Getting Started with JBoss 4.0

Release 4

Table of Contents

About this book
What this Book Covers
1. Getting Started
1.1. Downloading and Installing JBoss
1.2. Starting the Server
1.3. The JMX Console
1.4. Stopping the Server
1.5. Running as a Service
2. The JBoss Server - A Quick Tour
2.1. Server Structure
2.1.1. Main Directories
2.1.2. Server Configurations
2.2. Basic Configuration Issues
2.2.1. Core Services
2.2.2. Logging Service
2.2.3. Security Service
2.2.4. Additional Services
2.3. The Web Container - Tomcat
3. About the Example Applications
3.1. The J2EE Tutorial
3.2. What’s Different?
3.2.1. Container-Specific Deployment Descriptors
3.2.2. Database Changes
3.2.3. Security Configuration
3.3. J2EE in the Real World
4. The Duke’s Bank Application
4.1. Building the Application
4.1.1. Preparing the Files
4.1.2. Compiling the Java Source
4.1.3. Package the EJBs
4.1.4. Package the WAR File
4.1.5. Package the Java Client
4.1.6. Assembling the EAR
4.1.7. The Database Enabling the HSQL MBean and TCP/IP Connections Creating the Database Schema The HSQL Database Manager Tool
4.1.8. Deploying the Application
4.2. JNDI and Java Clients
4.2.1. The File
4.2.2. Application JNDI Information in the JMX Console
4.3. Security
4.3.1. Configuring the Security Domain
4.3.2. Security Using a Database
4.3.3. Using Password Hashing
5. J2EE Web Services
5.1. Web services in JBoss
5.2. Duke’s Bank as a Web Service
5.3. Running the Web Service Client
5.4. Monitoring webservices requests
6. JMS and Message-Driven Beans
6.1. Building the Example
6.1.1. Compiling and Packaging the MDB and Client Specifying the Source Queue for the MDB
6.2. Deploying and Running the Example
6.3. Managing JMS Destinations
6.3.1. The jbossmq-destinations-service.xml File
6.3.2. Using the DestinationManager from the JMX Console
6.3.3. Administering Destinations
7. Container-Managed Persistence
7.1. Building the Example
7.2. Deploying and Running the Application
7.2.1. Running the Client
7.3. CMP Customization
7.3.1. XDoclet
8. Using other Databases
8.1. DataSource Configuration Files
8.2. Using MySQL as the Default DataSource
8.2.1. Creating a Database and User
8.2.2. Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the DataSource
8.2.3. Testing the MySQL DataSource
8.3. Setting up an XADataSource with Oracle 9i
8.3.1. Padding Xid Values for Oracle Compatibility
8.3.2. Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the DataSource
8.3.3. Testing the Oracle DataSource
9. Using Hibernate
9.1. Preparing Hibernate
9.2. Creating a Hibernate archive
9.3. Using the hibernate objects
9.4. Packaging the complete application
9.5. Deploying Running the application
A. Further Information Sources