Interface ClassCheck

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClassCheck, AbstractMethodOverrideCheck, ParametersMethodOverrideCheck, ReturnValueMethodOverrideCheck

public interface ClassCheck

Implementations represent checks that determine whether a given class is implemented correctly.

Implementations should be derived from AbstractClassCheck in order to implement only those check methods applicable for the element kinds supported by the check.

Marko Bekhta
  • Method Details

    • checkMethod

      Checks whether the given method is written correctly.
      element - the method under investigation
      a collection with errors that describe why the given method is not correctly implemented. In case no errors occur (the method is written correctly), an empty set must be returned
    • execute

      Run all checks on the element.
      element - the element under investigation
      a collection with errors that describe why the given element does not pass the checks. In case no errors occur (all checks completed successfully), an empty set must be returned