Class ReflectionHelper


public final class ReflectionHelper extends Object
Some reflection utility methods. Where necessary calls will be performed as PrivilegedAction which is necessary for situations where a security manager is in place.
Hardy Ferentschik, Gunnar Morling, Kevin Pollet <> (C) 2011 SERLI, Guillaume Smet
  • Method Details

    • typeOf

      public static Type typeOf(Member member)
      member - The Member instance for which to retrieve the type.
      Returns the Type of the given Field or Method.
      IllegalArgumentException - in case member is not a Field or Method.
    • getValue

      public static Object getValue(Field field, Object object)
    • getValue

      public static Object getValue(Method method, Object object)
    • isCollection

      public static boolean isCollection(Type type)
      Indicates whether the given type represents a collection of elements or not (i.e. whether it is an Iterable, Map or array type).
    • getCollectionElementType

      public static Type getCollectionElementType(Type type)
      Determines the type of the elements of an Iterable, array or the value of a Map.
    • isIndexable

      public static boolean isIndexable(Type type)
      Indicates if the type is considered indexable (ie is a List, an array or a Map).

      Note that it does not include Sets as they are not indexable.

      type - the type to inspect.
      Returns true if the type is indexable.
    • getClassFromType

      public static Class<?> getClassFromType(Type type)
      Converts the given Type to a Class.
      type - the type to convert
      the class corresponding to the type
    • isIterable

      public static boolean isIterable(Type type)
      type - the type to check.
      Returns true if type is a iterable type, false otherwise.
    • isMap

      public static boolean isMap(Type type)
      type - the type to check.
      Returns true if type is implementing Map, false otherwise.
    • isList

      public static boolean isList(Type type)
      type - the type to check.
      Returns true if type is implementing List, false otherwise.
    • getIndexedValue

      public static Object getIndexedValue(Object value, int index)
      Tries to retrieve the indexed value from the specified object.
      value - The object from which to retrieve the indexed value. The object has to be non null and either a collection or array.
      index - The index.
      The indexed value or null if value is null or not a collection or array. null is also returned in case the index does not exist.
    • getMappedValue

      public static Object getMappedValue(Object value, Object key)
      Tries to retrieve the mapped value from the specified object.
      value - The object from which to retrieve the mapped value. The object has to be non null and must implement the @{code Map} interface.
      key - The map key. index.
      The mapped value or null if value is null or not implementing @{code Map}.
    • boxedType

      public static Type boxedType(Type type)
      Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise.
    • boxedType

      public static Class<?> boxedType(Class<?> type)
      Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise.
    • unBoxedType

      public static Class<?> unBoxedType(Class<?> type)
      Returns the primitive type for a boxed type.
      type - the boxed type
      the primitive type for a auto-boxed type. In case Void is passed (which is considered as primitive type by Class.isPrimitive()), Void will be returned.
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the parameter primitiveType does not represent a primitive type.