope is scoped across all instances of the same session. When a session scope is used, any parameters stored will be accessible and visible by all browser instances and tabs.
The SessionContext helper class is used for accessing the session scope.
public class TestService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(final Message message) {
// obtain a reference to the session context by referencing the incoming message.
SessionContext injectionContext = SessionContext.get(message);
// set an attribute.
injectionContext.setAttribute("MyAttribute", "Foo");
A local scope is scoped to a single browser instance. But not to a single session.
In a browser a local scope would be confined to a tab or a window within a browser. You can store parameters inside a local scope just like with a session by using the
helper class.
public class TestService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(final Message message) {
// obtain a reference to the local context by referencing the incoming message.
LocalContext injectionContext = LocalContext.get(message);
// set an attribute.
injectionContext.setAttribute("MyAttribute", "Foo");
ErraiBus implements a JSON-based wire protocol which is used for the federated communication between different buses. The protocol specification encompasses a standard JSON payload structure, a set of verbs, and an object marshalling protocol. The protocol is named J.REP. Which stands for JSON Rich Event Protocol.
All wire messages sent across are assumed to be JSON arrays at the outermost element, contained in which, there are 0..n messages. An empty array is considered a no-operation, but should be counted as activity against any idle timeout limit between federated buses.
Example 2.1. Figure 1 - Example J.REP Payload
{"ToSubject" : "SomeEndpoint", "Value" : "SomeValue" },
{"ToSubject" : "SomeOtherEndpoint", "Value" : "SomeOtherValue"}
Figure 1
, we see an example of a J.REP payload containing two messages. One bound for an endpoint named
and the other bound for the endpoint
. They both include a payload element
which contain strings. Let's take a look at the anatomy of an individual message.
Example 2.2. Figure 2 - An J.REP Message
"ToSubject" : "TopicSubscriber",
"CommandType" : "Subscribe",
"Value " : "happyTopic",
"ReplyTo" : "MyTopicSubscriberReplyTo"
The message shown in Figure 2 shows a very vanilla J.REP message. The keys of the JSON Object represent individual message parts , with the values representing their corresponding values. The standard J.REP protocol encompasses a set of standard message parts and values, which for the purposes of this specification we'll collectively refer to as the protocol verbs.
The following table describes all of the message parts that a J.REP capable client is expected to understand:
Part |
Required |
JSON Type |
Description |
Yes |
String |
Specifies the subject within the bus, and its federation, which the message should be routed to. |
No |
String |
Specifies a command verb to be transmitted to the receiving subject. This is an optional part of a message contract, but is required for using management services |
No |
String |
Specifies to the receiver what subject it should reply to in response to this message. |
No |
Any |
A recommended but not required standard payload part for sending data to services |
No |
Number |
A processing order salience attribute. Messages which specify priority processing will be processed first if they are competing for resources with other messages in flight. Note: the current version of ErraiBus only supports two salience levels (0 and >1). Any non-zero salience in ErraiBus will be given the same priority relative to 0 salience messages |
No |
String |
An accompanying error message with any serialized exception |
No |
Object |
If applicable, an encoded object representing any remote exception that was thrown while dispatching the specified service |
The table contains a list of reserved subject names used for facilitating things like bus management and error handling. A bus should never allow clients to subscribe to these subjects directly.
Subject |
Description |
The self-hosted message bus endpoint on the client |
The self-hosted message bus endpoint on the server |
The standard error receiving service for clients |
As this table indicates, the bus management protocols in J.REP are accomplished using self-hosted services. See the section on Bus Management and Handshaking Protocols for details.
There is no real distinction in the J.REP protocol between communication with the server, versus communication with the client. In fact, it assumed from an architectural standpoint that there is no real distinction between a client and a server. Each bus participates in a flat-namespaced federation. Therefore, it is possible that a subject may be observed on both the server and the client.
One in-built assumption of a J.REP-compliant bus however, is that messages are routed within the auspices of session isolation. Consider the following diagram:
In Figure 3 , is is possible for Client A to send messages to the subjects ServiceA and ServiceB . But it is not possible to address messages to ServiceC . Conversely, Client A can address messages to ServiceC and ServiceB , but not ServiceA .
Federation between buses requires management traffic to negotiate connections and manage visibility of services between buses. This is accomplished through services named
which both implement the same protocol contracts which are defined in this section.
Both bus services share the same management protocols, by implementing verbs (or commands) that perform different actions. These are specified in the protocol with the
message part. The following table describes these commands:
Table 2.1. Message Parts for Bus Commands:
Command / Verb |
Message Parts |
Description |
N/A |
The first message sent by a connecting client to begin the handshaking process. |
A message sent by one bus to another to notify it of its capabilities during handshake (for instance long polling or websockets) |
N/A |
A message sent from one bus to another to indicate that it has now provided all necessary information to the counter-party bus to establish the federation. When both buses have sent this message to each other, the federation is considered active. |
A message sent to the remote bus to notify it of a service or set of services which it is capable of routing to. |
A message sent to the remote bus to notify it that a service is no longer available. |
A message sent to a server bus from a client bus to indicate that it wishes to disconnect and defederate. Or, when sent from the client to server, indicates that the session has been terminated. |
N/A |
A message sent to a client bus to indicate that its messages are no longer being routed because it no longer has an active session |
N/A |
A message sent from one bus to another periodically to indicate it is still active. |
Part |
Required |
JSON Type |
Description |
Yes |
String |
A comma delimited string of capabilities the bus is capable of us |
Yes |
String |
The subject to subscribe or unsubscribe from |
Yes |
Array |
An array of strings representing a list of subjects to subscribe to |
The core Errai IOC module implements the JSR-330 Dependency Injection specification for in-client component wiring.
Dependency injection (DI) allows for cleaner and more modular code, by permitting the implementation of decoupled and type-safe components. By using DI, components do not need to be aware of the implementation of provided services. Instead, they merely declare a contract with the container, which in turn provides instances of the services that component depends on.
A simple example:
public class MyLittleClass {
private final TimeService timeService;
public MyLittleClass(TimeService timeService) {
this.timeService = timeService;
public void printTime() {
In this example, we create a simple class which declares a dependency using
for the interface
. In this particular case, we use constructor injection to establish the contract between the container and the component. We can similarly use field injection to the same effect:
public class MyLittleClass {
private TimeService timeService;
public void printTime() {
In order to inject
, you must annotate it with
or the Errai DI container will not acknowledge the type as a bean.
public class TimeService {
Although field injection results in less code, a major disadvantage is that you cannot create immutable classes using the pattern, since the container must first call the default, no argument constructor, and then iterate through its injection tasks, which leaves the potential – albeit remote – that the object could be left in an partially or improperly initialized state. The advantage of constructor injection is that fields can be immutable (final), and invariance rules applied at construction time, leading to earlier failures, and the guarantee of consistent state.
In contrast to
, the Errai IOC container does not provide a programmatic way of creating and configuring injectors. Instead, container-level binding rules are defined by implementing a
, which is scanned for an auto-discovered by the container.
is essentially a factory which produces dependent types in the container, which defers instantiation responsibility for the provided type to the provider implementation. Top-level providers use the standard
Types made available as top-level providers will be available for injection in any managed component within the container.
Out of the box, Errai IOC implements three default top-level providers:
org.jboss.errai.ioc.client.api.builtin.MessageBusProvider :
Makes an instance of
available for injection.
org.jboss.errai.ioc.client.api.builtin.RequestDispatchProvider :
Makes an instance of the
available for injection.
org.jboss.errai.ioc.client.api.builtin.ConsumerProvider :
Makes event
objects available for injection.
Implementing a
is relatively straight-forward. Consider the following two classes:
public interface TimeService {
public String getTime();
public class TimeServiceProvider implements Provider<TimeService> {
public TimeService get() {
return new TimeService() {
public String getTime() {
return "It's midnight somewhere!";
If you are familiar with Guice, this is semantically identical to configuring an injector like so:
Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
public void configure() {
As shown in the above example code, the annotation
is used to denote top-level providers.
The classpath will be searched for all annotated providers at compile time.
Top-level providers are treated as regular beans. And as such may inject dependencies – particularly from other top-level providers – as necessary.
By default, Errai uses Google Guice to wire components. When deploying services on the server-side, it is currently possible to obtain references to the
, the
, and
by declaring them as injection dependencies in Service classes, extension components, and session providers.
Alternatively, supports CDI based wiring of server-side components. See the chapter on Errai CDI for more information.
Out of the box, the IOC container supports three bean scopes,
. The singleton and entry-point scopes are roughly the same semantics.
In Errai CDI, all client types are valid bean types if they are default constructable or can have construction dependencies satisfied. These unqualified beans belong the dependent pseudo-scope. See: Dependent Psuedo-Scope from CDI Documentation
Additionally, beans may be qualified as
. Although these three scopes are supported for completeness and conformance to the specification, within the client they effectively result in behavior that is identical.
Example 3.1. Example dependent scoped bean
public void MyDependentScopedBean {
private final Date createdDate;
public MyDependentScopedBean {
createdDate = new Date();
Example 3.2. Example ApplicationScoped bean
public void MyClientBean {
@Inject MyDependentScopedBean bean;
// ... //
As is mentioned in the
bean manager documentation
, only beans that are
scoped will be made available to the bean manager for lookup. So while it is not necessary for regular injection, you must annotate your dependent scoped beans with
if you wish to dynamically lookup these beans at runtime.
As Errai IOC provides a container-based approach to client development, support for Errai services are exposed to the container so they may be injected and used throughout your application where appropriate. This section covers those services.
annotation is used for binding service endpoints to the bus. Within the Errai IOC container you can annotate services and have them published to the bus on the client (or on the server) in a very straight-forward manner:
Example 3.3. A simple message receiving service
public class MyService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(Message message) {
// ... //
Or like so ...
Example 3.4. Mapping a callback from a field of a bean
public class MyAppBean {
private final MessageCallback myService = new MesageCallback() {
public void callback(Message message) {
// ... //
As with server-side use of the annotation, if a service name is not explicitly specified, the underlying class name or field name being annotated will be used as the service name.
annotation is used in conjunction with the
annotation to advertise a service only for visibility on the local bus and thus, cannot receive messages across the wire for the service.
Example 3.5. A local only service
@Service @Local
public class MyLocalService implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(Message message) {
// ... //
Services which are registered with ErraiBus via the bean manager through use of the
annotation, have de-registration hooks tied implicitly to the destruction of the bean. Thus,
destruction of the bean
implies that these associated services are to be dereferenced.
The IOC container, by default, provides a set of default injectable bean types. They range from basic services, to injectable proxies for RPC. This section covers the facilities available out-of-the-box.
The type
is globally injectable into any bean. Injecting this type will provide the instance of the active message bus running in the client.
The type
is globally injectable into any bean. Injecting this type will provide a
instance capable of delivering any messages provided to it, to the the
The type
is a globally injectable RPC proxy. RPC proxies may be provided by various components. For example, JAX-RS or Errai RPC. The proxy itself is agnostic to the underlying RPC mechanism and is qualified by it's type parameterization.
For example:
Example 3.8. An example Caller<?> proxy
public void MyClientBean {
private Caller<MyRpcInterface> rpcCaller;
// ... ///
public void onButtonClick(ClickHandler handler) { RemoteCallback<Void>() {
public void callback(Void void) {
The above code shows the injection of a proxy for the RPC remote interface,
. For more information on defining RPC proxies see
Chapter 5, Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
Section 7.1, “Creating Requests”
in Errai JAX-RS.
A problem commonly associated with building large applications in the browser is ensuring that things happen in the proper order when code starts executing. Errai IOC provides you tools which permit you to ensure things happen before initialization, and forcing things to happen after initialization of all of the Errai services.
In order to prevent initialization of the the bus and it's services so that you can do necessary configuration, especially if you are writing extensions to the Errai framework itself, you can create an implicit startup dependency on your bean by injecting an
Example 3.9. Using an InitBallot to Control Startup
public class MyClientBean {
@Inject InitBallot<MyClientBean> ballot;
public void doStuff() {
// ... do some work ...
Sending RPC calls to the server from inside constructors and
methods in Errai is not always reliable due to the fact that the bus and RPC proxies initialize asynchronously with the rest of the application. Therefore it is often desirable to have such things happen in a post-initialization task, which is exposed in the
API. However, it is much cleaner to use the
annotation on one of your bean methods.
Example 3.10. Using @AfterInitialization to do something after startup
public class MyClientBean {
public void doStuffAfterInit() {
// ... do some work ...
It may be necessary at times to obtain instances of beans managed by Errai IOC from outside the container managed scope or creating a hard dependency from your bean. Errai IOC provides a simple client-side bean manager for handling these scenarios:
As you might expect, you can inject the bean manager into any of your managed beans.
Example 3.11. Injecting the client-side bean manager
public MyManagedBean {
@Inject IOCBeanManager manager;
// class body
If you need to access the bean manager outside a managed bean, such as in a unit test, you can access it by calling
Looking up beans can be done through the use of the
method in
. Here's a basic example:
Example 3.12. Example lookup of a bean
public MyManagedBean {
@Inject IOCBeanManager manager;
public void lookupBean() {
IOCBean<SimpleBean> bean = manager.lookupBean(SimpleBean.class);
// check to see if the bean exists
if (bean != null) {
// get the instance of the bean
SimpleBean inst = bean.getInstance();
In this example we lookup a bean class named
. This example will succeed assuming that
is unambiguous. If the bean is ambiguous and requires qualification, you can do a qualified lookup like so:
Example 3.13. Looking up beans with qualifiers
MyQualifier qual = new MyQualifier() {
public annotationType() {
return MyQualifier.class;
MyOtherQualifier qual2 = new MyOtherQualifier() {
public annotationType() {
return MyOtherQualifier.class;
// pass qualifiers to IOCBeanManager.lookupBean
IOCBean<SimpleInterface> bean = beanManager.lookupBean(SimpleBean.class, qual, qual2);
In this example we manually construct instances of qualifier annotations in order to pass it to the bean manager for lookup. This is a necessary step since there's currently no support for annotation literals in Errai client code.
It may be desirable to have multiple matching dependencies for a given injection point with the ability to specify which implementation to use at runtime. For instance, you may have different versions of your application which target different browsers or capabilities of the browser. Using alternatives allows you to share common interfaces among your beans, while still using dependency injection, by exporting consideration of what implementation to use to the container's configuration.
Consider the following example:
@Singleton @Alternative
public class MobileView implements View {
// ... //
@Singleton @Alternative
public class DesktopView implements View {
// ... //
In our controller logic we in turn inject the
public class MyApp {
View view;
// ... //
This code is unaware of the implementation of
, which maintains good separation of concerns. However, this of course creates an ambiguous dependency on the
interface as it has two matching subtypes in this case. Thus, we must configure the container to specify which alternative to use. Also note, that the beans in both cases have been annotated with
In your
for the module, you can simply specify which active alternative should be used:
You can specify multiple alternative classes by white space separating them: \ \
You can only have one enabled alternative for matching set of alternatives, otherwise you will get ambiguous resolution errors from the container.
Similar to alternatives, but specifically designed for testing scenarios, you can replace beans with mocks at runtime for the purposes of running unit tests. This is accomplished simply by annotating a bean with the
annotation. Doing so will prioritize consideration of the bean over any other matching beans while running unit tests.
Consider the following:
public class UserManagementImpl implements UserManagement {
public List<User> listUsers() {
// do user listy things!
You can specify a mock implementation of this class by implementing its common parent type (
) and annotating that class with the
annotation inside your test package like so:
@TestMock @ApplicationScoped
public class MockUserManagementImpl implements UserManagement {
public List<User> listUsers() {
// return only a test user.
return Collections.singletonList(TestUser.INSTANCE);
In this case, the container will replace the
with the
automatically when running the unit tests.
annotation can also be used to specify alternative providers during test execution. For example, it can be used to mock a
are used to invoke RPC or JAX-RS endpoints. During tests you might want to replace theses callers with mock implementations. For details on providers see
Section 3.1, “Container Wiring”
@TestMock @IOCProvider
public class MockedHappyServiceCallerProvider implements ContextualTypeProvider<Caller<HappyService>> {
public Caller<HappyService> provide(Class<?>[] typeargs, Annotation[] qualifiers) {
return new Caller<HappyService>() {
All beans managed by the Errai IOC container support the
Beans which have methods annotated with
are guaranteed to have those methods called before the bean is put into service, and only after all dependencies within its graph has been satisfied.
Beans are also guaranteed to have their
annotated methods called before they are destroyed by the bean manager.
This cannot be guaranteed when the browser DOM is destroyed prematurely due to: closing the browser window; closing a tab; refreshing the page, etc.
Beans under management of Errai IOC, of any scope, can be explicitly destroyed through the client bean manager. Destruction of a managed bean is accomplished by passing a reference to the
method of the bean manager.
Example 3.14. Destruction of bean
public MyManagedBean {
@Inject IOCBeanManager manager;
public void createABeanThenDestroyIt() {
// get a new bean.
SimpleBean bean = manager.lookupBean(SimpleBean.class).getInstance();
bean.sendMessage("Sorry, I need to dispose of you now");
// destroy the bean!
When the bean manager "destroys" the bean, any pre-destroy methods the bean declares are called, it is taken out of service and no longer tracked by the bean manager. If there are references on the bean by other objects, the bean will continue to be accessible to those objects.
Container managed resources that are dependent on the bean such as bus service endpoints or CDI event observers will also be automatically destroyed when the bean is destroyed.
Another important consideration is the rule, "all beans created together are destroyed together." Consider the following example:
Example 3.15. SimpleBean.class
public class SimpleBean {
@Inject @New AnotherBean anotherBean;
public AnotherBean getAnotherBean() {
return anotherBean;
private void cleanUp() {
// do some cleanup tasks
Example 3.16. Destroying bean from subgraph
public MyManagedBean {
@Inject IOCBeanManager manager;
public void createABeanThenDestroyIt() {
// get a new bean.
SimpleBean bean = manager.lookupBean(SimpleBean.class).getInstance();
// destroy the AnotherBean reference from inside the bean
In this example we pass the instance of
created as a dependency of
to the bean manager for destruction. Because this bean was created at the same time as its parent, its destruction will also result in the destruction of
; thus, this action will result in the
method of
being invoked.
Another way which beans can be destroyed is through the use of the injectable
class. The class provides a straight forward way of disposing of bean type.
For instance:
Example 3.17. Destroying bean with disposer
public MyManagedBean {
@Inject @New SimpleBean myNewSimpleBean;
@Inject Disposer<SimpleBean> simpleBeanDisposer;
public void destroyMyBean() {
Errai includes a comprehensive marshalling framework which permits the serialization of domain objects between the browser and the server. From the perspective of GWT, this is a complete replacement for the provided GWT serialization facilities and offers a great deal more flexibility. You are be able to map both application-specific domain model, as well as preexisting model, including model from third-party libraries using the custom definitions API.
All classes that you intend to be marshalled between the client and the server must be exposed to the marshalling framework. There are several ways you can do it and this section will take you through the different approaches you can take to fit your needs.
The simplest and most straight-forward way to map your domain entities is to annotate it with the
annotation. Doing so will cause the marshalling system to discover the entities at both compile-time and runtime to produce the marshalling code and definitions to marshal and de-marshal the objects.
The mapping strategy that will be used depends on how much information you provide about your model up-front. If you simply annotate a domain object with
and do nothing else, the marshalling system will use and exhaustive strategy to determine how to construct and deconstruct the object.
Let's take a look at how this works.
public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
public Person() {
public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
This is a pretty vanilla domain object. Note the default, public, no-argument constructor. In this case, it will be necessary to have one explicitly declared. But notice we have no setters. In this case, the marshaler will rely on private field access to write the values on each side of the marshalling transaction. For simple domain objects, this is both nice and convenient. But you may want to make the class immutable and have a constructor enforce invariance. See the next section for that.
Immutability is almost always a good practice, and the marshalling system provides you a straight forward way to tell it how to marshal and de-marshal objects which enforce an immutable contract. Let's modify our example from the previous section.
public class Person {
private final String name;
private final int age;
public Person(@MapsTo("name") String name, @MapsTo("age") int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
Here we have set both of the class fields final. By doing so, we had to remove our default constructor. But that's okay, because we have annotated the remaining constructor's parameters using the
By doing this, we have told the marshaling system, for instance, that the first parameter of the constructor maps to the property
. Which in this case, defaults to the name of the corresponding field. This may not always be the case – as will be explored in the section on custom definitions. But for now that's a safe assumption.
Another good practice is to use a factory pattern to enforce invariance. Once again, let's modify our example.
public class Person {
private final String name;
private final int age;
private Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public static Person createPerson(@MapsTo("name") String name, @MapsTo("age") int age) {
return new Person(name, age);
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
Here we have made our only declared constructor private, and created a static factory method. Notice that we've simply used the same
annotation in the same way we did on the constructor from our previous example. The marshaller will see this method and know that it should use it to construct the object.
Some classes may be out of your control, making it impossible to annotate them for auto-discovery by the marshalling framework. For cases such as this, there are two approaches which can be undertaken to include these classes in your application.
The first approach is the easiest, but is contingent on whether or not the class is directly exposed to the GWT compiler. That means, the classes must be part of a GWT module and within the GWT client packages. See the GWT documentation on Client-Side Code for information on this.
If you have client-exposed classes that cannot be annotated with the
annotation, you may manually map these classes so that the marshaller framework will comprehend and produce marshallers for them.
To do this, you may specify them in your
file, using the
attribute with a whitespace separated list of classes to make portable.
Example 4.1. Example defining portable classes. \ \ org.abcinc.model.client.Profile
The marshalling framework supports and promotes the concept of marshalling by interface contract, where possible. For instance, the framework ships with a marshaller which can marshall data to and from the
interface. Instead of having custom marshallers for classes such as
, by default, these implementations are merely aliased to the
There are two distinct ways to go about doing this. The most straightforward is to specify which marshaller to alias when declaring your class is
@Portable(aliasOf = java.util.List.class)
public MyListImpl extends ArrayList {
// .. //
In the case of this example, the marshaller will not attempt to comprehend your class. Instead, it will merely rely on the
marshaller to dematerialize and serialize instances of this type onto the wire.
If for some reason it is not feasible to annotate the class, directly, you may specify the mapping in the
file using the
attribute.>java.uti.List \>java.util.Map
The list of classes is whitespace-separated so that it may be split across lines.
The example above shows the equivalent mapping for the
class from the previous example, as well as a mapping of a class to the
The syntax of the mapping is as follows:
When you alias a class to another marshalling contract, extended functionality of the aliased class will not be available upon deserialization. For this you must provide custom marshallers for those classes.
Although the default marshalling strategies in Errai Marshalling will suit the vast majority of use cases, there may be situations where it is necessary to manually map your classes into the marshalling framework to teach it how to construct and deconstruct your objects.
This is accomplished by specifying
classes which inform the framework exactly how to read and write state in the process of constructing and deconstructing objects.
All manual mappings should extend the
class. This is base metadata class which contains data on exactly how the marshaller can deconstruct and construct objects.
Consider the following class:
public class MySuperCustomEntity {
private final String mySuperName;
private String mySuperNickname;
public MySuperCustomEntity(String mySuperName) {
this.mySuperName = mySuperName;;
public String getMySuperName() {
return this.mySuperName;
public void setMySuperNickname(String mySuperNickname) {
this.mySuperNickname = mySuperNickname;
public String getMySuperNickname() {
return this.mySuperNickname;
Let us construct this object like so:
MySuperCustomEntity entity = new MySuperCustomEntity("Coolio");
It is clear that we may rely on this object's two getter methods to extract the totality of its state. But due to the fact that the
field is final, the only way to properly construct this object is to call its only public constructor and pass in the desired value of
Let us consider how we could go about telling the marshalling framework to pull this off:
public MySuperCustomEntityMapping extends MappingDefinition {
public MySuperCustomEntityMapping() {
super(MySuperCustomEntity.class); // (1)
SimpleConstructorMapping cnsMapping = new SimpleConstructorMapping();
cnsMapping.mapParmToIndex("mySuperName", 0, String.class); // (2)
addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping("mySuperNickname", String.class, "setMySuperNickname")); // (3)
addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("mySuperName", String.class, "getMySuperName")); // (4)
addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("mySuperNickname", String.class, "getMySuperNickname")); // (5)
And that's it. This describes to the marshalling framework how it should go about constructing and deconstructing
Paying attention to our annotating comments, let's describe what we've done here.
Call the constructor in
passing our reference to the class we are mapping.
Using the
class, we have indicated that a custom constructor will be needed to instantiate this class. We have called the
method with three parameters. The first,
describes the class field that we are targeting. The second parameter, the integer
indicates the parameter index of the constructor arguments that we'll be providing the value for the aforementioned field – in this case the first and only, and the final parameter
tells the marshalling framework which marshalling contract to use in order to de-marshall the value.
Using the
class, we have indicated to the marshaller framework how to write the
field, using the
marshaller, and using the setter method
Using the
class, we have indicated to the marshaller framework how to read the
field, using the
marshaller, and using the getter method
Using the
class, we have indicated to the marshaller framework how to read the
field, using the
marshaller, and using the getter method
There is another approach to extending the marshalling functionality that doesn't involve mapping rules, and that is to implement your own
class. This gives you complete control over the parsing and emission of the JSON structure.
The implementation of marshallers is made relatively straight forward by the fact that both the server and the client share the same JSON parsing API.
Consider the included
marshaller that comes built-in to the marshalling framework:
Example 4.2. from the built-in marshallers
@ClientMarshaller @ServerMarshaller
public class DateMarshaller extends AbstractNullableMarshaller<Date> {
public Class<Date> getTypeHandled() {
return Date.class;
public Date demarshall(EJValue o, MarshallingSession ctx) {
// check if the JSON element is null
if (o.isNull() != null) {
// if the JSON element is null, so is our object!
return null;
// instantiate our Date!
return new Date(Long.parseLong(o.isObject().get(SerializationParts.QUALIFIED_VALUE).isString().stringValue()));
public String marshall(Date o, MarshallingSession ctx) {
// if the object is null, we encode "null"
if (o == null) { return "null"; }
// return the JSON representation of the object
return "{\"" + SerializationParts.ENCODED_TYPE + "\":\"" + Date.class.getName() + "\"," +
"\"" + SerializationParts.OBJECT_ID + "\":\"" + o.hashCode() + "\"," +
"\"" + SerializationParts.QUALIFIED_VALUE + "\":\"" + o.getTime() + "\"}";
The class is annotated with both
indicating that this class should be used for both marshalling on the client and on the server.
method does what its name implies: it is responsible for demarshalling the object from JSON and turning it back into a Java object.
method does the opposite, and encodes the object into JSON for transmission on the wire.
ErraiBus supports a high-level RPC layer to make typical client-server RPC communication easy on top of the bus. While it is possible to use ErraiBus without ever using this API, you may find it to be a more useful and concise approach to exposing services to the clients.
Please note that this API has changed since version 1.0. RPC services provide a way of creating type-safe mechanisms to make client-to-server calls. Currently, this mechanism only support client-to-server calls, and not vice-versa.
Creating a service is straight forward. It requires the definition of a remote interface, and a service class which implements it. See the following:
public interface MyRemoteService {
public boolean isEveryoneHappy();
annotation tells Errai that we'd like to use this interface as a remote interface. The remote interface must be part of of the GWT client code. It cannot be part of the server-side code, since the interface will need to be referenced from both the client and server side code. That said, the implementation of a service is relatively simple to the point:
public class MyRemoteServiceImpl implements MyRemoteService {
public boolean isEveryoneHappy() {
// blatently lie and say everyone's happy.
return true;
That's all there is to it. You use the same
annotation as described in Section 2.4. The presence of the remote interface tips Errai off as to what you want to do with the class.
Calling a remote service involves use of the
API. Since all messages are asynchronous, the actual code for calling the remote service involves the use of a callback, which we use to receive the response from the remote method. Let's see how it works:
MessageBuilder.createCall(new RemoteCallback<Boolean>() {
public void callback(Boolean isHappy) {
if (isHappy) Window.alert("Everyone is happy!");
}, MyRemoteService.class).isEveryoneHappy();
In the above example, we declare a remote callback that receives a Boolean, to correspond to the return value of the method on the server. We also reference the remote interface we are calling, and directly call the method. However, don't be tempted to write code like this :
boolean bool = MessageBuilder.createCall(..., MyRemoteService.class).isEveryoneHappy();
The above code will never return a valid result. In fact, it will always return null, false, or 0 depending on the type. This is due to the fact that the method is dispatched asynchronously, as in, it does not wait for a server response before returning control. The reason we chose to do this, as opposed to emulate the native GWT-approach, which requires the implementation of remote and async interfaces, was purely a function of a tradeoff for simplicity.
An alternative to using the
API is to have a proxy of the service injected.
private Caller<MyRemoteService> remoteService;
For calling the remote service, the callback objects need to be provided to the
method before the corresponding interface method is invoked.;
Handling remote exceptions can be done by providing an
on the client:
new RemoteCallback<Boolean>() {
public void callback(Boolean isHappy) {
if (isHappy) Window.alert("Everyone is happy!");
new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable caught) {
try {
throw caught;
catch (NobodyIsHappyException e) {
Window.alert("OK, that's sad!");
catch (Throwable t) {
GWT.log("An unexpected error has occurred", t);
return false;
As remote exceptions need to be serialized to be sent to the client, the
annotation needs to be present on the corresponding exception class (see
Chapter 4, Marshalling
). Further the exception class needs to be part of the client-side code. For more details on
Section 2.4, “Handling Errors”
Before invoking an endpoint method, Errai sets up an
that provides access to message resources otherwise not visible to RPC endpoints.
public class MyRemoteServiceImpl implements MyRemoteService {
public boolean isEveryoneHappy() {
HttpSession session = RpcContext.getHttpSession();
ServletRequest request = RpcContext.getServletRequest();
return true;
CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) is the Jave EE standard (JSR-299) for handling dependency injection. In addition to dependency injection, the standard encompasses component lifecycle, application configuration, call-interception and a decoupled, type-safe eventing specification.
The Errai CDI extension implements a subset of the specification for use inside of client-side applications within Errai, as well as additional capabilities such as distributed eventing.
Errai CDI does not currently implement all life cycles specified in JSR-299 or interceptors. These deficiencies may be addressed in future versions.
The Errai CDI extension itself is implemented on top of the Errai IOC Framework (see Chapter 3, Dependency Injection ), which itself implements the JSR-330 specification. Inclusion of the CDI module your GWT project will result in the extensions automatically being loaded and made available to your application.
Beans that are deployed to a CDI container will automatically be registered with Errai and exposed to your GWT client application. So, you can use Errai to communicate between your GWT client components and your CDI backend beans.
Errai CDI based applications use the same annotation-driven programming model as server-side CDI components, with some notable limitations. Many of these limitations will be addressed in future releases.
There is no support for CDI interceptors in the client. Although this is planned in a future release.
Passivating scopes are not supported.
The JSR-299 SPI is not supported for client side code. Although writing extensions for the client side container is possible via the Errai IOC Extensions API.
annotation is unsupported.
annotation is unsupported.
annotation is unsupported.
Qualifier attributes are not currently supported. (eg.
will be considered equivalent in the client).
The CDI container in Errai is built around the Errai IOC module , and thus is a superset of the existing functionality in Errai IOC. Thus, all features and APIs documented in Errai IOC are accessible and usable with this Errai CDI programming model.
Any CDI managed component may produce and consume
. This allows beans to interact in a completely decoupled fashion. Beans consume events by registering for a particular event type and optional qualifiers. The Errai CDI extension simply extends this concept into the client tier. A GWT client application can simply register an
for a particular event type and thus receive events that are produced on the server-side. Likewise and using the same API, GWT clients can produce events that are consumed by a server-side observer.
Let's take a look at an example.
Example 6.1.
public class FraudClient extends LayoutPanel {
private Event<AccountActivity> event; (1)
private HTML responsePanel;
public FraudClient() {
super(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Orientation.VERTICAL));
public void buildUI() {
Button button = new Button("Create activity", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { AccountActivity());
responsePanel = new HTML();
public void processFraud(@Observes @Detected Fraud fraudEvent) { (2)
responsePanel.setText("Fraud detected: " + fraudEvent.getTimestamp());
Two things are noteworthy in this example:
Injection of an
dispatcher proxy
Creation of an
method for a particular event type
The event dispatcher is responsible for sending events created on the client-side to the server-side event subsystem (CDI container). This means any event that is fired through a dispatcher will eventually be consumed by a CDI managed bean, if there is an corresponding
registered for it on the server side.
In order to consume events that are created on the server-side you need to declare an client-side observer method for a particular event type. In case an event is fired on the server this method will be invoked with an event instance of type you declared.
To complete the example, let's look at the corresponding server-side CDI bean:
Example 6.2.
public class AccountService {
@Inject @Detected
private Event<Fraud> event;
public void watchActivity(@Observes AccountActivity activity) {
Fraud fraud = new Fraud(System.currentTimeMillis());;
A server can address a single client in response to an event annotating event types as
. Consider a service that responds to a subscription event.
Example 6.3.
public class SubscriptionService {
private Event<Documents> welcomeEvent;
public void onSubscription(@Observes Subscription subscription) {
Document docs = createWelcomePackage(subscription);;
And the
class would be annotated like so:
As such, when
events are fired, they will be limited in scope to the initiating conversational contents – which are implicitly inferred by the caller. So only the client which fired the
event will receive the fired
A key feature of the Errai CDI framework is the ability to federate the CDI eventing bus between the client and the server. This permits the observation of server produced events on the client, and vice-versa.
Example server code:
Example 6.5.
public class MyServerBean {
Event<MyResponseEvent> myResponseEvent;
public void myClientObserver(@Observes MyRequestEvent event) {
MyResponseEvent response;
if (event.isThankYou()) {
// aww, that's nice!
response = new MyResponseEvent("Well, you're welcome!");
else {
// how rude!
response = new MyResponseEvent("What? Nobody says 'thank you' anymore?");
Example 6.6.
public class MyRequestEvent {
private boolean thankYou;
public MyRequestEvent(boolean thankYou) {
public void setThankYou(boolean thankYou) {
this.thankYou = thankYou;
public boolean isThankYou() {
return thankYou;
Example 6.7.
public class MyResponseEvent {
private String message;
public MyRequestEvent(String message) {
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
Client application logic:
Example 6.8.
public class MyClientBean {
Event<MyRequestEvent> requestEvent;
public void myResponseObserver(@Observes MyResponseEvent event) {
Window.alert("Server replied: " + event.getMessage());
public void init() {
Button thankYou = new Button("Say Thank You!");
thankYou.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { MyRequestEvent(true));
Button nothing = new Button("Say nothing!");
nothing.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { MyRequestEvent(false));
VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
Producer methods and fields act as sources of objects to be injected. They are useful when additional control over object creation is needed before injections can take place e.g. when you need to make a decision at runtime before an object can be created and injected.
Example 6.9.
public class App {
@Produces @Supported
private MyBaseWidget createWidget() {
return (Canvas.isSupported()) ? new MyHtml5Widget() : new MyDefaultWidget();
Example 6.10.
public class MyComposite extends Composite {
@Inject @Supported
private MyBaseWidget widget;
Producers can also be scoped themselves. By default, producer methods are dependent-scoped, meaning they get called every time an injection for their provided type is requested. If a producer method is scoped
for instance, the method will only be called once, and the bean manager will inject the instance from the first invokation of the producer into every matching injection point.
Example 6.11. Singleton producer
public class App {
@Produces @Singleton
private MyBean produceMyBean() {
return new MyBean();
For more information on CDI producers, see the CDI specification and the WELD reference documentation .
If you do not care about the deployment details for now and just want to get started take a look at the Quickstart Guide .
The CDI integration is a plugin to the Errai core framework and represents a CDI portable extension. Which means it is discovered automatically by both Errai and the CDI container. In order to use it, you first need to understand the different runtime models involved when working GWT, Errai and CDI.
Typically a GWT application lifecycle begins in Development Mode and finally a web application containing the GWT client code will be deployed to a target container (Servlet Engine, Application Server). This is no way different when working with CDI components to back your application.
What's different however is availability of the CDI container across the different runtimes. In GWT development mode and in a pure servlet environment you need to provide and bootstrap the CDI environment on your own. While any Java EE 6 Application Server already provides a preconfigured CDI container. To accomodate these differences, we need to do a little trickery when executing the GWT Development Mode and packaging our application for deployment.
In development mode we need to bootstrap the CDI environment on our own and make both Errai and CDI available through JNDI (common denominator across all runtimes). Since GWT uses Jetty, that only supports read only JNDI, we need to replace the default Jetty launcher with a custom one that will setup the JNDI bindings:
<artifactId>gwt-maven plugin</artifactId>
Consequently, when starting Development Mode from within your IDE the following program argument has to be provided: -server org.jboss.errai.cdi.server.gwt.JettyLauncher
Once this is set up correctly, we can bootstrap the CDI container through a servlet listener:
<description>Object factory for the CDI Bean Manager</description>
Sounds terribly complicated, no? Don't worry we provide a maven archetype that takes care of all these setup steps and configuration details.
Deployment to servlet engine has basically the same requirements as running in development mode. You need to include the servlet listener that bootstraps the CDI container and make sure both Errai and CDI are accessible through JNDI. For Jetty you can re-use the artefacts we ship with the archetype. In case you want to run on tomcat, please consult the Apache Tomcat Documentation .
We provide integration with the
JBoss Application Server
, but the requirements are basically the same for other vendors. When running a GWT client app that leverages CDI beans on a Java EE 6 application server, CDI is already part of the container and accessible through JNDI (
Since the discovery of service implementations (beans) is delegated to the CDI container, we need to disable Errai's own service discovery mechanism. In order to do so, simply turn off the auto-discovery feature in
JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) is a Java EE standard (JSR-311) for implementing REST-based Web services in Java. Errai JAX-RS brings this standard to the browser and simplifies the integration of REST-based services in GWT client applications. Errai can generate proxies based on JAX-RS interfaces which will handle all the underlying communication and serialization logic. All that's left to do is to invoke a Java method. We have provided a Maven archetype which will create a fully function CRUD application using JAX-RS. See the Quickstart Guide for details.
The JAX-RS interface needs to be visible to the GWT compiler and should therefore reside within the client packages (e.g. client.shared).
Assuming the following simple JAX-RS interface should be used:
Example 7.1.
public interface CustomerService {
public List<Customer> listAllCustomers();
public long createCustomer(Customer customer);
To create a request on the client, all that needs to be done is to invoke
, thereby providing the JAX-RS interface, a response callback and to invoke the corresponding interface method:
Example 7.2.
Button create = new Button("Create", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) {
Customer customer = new Customer(firstName, lastName, postalCode);
RestClient.create(CustomerService.class, callback).createCustomer(customer);
For details on the callback mechanism see Section 7.2, “Handling Responses” .
Injectable proxies can be used as an alternative to calling
private Caller<CustomerService> customerService;
To create a request, the callback objects need to be provided to the
method before the corresponding interface method is invoked.;
An instance of Errai's
has to be passed to the
call, which will provide access to the JAX-RS resource method's result.
is the return type of the JAX-RS resource method. In the example below it's just a
representing a customer ID, but it can be any serializable type (see
Chapter 4, Marshalling
RemoteCallback<Long> callback = new RemoteCallback<Long>() {
public void callback(Long id) {
Window.alert("Customer created with ID: " + id);
A special case of this
is the
which provides access to the
object representing the underlying HTTP response. This is useful when more details of the HTTP response are needed, such as headers, the status code, etc. This
can be provided as an alternative to the
for the method result.
ResponseCallback callback = new ResponseCallback() {
public void callback(Response response) {
Window.alert("HTTP status code: " + response.getStatusCode());
Window.alert("HTTP response body: " + response.getText());
For handling errors, Errai's error callback mechanism can be reused and an instance of
can optionally be passed to the
call. In case of an HTTP error, the
provides access to the
object. All other
indicate a communication problem.
ErrorCallback errorCallback = new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {
try {
throw throwable;
catch (ResponseException e) {
Response response = e.getResponse();
// process unexpected response
catch (Throwable t) {
// process unexpected error (e.g. a network problem)
return false;
Errai's JSON format will be used to serialize/deserialize your custom types. See Chapter 4, Marshalling for details. A future extension to Errai's marshaller capabilities will support pluggable/custom serializers. So in the near future you will have the flexibility to use your own wire format.
All paths specified using the
annotation on JAX-RS interfaces are by definition relative paths. Therefore, by default, it is assumed that the JAX-RS endpoints can be found at the specified paths relative to the GWT client application's context path.
To configure a relative or absolute root path, the following JavaScript variable can be set in either
the host HTML page
<script type="text/javascript">
erraiJaxRsApplicationRoot = "/MyJaxRsEndpointPath";
or by using a JSNI method:
private native void setMyJaxRsAppRoot(String path) /*-{
$wnd.erraiJaxRsApplicationRoot = path;
or by simply invoking:
The root path will be prepended to all paths specified on the JAX-RS interfaces. It serves as the base URL for all requests sent from the client.
This section contains information on configuring Errai.
Depending on what application server you are deploying on, you must provide an appropriate servlet implementation if you wish to use true, asynchronous I/O. See Section 8.6, “Servlet Implementations” for information on the available servlet implementations.
Here's a sample web.xml file:
<web-app xmlns=""
In some cases it might be desirable to prevent the client bus from communicating with the server. One use case for this is when all communication with the server is handled using JAX-RS and the constant long polling requests for message exchange are not needed.
To turn off remote communication in the client bus the following JavaScript variable can be set in the HTML host page:
<script type="text/javascript">
erraiBusRemoteCommunicationEnabled = false;
The acts as a marker file. When it is detected inside a JAR or at the top of any classpath, the subdirectories are scanned for deployable components. As such, all Errai application modules in a project should contain an at the root of all classpaths that you wish to be scanned.
he file contains basic configuration for the bus itself.
Example Configuration:
## ## Request dispatcher implementation (default is SimpleDispatcher) ## #errai.dispatcher_implementation=org.jboss.errai.bus.server.SimpleDispatcher errai.dispatcher_implementation=org.jboss.errai.bus.server.AsyncDispatcher # ## Worker pool size. This is the number of threads the asynchronous worker pool should provide for processing ## incoming messages. This option is only valid when using the AsyncDispatcher implementation. ## errai.async.thread_pool_size=5 ## ## Worker timeout (in seconds). This defines the time that a single asychronous process may run, before the worker pool ## terminates it and reclaims the thread. This option is only valid when using the AsyncDispatcher implementation. ## errai.async.worker.timeout=5 ## ## Specify the Authentication/Authorization Adapter to use ## ## ## This property indicates whether or not authentication is required for all communication with the bus. Set this ## to 'true' if all access to your application should be secure. ## #errai.require_authentication_for_all=true
defines, as it's name quite succinctly implies, the dispatcher implementation to be used by the bus. There are two implementations which come with Errai out of the box: the
and the
. See
Section 8.5, “Dispatcher Implementations”
for more information about the differences between the two.
Specifies the total number of worker threads in the worker pool for handling and delivering messages. Adjusting this value does not have any effect if you are using the SimpleDispatcher.
Specifies the total amount of a time (in seconds) a service has to finish processing an incoming message before the pool interrupts the thread and returns an error. Adjusting this value does not have an effect if you are using the SimpleDispatcher.
Specifies the authentication modelAdapter the bus should use for determining whether calls should be serviced based on authentication and security principles.
Indicates whether or not the bus should always require the use of authentication for all requests inbound for the bus. If this is turned on, an authentication model adapter must be defined, and any user must be authenticated before the bus will deliver any messages from the client to any service.
A boolean indicating whether or not the Errai bootstrapper should automatically scan for services.
Dispatchers encapsulate the strategy for taking messages that need to be delivered somewhere and seeing that they are delivered to where they need to go. There are two primary implementations that are provided with Errai, depending on your needs.
SimpleDispatcher is basic implementation that provides no asychronous delivery mechanism. Rather, when you configure the Errai to use this implementation, messages are delivered to their endpoints synchronously. The incoming HTTP thread will be held open until the messages are delivered.
While this sounds like it has almost no advantages, especially in terms of scalablity. Using the SimpleDispatcher can be far preferable when you're developing your application, as any errors and stack traces will be far more easily traced and some cloud services may not permit the use of threads in any case.
The AsyncDispatcher provides full asynchronous delivery of messages. When this dispatcher is used, HTTP threads will have control immediately returned upon dispatch of the message. This dispatcher provides far more efficient use of resources in high-load applications, and will significantly decrease memory and thread usage overall.
Errai has several different implementations for HTTP traffic to and from the bus. We provide a universally-compatible blocking implementation that provides fully synchronous communication to/from the server-side bus. Where this introduces scalability problems, we have implemented many webserver-specific implementations that take advantage of the various proprietary APIs to provide true asynchrony.
These included implementations are packaged at:
This is a universal, completely servlet spec (2.0) compliant, Servlet implementation. It provides purely synchronous request handling and should work in virtually any servlet container, unless there are restrictions on putting threads into sleep states.
The JBoss Comet support utilizes the JBoss Web AIO APIs (AS 5.0 and AS 6.0) to improve scalability and reduce thread usage. The HTTP, NIO, and AJP connectors are not supported. Use of this implementation requires use of the APR (Apache Portable Runtime).
The Jetty implementation leverages Jetty's continuations support, which allows for threadless pausing of port connections. This servlet implementation should work without any special configuration of Jetty.
Errai includes a bus monitoring application, which allows you to monitor all of the message exchange activity on the bus in order to help track down any potential problems It allows you to inspect individual messages to examine their state and structure.
To utilize the bus monitor, you'll need to include the _errai-tools _ package as part of your application's dependencies. When you run your application in development mode, you will simply need to add the following JVM options to your run configuration in order to launch the monitor:
The monitor provides you a real-time perspective on what's going on inside the bus. The left side of the main screen lists the services that are currently available, and the right side is the service-explorer, which will show details about the service.
To see what's going on with a specific service, simply double-click on the service or highlight the service, then click "Monitor Service...". This will bring up the service activity monitor.
The service activity monitor will display a list of all the messages that were transmitted on the bus since the monitor became active. You do not need to actually have each specific monitor window open in order to actively monitor the bus activity. All activity on the bus is recorded.
The monitor allows you select individual messages, an view their individual parts. Clicking on a message part will bring up the object inspector, which will allow you to explore the state of any objects contained within the message, not unlike the object inspectors provided by debuggers in your favorite IDE. This can be a powerful tool for looking under the covers of your application.
This chapter contains important information for migrating to newer versions of Errai. If you experience any problems, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. See Chapter 13, Reporting problems .
The first issues that will arise after replacing the jars or after changing the version numbers in the
are unresolved package imports. This is due to refactorings that became necessary when the project grew. Most of these import problems can be resolved automatically by modern IDEs (Organize Imports). So, this should replace
for example.
The following is a list of manual steps that have to be carried out when upgrading:
@ExposedEntity became @Portable (
). See
Chapter 4, Marshalling
for details.
Errai CDI projects must now use the
instead of the
. This has to be configured in
Section 8.4, “”
The bootstrap listener (configured in
) for Errai CDI has changed (
is now
gwt 2.3.0 or newer must be used and replace older versions.
mvel2 2.1.Beta8 or newer must be used and replace older versions.
weld 1.1.5.Final or newer must be used and replace older versions.
slf4j 1.6.1 or newer must be used and replace older versions.
This step can be skipped if Maven is used to build the project. If the project is NOT built using Maven, the following jar files have to be added manually to project's build/class path: errai-common-2.x.jar, errai-marshalling-2.x.jar, errai-codegen-2.x.jar, netty-4.0.0.Alpha1.errai.r1.jar.
If the project was built using an early version of an Errai archetype the configuration of the maven-gwt-plugin has to be modified to contain the
. This is usually either
The following is a list of manual steps that have to be carried out when upgrading from a 2.0.Beta version to 2.0.CR1 or 2.0.Final:
Starting with 2.0.CR1 the default for automatic service discovery has been changed in favour of CDI based applications. That means it has to be explicitly turned on for plain bus applications (Errai applications that do not use Errai-CDI). Not doing so will result in
exceptions. The snippet below shows how to activate automatic service discovery:
Example 10.1. web.xml
module was deleted and is no longer needed as a dependency.
The distribution packages can be downloaded from
Errai is currently managed using Github. You can clone our repositories from .
If you run into trouble don't hesitate to get in touch with us:
JIRA Issue Tracking:
User Forum:
Mailing List:
Errai is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the full Apache license text .