JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

GateIn User Guide

1. Introduction
1.1. Related Links
2. Glossary
2.1. Portal
2.2. Portlet
2.3. Toolbar
2.4. Navigation
2.5. Gadgets
2.6. Modes
2.7. Permissions
3. Portlets
3.1. Functional Portlets
3.2. Interface Portlets
3.3. Dashboard Portlet
3.3.1. Using the Dashboard Workspace
3.3.2. Add Gadgets
4. Accounts
4.1. Register New Accounts
4.2. Sign In and Sign Out
4.2.1. Sign In
4.2.2. Sign Out
4.3. Remember User Account
4.4. Change Account Settings
4.5. Account and Password Retrieval
5. Portal Administration
5.1. Toolbar
5.1.1. User Actions in the Toolbar
5.1.2. Administration Actions in the Toolbar
5.2. Manage Portals
5.2.1. Create a New Portal
5.2.2. Edit a Portal
5.2.3. Edit Layout
5.2.4. Edit Navigation
5.2.5. Edit Properties
5.2.6. Delete a Portal
5.2.7. Change Portal Skins
5.2.8. Switching between Portals
5.3. Manage Navigation Nodes
5.3.1. Add a new node
5.3.2. Edit a node
5.3.3. Copy a node
5.3.4. Clone nodes
5.3.5. Cut a node
5.3.6. Delete a node
5.3.7. Change Node Order
5.4. Manage Pages
5.4.1. Adding a new Page
5.4.2. Edit a Page
5.4.3. View a Page
5.4.4. Delete a Page
5.4.5. Drag and Drop the Page Body
5.5. Manage Users and Groups
5.5.1. Manage users
5.5.2. Manage groups
5.5.3. Manage memberships
5.6. Manage Permissions
5.6.1. Set Portal Permissions
5.6.2. Set Page Permission
5.6.3. Set Access Permission on a Category
5.6.4. Set Access Permission on a Portlet
6. Language administration
6.1. Change Interface Language
6.1.1. Language for the user
6.1.2. Set language for a user
6.2. Right To Left Support
6.3. Multi-Language Navigation Nodes
6.3.1. Key Format
6.3.2. Creating Keys
6.3.3. Creating Keys using Create Page Wizard
6.3.4. Creating/Editing Keys using Navigation Management
6.3.5. Providing translation
7. Portlets and Gadgets Administration
7.1. Import Portlets and Gadgets
7.2. Manage Portlets and Gadgets
7.2.1. Display Gadgets
7.2.2. Add a new Category
7.2.3. Edit a Category
7.2.4. Delete a Category
7.2.5. Add Portlets/Gadgets to a Category
7.2.6. Set Access Permission on Portlets
7.2.7. View/Edit portlet/gadget information
7.2.8. Add a Gadget
7.2.9. Add a new Gadget to the Dashboard Portlet
7.2.10. Manage Gadgets

GateIn 3.2 is the merge of two mature Java projects; JBoss Portal and eXo Portal. This new community project takes the best of both offerings and incorporates them into a single j2ee deployment archive. The aim is to provide an intuitive user-friendly portal and a framework to address the needs of today's Web 2.0 applications.

This book introduces and provides detailed information about most features and capabilities of GateIn 3.2 such as user/group management and access permissions, using portlets and changing basic interface objects such as skins, language and page orientation.

Refer to GateIn 3.2 Reference Guide for detailed information on all aspects of the project.

The Toolbar spans the top of the portal application and provides links to user and administrative actions.

This screenshot displays three Navigations referred to in Section 2.4, “Navigation” as well as the main Menu button (on the far left of the toolbar) and the name of the current user (on the far right).

In this example the current user is the site administrator, hence the extra "Site Editor" menu.

Portal navigations are menus that contain hyperlinks to other parts of a Portal. They can help users to visualize the structure of a site. The default navigation menus in GateIn 3.2 are located in the Toolbar (Section 2.3, “Toolbar”).

There are three navigation types.


This navigation links to separate sites of the parent Portal. Each site has only one navigation and it is automatically generated when the site is created.

This functionality allows different sites to administer some Portal aspects (such as portlets) individually while maintaining other content standardized with the parent Portal.


The content of this navigation differs depending on the type of account logged in.

  • If a user account in in effect, this navigation holds personal links set up by that user.

  • When using a management account, this navigation contains links to pages for registered users as well as administrative tasks and personal links.

  • In an administrator account the navigation adds further management abilities such as Internationalization and community management.


Each user has own navigation 'Dashboard' that contains links and portlets (or gadgets) that the user has selected. A user's navigation is created automatically when user is registered. This navigation only can be deleted when the user is deleted.

When logged in as an Administrator, a fourth navigation appears in the Toolbar:

Site/Group Editor

This navigation appears as either Site Editor or Group Editor depending on the administrator's location within the portal.

When in areas of the portal displaying content, the navigation shows as Site Editor and in areas of the portal pertaining to users, the navigation shows as Group Editor.

This navigation contains links to add a new pages to the portal, to edit a page or to change the portal's layout. Administrators can use these links to manage the portal.

Permission settings control what users can and cannot do within the portal and are set by portal administrators.

Permission types dictate what a user can do within the portal. Two permission types are available as follows:

Permission levels dictate where in the portal the user's permission type applies. There are three permission levels:

Permission types and levels can be used to effectively control who can do what within the portal. For more information on setting permissions refer to Section 5.6, “Manage Permissions”

The Interface Portlets are the front-end components of the Portal. They provide ways for users to interact with the portal. GateIn 3.2 provides the following Interface Portlets:

Banner Portlet

This Portlet contains the organization's slogan, logo, and icons.

HomePage Portlet

This Portlet is the home page for a portal. The home page is the first page displayed when you visit the site.

Navigation Portlet

This Portlet provides a navigation bar. A navigation bar is a menu that helps users to visualize the structure of a site and provide links to quickly move from page to page.

Sitemap Portlet

This Portlet displays a site map page of a web site. It lists pages on a website, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.

Breadcumbs Portlet

This Portlet displays the 'path' the user has taken from the home page to arrive at the currrent page.

Dashboard Portlet

This portlet is used for hosting mini-applications known as gadgets. The dashboard uses a variety of graphical effects for displaying, opening, and using gadgets.

Refer to Section 3.3, “Dashboard Portlet” or Chapter 7, Portlets and Gadgets Administration for more information.

Iframe Portlet

This Portlet is used to create inline frames (IFrame) elements for a site. An Iframe is a HTML element which can embed another document into a parent HTML document. By using IFrames, embedded data is displayed inside a sub-window of browser.

Gadget Wrapper Portlet

This Portlet allows users to view a gadget in canvas mode.

Footer Portlet

This Portlet provides the footer for a site. This footer provides information or links about the site's author/institutional sponsor, the date of the last revision made to the site, copyright information, comments form and navigational links.

The Dashboard portlet is used for hosting mini applications known as gadgets. The Dashboard uses a variety of graphical effects for displaying, opening and using gadgets.

Gadgets within the Dashboard portlet can be moved and rearranged. New gadgets can be created and unnecessary ones deleted. More than one instance of the same gadget can be opened at the same time and each instance of the same gadget can have different settings. The gadgets instances are completely independent.

To add more gadgets from external sources:

  1. Obtain the URL (.xml or .rss) of the gadget you wish to add from the gadget source.

    The gadgets available at Google Gadget provide a link to View source. Clicking on this link will open a page showing the gadget's XML source. Use the URL of this page in the Dashboard Workspace. The URL should end with .xml

    For example:

    URL Types

    Remote gadgets can be only created using an .xml link or RSS URL. However, if you use a link that generates an RSS feed (for example: http://feeds.feedburner.com/gatein), a new RSS reader gadget will be created automatically even if the URL does not end with .rss.

  2. Return to your portal and click Dashboard in the toolbar.

  3. Click on Add Gadgets in the Dashboard to open the Dashboard Workspace.

  4. The Dashboard Workspace dialog appears:

  5. Paste the URL obtained in step 1 into the text box above the gadget list.

  6. Click on the plus icon to add the new gadget to the page.

Unregistered users visiting the portal are limited in the content they can see.

Users who need access to deeper content or who need to perform actions within the portal should register themselves and then contact the portal administrator to gain appropriate access permissions to their account.

Users can quickly and easily register a new account for themselves.

After adding a new account, you should contact the administrator to set appropriate permissions on your account.

In order to enter the portal in private mode, you should use the account previously registered.

To sign in to a portal, users must complete the Sign in form. This form contains the following elements:

If the user name does not exist or the user name and/or password is invalid an alert message will appear. To attempt the log in again; click the OK button on the alert message to be returned to the Sign In form. Enter the user name and password again.

After signing in, you will be redirected to the homepage and welcomed with your full name in the top right corner of the page.

If you are the portal administrator (or the administrator has granted you the appropriate permission privileges) you can execute all actions related to portal nodes. These actions include adding new nodes or editing, copying, moving, deleting or cloning existing nodes.

  1. Click on Site then click on Edit Navigation of the portal you want to modify.

  2. Select a node from list (to create a new node like sub-node of the selected node) or click the Up icon to create a new node at the root level of the portal.

  3. Right-click on the selected navigation or node and select Add new Node option. The Add new node form appears:

    The Page Node Setting tab includes:

    In the Page Selector tab, you can select a page or not for this node.

    You do not have to enter values in these fields. They are automatically populated after selecting an existing page by clicking the Search and Select Page button.

    The Select a page form appears:

    This window lists of all existing pages, each displayed with basic information. You can follow this guide to select a page for creating a node:

    Select a page from list or search a specific page :

    After configuring the page node settings, the page selector and the node's icon, click the Save button to accept or the Cancel button to quit without creating a new node.

A page creation wizard is available to administrators in order to create and publish portal pages quickly and easily.

  1. Mouse over Site Editor then select Add New Page.

  2. The wizard window is divided into two sections: the left pane contains the existing page/node hierarchy and the right pane displays the Page Editor.

  3. In the left pane, you can navigate up and down the node/page structure:

  4. In the right pane are the required paramters for a new page:

  5. Click Next or number '2' of the wizard steps to go to step 2.

  6. Select Empty Layout or click the icon to see more templates to select.

  7. Click the Next button or number '3' of the wizard step to go to step 3. You can drag portlets from the popup panel into the main pane to create the content of this page.

  8. Click the Show Container icon if you want to see the existing containers and re-select the layout of the page. You can click on the Switch icon to view the content of this page.

  9. Click Save to accept creating a new page, Back button to return the previous step or Abort button to quit without creating a new page.

  1. Mouse over Group in the Toolbar, highlight Administration then select Page Management.

  2. Click on Add New Page.

  3. Enter values for fields in the Permission Setting tab

  4. Click Save.

  1. Mouse over Group in the Toolbar. Highlight Administration and then click on Page Management.

  2. Click the edit icon on the row of page you want to edit in the existing page list.

    Click the edit icon to show a form to edit page properties.

  3. The properties presented in the Page Properties window are the same as those outlined in Section, “Adding a new Page using Page Management”.

    Permission Setting

    This form is supported for pages with group or portal ownership types. Because a user page is private, no user, other than the creator, can access or edit it.

    Permission on each page is set in two levels: Access right and Edit right.

    Access right

    The page Access right can be set to specific user groups or set to everyone (this includes unregistered users).

    Current access permissions on page are listed and you can remove permissions (by clicking the delete icon) or add further permission (by click the Add Permission button).

    Populating the Make it public check box will allow all users (registered or unregistered) to access the page.

    Edit right

    The Edit right allows users to change information on a page. Edit right only is set for a group of users.

    Edit right can be set for one specific membership type within a particular group (* allows every membership type in a group). If you want to re-assign this right to another group, click Select Permission to choose another one.

  4. Editing page container layout

    Click the Show Container icon to show current container layout of selected page on your right and all the container layouts list on the left pane.

    If you want to change the current layout, select a layout type from the list on the left pane, then drag the template you want into the right pane. The new container will be displayed on the right pane.

    You can change the position of the current container by dragging it to another place on the right pane or remove it completely by clicking the delete icon in the right corner.

  5. Editing page portlet layout

    Click the Show Portlet icon to show current portlet layout of page.

    If you want to change the current layout, select a layout type from the list on the left pane, then drag it into the right pane. The new portlet will be added and displayed in the right pane. You can change the position of the current portlet by dragging it to the place you want on the right pane, or remove it completely by clicking the delete icon.

Several tools are offered to assist Administrators manage users, groups and memberships easily and effectively.

Mouse over Group on the Toolbar. Highlight Organization and select Users and Groups Management

Administrators can see all existing registered users and search, edit or even delete them. Each user's groups and memberships (roles) in these groups are also available. You can not add users to a group but you can remove them from the group.

Mouse over Group on the Toolbar. Highlight Organization and select Users and Groups Management

Select the tab Group Management

By default, all existing groups will be displayed on the left pane. This tab is used to add new, edit or delete a group. The right pane shows information about the selected group including information about the members in the specific group along with a small form to add a new user to a group.

  1. Find the group in the existing tree and click on its label. Existing group memberships are listed on the left hand side along with the Add Member window.

  2. Click on the magnify glass to open up the User selector.

    Refer to Section, “Search for users” for instructions on how to locate a user.

    Check the box next to the user name then click Add

  3. Select the membership appropriate for this user. If the desired membership does not appear you may try to click on the refresh icon to get the latest list.

  4. Click Save

Permissions play an important part in accessing and performing actions in the Portal. Depending on these permissions assigned by an administrator, users gain access to various components and actions such as edit portals, pages or portlets.

Details about permission types and levels can be found in Section 2.7, “Permissions”

GateIn 3.2 supports a multi-language environment for your portal allowing you to internationalize any menu entry on the navigation.

As the navigation bar is composed of nodes, you have to modify the display names of the nodes to enable this. Instead of entering the display name of the node in a defined language (English, for example) you have to use a language-neutral 'resource key'.

This resource key is then used to define the label that is shown for that node on the navigation bar, the menu and the breadcrumb.

Portlets and gadgets are organized in different categories. Each category contains one or several portlets or gadgets. You can also mix portlets and gadgets into one category. By default all gadgets are placed in the Gadgets category.

See Section 3.3.2, “Add Gadgets” for instructions on how to add new gadgets to the dashboard.