Interface CollectionRegion

All Superinterfaces:
Region, TransactionalDataRegion
All Known Implementing Classes:
CollectionRegionAdapter, CollectionRegionImpl

public interface CollectionRegion
extends TransactionalDataRegion

Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store collection data.

Impl note: Hibernate always deals with changes to collections which (potentially) has its data in the L2 cache by removing that collection data; in other words it never tries to update the cached state, thereby allowing it to avoid a bunch of concurrency problems.

Steve Ebersole

Method Summary
 CollectionRegionAccessStrategy buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.cache.TransactionalDataRegion
getCacheDataDescription, isTransactionAware
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.cache.Region
contains, destroy, getElementCountInMemory, getElementCountOnDisk, getName, getSizeInMemory, getTimeout, nextTimestamp, toMap

Method Detail


CollectionRegionAccessStrategy buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
                                                   throws CacheException
Build an access strategy for the requested access type.

accessType - The type of access strategy to build; never null.
The appropriate strategy contract for accessing this region for the requested type of access.
CacheException - Usually indicates mis-configuration.

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