Class StandardHqlTranslator

    • Method Detail

      • translate

        public <R> SqmStatement<R> translate​(String query,
                                             Class<R> expectedResultType)
        Description copied from interface: HqlTranslator
        Performs the interpretation of a HQL/JPQL query string to SQM.
        Specified by:
        translate in interface HqlTranslator
        query - The HQL/JPQL query string to interpret
        expectedResultType - The type specified when creating the query
        The semantic representation of the incoming query.
      • prettifyAntlrError

        public static String prettifyAntlrError​(Object offendingSymbol,
                                                int line,
                                                int charPositionInLine,
                                                String message,
                                                org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException e,
                                                String hql,
                                                boolean includeLocation)
        ANTLR's error messages are surprisingly bad, so try to make them a bit better.