Class PersistentCollectionChangeData

  • public class PersistentCollectionChangeData
    extends Object
    Data describing the change of a single object in a persistent collection (when the object was added, removed or modified in the collection).
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistentCollectionChangeData

        public PersistentCollectionChangeData​(String entityName,
                                              Map<String,​Object> data,
                                              Object changedElement)
    • Method Detail

      • getEntityName

        public String getEntityName()
        Name of the (middle) entity that holds the collection data.
      • getChangedElement

        public Object getChangedElement()
        The affected element, which was changed (added, removed, modified) in the collection.
      • getChangedElementIndex

        public Object getChangedElementIndex()
        Index of the affected element, or null if the collection isn't indexed.