 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.

package org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException;
import org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCEntityBridge;
import org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCFieldBridge;
import org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractEntityBridge;
import org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractCMRFieldBridge;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import java.util.Vector;

 * SQLUtil helps with building sql statements.
 * @author <a href="mailto:dain@daingroup.com">Dain Sundstrom</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:alex@jboss.org">Alex Loubyansky</a>
 * @author <a href="joachim@cabsoft.be">Joachim Van der Auwera</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.29 $
public final class SQLUtil
   public static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
   public static final String INSERT_INTO = "INSERT INTO ";
   public static final String VALUES = " VALUES ";
   public static final String SELECT = "SELECT ";
   public static final String DISTINCT = "DISTINCT ";
   public static final String FROM = " FROM ";
   public static final String WHERE = " WHERE ";
   public static final String ORDERBY = " ORDER BY ";
   public static final String DELETE_FROM = "DELETE FROM ";
   public static final String AND = " AND ";
   public static final String OR = " OR ";
   public static final String NOT = " NOT ";
   public static final String EXISTS = "EXISTS ";
   public static final String COMMA = ", ";
   public static final String LEFT_JOIN = " LEFT JOIN ";
   public static final String LEFT_OUTER_JOIN = " LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
   public static final String ON = " ON ";
   public static final String NOT_EQUAL = "<>";
   public static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE ";
   public static final String DROP_TABLE = "DROP TABLE ";
   public static final String CREATE_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX ";
   public static final String NULL = "NULL";
   public static final String IS = " IS ";
   public static final String IN = " IN ";
   public static final String EMPTY = "EMPTY";
   public static final String BETWEEN = " BETWEEN ";
   public static final String LIKE = " LIKE ";
   public static final String MEMBER_OF = " MEMBER OF ";
   public static final String ESCAPE = " ESCAPE ";
   public static final String CONCAT = "CONCAT";
   public static final String SUBSTRING = "SUBSTRING";
   public static final String LCASE = "LCASE";
   public static final String UCASE = "UCASE";
   public static final String LENGTH = "LENGTH";
   public static final String LOCATE = "LOCATE";
   public static final String ABS = "ABS";
   public static final String MOD = "MOD";
   public static final String SQRT = "SQRT";
   public static final String COUNT = "COUNT";
   public static final String MAX = "MAX";
   public static final String MIN = "MIN";
   public static final String AVG = "AVG";
   public static final String SUM = "SUM";
   public static final String ASC = " ASC";
   public static final String DESC = " DESC";
   public static final String OFFSET = " OFFSET ";
   public static final String LIMIT = " LIMIT ";
   public static final String UPDATE = "UPDATE ";
   public static final String SET = " SET ";
   public static final String TYPE = " TYPE ";
   private static final String DOT = ".";

   private static final String EQ_QUESTMARK = "=?";

   private static final Vector rwords = new Vector();

   public static String getTableNameWithoutSchema(String tableName)
      final int dot = tableName.indexOf('.');
      if(dot != -1)
         char firstChar = tableName.charAt(0);
         tableName = tableName.substring(dot + 1);
         if(firstChar == '"' || firstChar == '\'')
            tableName = firstChar + tableName;
      return tableName;

   public static String getSchema(String tableName)
      String schema = null;
      final int dot = tableName.indexOf('.');
      if(dot != -1)
         char firstChar = tableName.charAt(0);
         final boolean quoted = firstChar == '"' || firstChar == '\'';
         schema = tableName.substring(quoted ? 1 : 0, dot);
      return schema;

   public static String fixTableName(String tableName, DataSource dataSource)
      throws DeploymentException
      // don't fix the quited table name
      char firstChar = tableName.charAt(0);
      if(firstChar == '"' || firstChar == '\'')
         return tableName;

      // Separate schema name and table name
      String strSchema = "";
      int iIndex;
      if((iIndex = tableName.indexOf('.')) != -1)
         strSchema = tableName.substring(0, iIndex);
         tableName = tableName.substring(iIndex + 1);

      // check for SQL reserved word and escape it with prepending a "X"
      // IMHO one should reject reserved words and throw a
      // DeploymentException - pilhuhn
      if(rwords != null)
         for(int i = 0; i < rwords.size(); i++)
               tableName = "X" + tableName;

      Connection con = null;
         con = dataSource.getConnection();
         DatabaseMetaData dmd = con.getMetaData();

         // fix length
         int maxLength = dmd.getMaxTableNameLength();
         if(maxLength > 0 && tableName.length() > maxLength)
            CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
            String nameCRC = Long.toString(crc.getValue(), 36);

            tableName = tableName.substring(
               maxLength - nameCRC.length() - 2);
            tableName += "_" + nameCRC;

         // fix case
            tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
         else if(dmd.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers())
            tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
         // now put the schema name back on the table name
         if(strSchema.length() > 0)
            tableName = strSchema + "." + tableName;
         return tableName;
      catch(SQLException e)
         // This should not happen. A J2EE compatiable JDBC driver is
         // required fully support metadata.
         throw new DeploymentException("Error while fixing table name", e);

   public static void addToRwords(String word)

   public static String fixConstraintName(String name, DataSource dataSource)
      throws DeploymentException
      return fixTableName(name, dataSource).replace('.', '_');

   // =======================================================================
   //  Create Table Columns Clause
   //    columnName0 sqlType0
   //    [, columnName1 sqlType0
   //    [, columnName2 sqlType0 [...]]]
   // =======================================================================
   public static String getCreateTableColumnsClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields)
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100);
      boolean comma = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               comma = true;
      return buf.toString();

    * Returns columnName0 sqlType0
    *    [, columnName1 sqlType0
    *    [, columnName2 sqlType0 [...]]]
   public static String getCreateTableColumnsClause(JDBCType type)
      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();
      String[] sqlTypes = type.getSQLTypes();
      boolean[] notNull = type.getNotNull();

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      for(int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++)
         if(i != 0)
         buf.append(columnNames[i]).append(' ').append(sqlTypes[i]);
      return buf.toString();

   // =======================================================================
   //  Column Names Clause
   //    columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

    * Returns columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields, StringBuffer sb)
      return getColumnNamesClause(fields, "", sb);

    * Returns columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                                   String identifier,
                                                   StringBuffer buf)
      boolean comma = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               comma = true;
            getColumnNamesClause(type, identifier, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCEntityBridge.FieldIterator loadIter, StringBuffer sb)
         getColumnNamesClause(loadIter.next(), sb);
         getColumnNamesClause(loadIter.next(), sb);
      return sb;

    * Returns columnName0 [, columnName1 [, columnName2 [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge field, StringBuffer sb)
      return getColumnNamesClause(field.getJDBCType(), sb);

    * Returns identifier.columnName0
    *    [, identifier.columnName1
    *    [, identifier.columnName2 [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge field, String identifier, StringBuffer sb)
      return getColumnNamesClause(field.getJDBCType(), identifier, sb);

    * Returns identifier.columnName0
    *    [, identifier.columnName1
    *    [, identifier.columnName2 [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCType type, String identifier, StringBuffer buf)
      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();
      boolean hasIdentifier = identifier.length() > 0;
      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
      return buf;

    * Returns ', columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]'
   public static StringBuffer appendColumnNamesClause(JDBCAbstractEntityBridge entity, String eagerLoadGroup, StringBuffer sb)
      return appendColumnNamesClause(entity, eagerLoadGroup, "", sb);

    * Returns ', columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]'
   public static StringBuffer appendColumnNamesClause(JDBCAbstractEntityBridge entity,
                                                      String eagerLoadGroup,
                                                      String alias,
                                                      StringBuffer sb)
      return appendColumnNamesClause(entity.getTableFields(), entity.getLoadGroupMask(eagerLoadGroup), alias, sb);

    * Returns ', columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]'
   public static StringBuffer appendColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                                      boolean[] mask,
                                                      String identifier,
                                                      StringBuffer buf)
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
            JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
            if(type != null)
               getColumnNamesClause(type, identifier, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns ', columnName0 [, columnName1 [AND columnName2 [...]]]'
   public static StringBuffer appendColumnNamesClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                                      String identifier,
                                                      StringBuffer buf)
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
            getColumnNamesClause(type, identifier, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns identifier.columnName0
    *    [, identifier.columnName1
    *    [, identifier.columnName2 [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getColumnNamesClause(JDBCType type, StringBuffer buf)
      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();
      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Set Clause
   //    columnName0=? [, columnName1=? [, columnName2=? [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

    * Returns columnName0=? [, columnName1=? [, columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getSetClause(JDBCEntityBridge.FieldIterator fieldsIter,
                                           StringBuffer buf)
      JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fieldsIter.next());
      getSetClause(type, buf);
         type = getJDBCType(fieldsIter.next());
         getSetClause(type, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns columnName0=? [, columnName1=? [, columnName2=? [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getSetClause(JDBCType type, StringBuffer buf)
      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();
      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Values Clause
   //    ? [, ? [, ? [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

    * Returns ? [, ? [, ? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getValuesClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields, StringBuffer buf)
      boolean comma = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               comma = true;
            getValuesClause(type, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns ? [, ? [, ? [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getValuesClause(JDBCType type, StringBuffer buf)
      int columnCount = type.getColumnNames().length;
      int i = 1;
      while(i++ < columnCount)
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Where Clause
   //    columnName0=? [AND columnName1=? [AND columnName2=? [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

    * Returns columnName0=? [AND columnName1=? [AND columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields, StringBuffer buf)
      return getWhereClause(fields, "", buf);

    * Returns identifier.columnName0=?
    *    [AND identifier.columnName1=?
    *    [AND identifier.columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields, String identifier, StringBuffer buf)
      boolean and = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               and = true;
            getWhereClause(type, identifier, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns columnName0=? [AND columnName1=? [AND columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                             long mask,
                                             StringBuffer buf)
      return getWhereClause(fields, mask, "", buf);

    * Returns columnName0=? [AND columnName1=? [AND columnName2=? [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                              long mask,
                                              String identifier,
                                              StringBuffer buf)
      boolean and = false;
      long fieldMask = 1;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         if((fieldMask & mask) > 0)
            JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
            if(type != null)
                  and = true;
               getWhereClause(type, identifier, buf);
         fieldMask <<= 1;
      return buf;

    * Returns columnName0=? [AND columnName1=? [AND columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge field, StringBuffer buf)
      return getWhereClause(field.getJDBCType(), "", buf);

    * Returns identifier.columnName0=?
    *    [AND identifier.columnName1=?
    *    [AND identifier.columnName2=? [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getWhereClause(JDBCType type, String identifier, StringBuffer buf)
      if(identifier.length() > 0)
         identifier += '.';

      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();
      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Is [Not] Null Clause
   //    columnName0 IS [NOT] NULL [AND columnName1 IS [NOT] NULL [...]]
   // =======================================================================

    * Returns identifier.columnName0 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName1 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName2 IS [NOT] NULL [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getIsNullClause(boolean not,
                                              JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                              String identifier,
                                              StringBuffer buf)
      boolean and = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               and = true;
            getIsNullClause(not, type, identifier, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns identifier.columnName0 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName1 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName2 IS [NOT] NULL [...]]]
   public static StringBuffer getIsNullClause(boolean not,
                                              JDBCFieldBridge field,
                                              String identifier,
                                              StringBuffer buf)
      return getIsNullClause(not, field.getJDBCType(), identifier, buf);

    * Returns identifier.columnName0 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName1 IS [NOT] NULL
    *    [AND identifier.columnName2 IS [NOT] NULL [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getIsNullClause(boolean not,
                                               JDBCType type,
                                               String identifier,
                                               StringBuffer buf)
      if(identifier.length() > 0)
         identifier += '.';

      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();

      (not ? buf.append(NOT) : buf).append(NULL);
      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
         (not ? buf.append(NOT) : buf).append(NULL);
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Join Clause
   //    parent.pkColumnName0=child.fkColumnName0
   //    [AND parent.pkColumnName1=child.fkColumnName1
   //    [AND parent.pkColumnName2=child.fkColumnName2 [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

   public static StringBuffer getJoinClause(JDBCAbstractCMRFieldBridge cmrField,
                                            String parentAlias,
                                            String childAlias,
                                            StringBuffer buf)
      JDBCAbstractEntityBridge parentEntity = cmrField.getEntity();
      JDBCAbstractEntityBridge childEntity = (JDBCAbstractEntityBridge)cmrField.getRelatedEntity();

      JDBCFieldBridge parentField;
      JDBCFieldBridge childField;

         // parent has the foreign keys
         JDBCFieldBridge[] parentFkFields = cmrField.getForeignKeyFields();
         int i = 0;
         while(i < parentFkFields.length)
            parentField = parentFkFields[i++];
            childField = (JDBCFieldBridge)childEntity.getFieldByName(parentField.getFieldName());
            getJoinClause(parentField, parentAlias, childField, childAlias, buf);
            if(i < parentFkFields.length)
         // child has the foreign keys
         JDBCFieldBridge[] childFkFields = cmrField.getRelatedCMRField().getForeignKeyFields();
         int i = 0;
         while(i < childFkFields.length)
            childField = childFkFields[i++];
            parentField = (JDBCFieldBridge)parentEntity.getFieldByName(childField.getFieldName());

            // add the sql
            getJoinClause(parentField, parentAlias, childField, childAlias, buf);
            if(i < childFkFields.length)
      return buf;

   public static StringBuffer getRelationTableJoinClause(JDBCAbstractCMRFieldBridge cmrField,
                                                         String parentAlias,
                                                         String relationTableAlias,
                                                         StringBuffer buf)
      JDBCAbstractEntityBridge parentEntity = cmrField.getEntity();
      JDBCFieldBridge parentField;
      JDBCFieldBridge relationField;

      // parent to relation table join
      JDBCFieldBridge[] parentFields = cmrField.getTableKeyFields();
      int i = 0;
      while(i < parentFields.length)
         relationField = parentFields[i++];
         parentField = (JDBCFieldBridge)parentEntity.getFieldByName(relationField.getFieldName());
         getJoinClause(parentField, parentAlias, relationField, relationTableAlias, buf);
         if(i < parentFields.length)
      return buf;

    * Returns parent.pkColumnName0=child.fkColumnName0
    *    [AND parent.pkColumnName1=child.fkColumnName1
    *    [AND parent.pkColumnName2=child.fkColumnName2 [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getJoinClause(JDBCFieldBridge pkField,
                                             String parent,
                                             JDBCFieldBridge fkField,
                                             String child,
                                             StringBuffer buf)
      return getJoinClause(pkField.getJDBCType(), parent, fkField.getJDBCType(), child, buf);

   public static StringBuffer getJoinClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] pkFields,
                                            String parent,
                                            JDBCFieldBridge[] fkFields,
                                            String child,
                                            StringBuffer buf)
      if(pkFields.length != fkFields.length)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Error createing theta join clause:" +
            " pkField.size()=" + pkFields.length +
            " fkField.size()=" + fkFields.length);

      boolean and = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < pkFields.length; ++i)
         // these types should not be null
         JDBCType pkType = getJDBCType(pkFields[i]);
         JDBCType fkType = getJDBCType(fkFields[i]);
            and = true;
         getJoinClause(pkType, parent, fkType, child, buf);
      return buf;

    * Returns parent.pkColumnName0=child.fkColumnName0
    *    [AND parent.pkColumnName1=child.fkColumnName1
    *    [AND parent.pkColumnName2=child.fkColumnName2 [...]]]
   private static StringBuffer getJoinClause(JDBCType pkType,
                                             String parent,
                                             JDBCType fkType,
                                             String child,
                                             StringBuffer buf)
      if(parent.length() > 0)
         parent += '.';
      if(child.length() > 0)
         child += '.';

      String[] pkColumnNames = pkType.getColumnNames();
      String[] fkColumnNames = fkType.getColumnNames();
      if(pkColumnNames.length != fkColumnNames.length)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("PK and FK have different number of columns");

      int i = 1;
      while(i < pkColumnNames.length)
      return buf;

   // =======================================================================
   //  Self Compare Where Clause
   //    fromIdentifier.pkColumnName0=toIdentifier.fkColumnName0
   //    [AND fromIdentifier.pkColumnName1=toIdentifier.fkColumnName1
   //    [AND fromIdentifier.pkColumnName2=toIdentifier.fkColumnName2 [...]]]
   // =======================================================================

   public static StringBuffer getSelfCompareWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge[] fields,
                                                        String fromIdentifier,
                                                        String toIdentifier,
                                                        StringBuffer buf)
      boolean and = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
         JDBCType type = getJDBCType(fields[i]);
         if(type != null)
               and = true;
            getSelfCompareWhereClause(type, fromIdentifier, toIdentifier, buf);
      return buf;

   private static StringBuffer getSelfCompareWhereClause(JDBCType type,
                                                         String fromIdentifier,
                                                         String toIdentifier,
                                                         StringBuffer buf)
      if(fromIdentifier.length() > 0)
         fromIdentifier += '.';
      if(toIdentifier.length() > 0)
         toIdentifier += '.';

      String[] columnNames = type.getColumnNames();

      int i = 1;
      while(i < columnNames.length)
      return buf;

   public static StringBuffer getSelfCompareWhereClause(JDBCFieldBridge fromField,
                                                        JDBCFieldBridge toField,
                                                        String fromIdentifier,
                                                        String toIdentifier,
                                                        StringBuffer buf)
      return getSelfCompareWhereClause(
         fromField.getJDBCType(), toField.getJDBCType(), fromIdentifier, toIdentifier, buf

   private static StringBuffer getSelfCompareWhereClause(JDBCType fromType,
                                                         JDBCType toType,
                                                         String fromIdentifier,
                                                         String toIdentifier,
                                                         StringBuffer buf)
      if(fromIdentifier.length() > 0)
         fromIdentifier += '.';
      if(toIdentifier.length() > 0)
         toIdentifier += '.';

      String[] fromColumnNames = fromType.getColumnNames();
      String[] toColumnNames = toType.getColumnNames();

      int i = 1;
      while(i < fromColumnNames.length)
      return buf;

   public static boolean tableExists(String tableName, DataSource dataSource)
      throws DeploymentException
      Connection con = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
         con = dataSource.getConnection();

         // (a j2ee spec compatible jdbc driver has to fully
         // implement the DatabaseMetaData)
         DatabaseMetaData dmd = con.getMetaData();
         String catalog = con.getCatalog();
         String schema = null;
         String quote = dmd.getIdentifierQuoteString();
            if(tableName.endsWith(quote) == false)
               throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched quote in table name: " + tableName);
            int quoteLength = quote.length();
            tableName = tableName.substring(quoteLength, tableName.length() - quoteLength);
               tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
            else if(dmd.storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
               tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
            else if(dmd.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();

         // Patch #927759: Split tablename into "schema" and "table" separated by '.'
         int dotIndex;
         if ((dotIndex = tableName.indexOf('.')) != -1)
            // Yank out schema name ...
            schema = tableName.substring(0, dotIndex);
            tableName = tableName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

         rs = dmd.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName, null);
         return rs.next();
      catch(SQLException e)
         // This should not happen. A J2EE compatiable JDBC driver is
         // required fully support metadata.
         throw new DeploymentException("Error while checking if table aleady exists "+tableName, e);

   public static OldColumns getOldColumns(String tableName, DataSource dataSource)
      throws DeploymentException
      Connection con = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
      ArrayList columnNames = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList typeNames = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList columnSizes = new ArrayList();
         con = dataSource.getConnection();

         // (a j2ee spec compatible jdbc driver has to fully
         // implement the DatabaseMetaData)
         DatabaseMetaData dmd = con.getMetaData();
         String catalog = con.getCatalog();
         String schema = null;
         String quote = dmd.getIdentifierQuoteString();
         if (tableName.startsWith(quote))
            if (tableName.endsWith(quote) == false)
               throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched quote in table name: " + tableName);
            int quoteLength = quote.length();
            tableName = tableName.substring(quoteLength, tableName.length() - quoteLength);
            if (dmd.storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
            else if (dmd.storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
            if (dmd.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
            else if (dmd.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers())
               tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();

         // Patch #927759: Split tablename into "schema" and "table" separated by '.'
         int dotIndex;
         if ((dotIndex = tableName.indexOf('.')) != -1)
            // Yank out schema name ...
            schema = tableName.substring(0, dotIndex);
            tableName = tableName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

         rs = dmd.getColumns(catalog, schema, tableName, null);
         while (rs.next())
            columnSizes.add(new Integer(rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")));
         return new OldColumns(columnNames, typeNames, columnSizes);

      catch (SQLException e)
         // This should not happen. A J2EE compatiable JDBC driver is
         // required fully support metadata.
         throw new DeploymentException("Error while geting column names", e);

   public static OldIndexes getOldIndexes(String tableName, DataSource dataSource)
      throws DeploymentException
      Connection con = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
      ArrayList indexNames = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList columnNames = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList ascDesc = new ArrayList();
         con = dataSource.getConnection();

         // (a j2ee spec compatible jdbc driver has to fully
         // implement the DatabaseMetaData)
         DatabaseMetaData dmd = con.getMetaData();
         String catalog = con.getCatalog();
         String schema = null;
         String quote = dmd.getIdentifierQuoteString();
         if (tableName.startsWith(quote))
            if (tableName.endsWith(quote) == false)
               throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched quote in table name: " + tableName);
            int quoteLength = quote.length();
            tableName = tableName.substring(quoteLength, tableName.length() - quoteLength);
         if (dmd.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers())
            tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
         else if (dmd.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers())
            tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();

         // Patch #927759: Split tablename into "schema" and "table" separated by '.'
         int dotIndex;
         if ((dotIndex = tableName.indexOf('.')) != -1)
            // Yank out schema name ...
            schema = tableName.substring(0, dotIndex);
            tableName = tableName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

         rs = dmd.getIndexInfo(catalog, schema, tableName, false, false);
         while (rs.next())
         return new OldIndexes(indexNames, columnNames, ascDesc);

      catch (SQLException e)
         // This should not happen. A J2EE compatiable JDBC driver is
         // required fully support metadata.
         throw new DeploymentException("Error while geting column names", e);

   private static JDBCType getJDBCType(JDBCFieldBridge field)
      JDBCType type = field.getJDBCType();
      if(type != null && type.getColumnNames().length > 0)
         return type;
      return null;

   public static void dropTable(DataSource dataSource,
                                String tableName)
      throws DeploymentException
      Logger log = Logger.getLogger("CLEANER");
      String sql = "DROP TABLE " + tableName;
         Connection con = null;
         Statement statement = null;
            // execute sql
            con = dataSource.getConnection();
            statement = con.createStatement();
            // make sure to close the connection and statement before
            // comitting the transaction or XA will break
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Error while droping table "+tableName, e);
        log.info("Dropped table "+tableName+" succesfuly");

    * utility class to store the information returned by getOldColumns()
   public static class OldColumns
      private ArrayList columnNames;
      private ArrayList typeNames;
      private ArrayList columnSizes;

      private OldColumns(ArrayList cn, ArrayList tn, ArrayList cs)
         columnNames = cn;
         typeNames = tn;
         columnSizes = cs;

      public ArrayList getColumnNames()
         return columnNames;

      public ArrayList getTypeNames()
         return typeNames;

      public ArrayList getColumnSizes()
         return columnSizes;

    * utility class to store the information returned by getOldColumns()
   public static class OldIndexes
      private ArrayList indexNames;
      private ArrayList columnNames;
      private ArrayList columnAscDesc;

      private OldIndexes(ArrayList in, ArrayList cn, ArrayList ad)
         indexNames = in;
         columnNames = cn;
         columnAscDesc = ad;

      public ArrayList getColumnNames()
         return columnNames;

      public ArrayList getIndexNames()
         return indexNames;

      public ArrayList getColumnAscDesc()
         return columnAscDesc;
