5.4.  JSF Web Pages - todos.xhtml and edit.xhtml

5.4.  JSF Web Pages - todos.xhtml and edit.xhtml

Using the DataModel exposed property of the Session Bean it becomes trivial to produce a list of todos:


<h:dataTable value="#{todos}" var="todo">
    <f:facet name="header">Title</f:facet>
    <f:facet name="header">Description</f:facet>
    <a href="edit.seam?tid=#{todo.id}">Edit</a>

  <h:commandButton action="create"
            value="Create New Todo" type="submit"/>


When the JSF variable resolver encounters {#todos} and requests todos, Seam finds that there is no "todos" component in the current scope, so it calls the @Factory("todos") method to make one. The todos object is then outjected once the factory method is done since it is annotated with the @DataModel annotation.

Constructing the view for the edit page is similarly straight forward:

<h:form id="edit">
<f:facet name="beforeInvalidField">
  <h:graphicImage styleClass="errorImg" value="error.png"/>
<f:facet name="afterInvalidField">
  <s:message styleClass="errorMsg" />
<f:facet name="aroundInvalidField">
  <s:div styleClass="error"/>



        <h:inputText id="title" value="#{todo.title}" size="15"/>

        <h:inputTextarea id="description" value="#{todo.description}"/>



<h:commandButton type="submit" id="update" value="Update"
<h:commandButton type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete"

Here we see the same factors in play. JSF validation code taking advantage of the validation constraints defined in our Entity Bean, and the use of the todoDao Session Bean's update and delete methods to update the database.

The call from todos.xhtml: edit.seam?tid=#{todo.id} causes Seam to create a todoDao and set it's id property to tid. Setting its id property causes the todoDao to retrieve the appropriate record from the database.

The functionality that allows the edit page to be called with a parameter in this way is implemented through pages.xml. Let's have a look at the pages.xml file and how it is used by Seam applications.