JBossESB 4.3 GA

Connectors and Adapters Guide


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JBossESB 4.3 GA

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Table of Contents

Contents iv

About This Guide 5

What This Guide Contains 5

Audience 5

Prerequisites 5

Organization 5

Documentation Conventions 5

Additional Documentation 6

Contacting Us 6

Connectors and Adapters 8

Introduction 8

The Gateway 8

Gateway Data Mappings 9

How to change the Gateway Data Mappings 10

Connecting via JCA 10

Configuration 11

About This Guide

What This Guide Contains

The Connectors and Adapters Guide contains descriptions on the principles behind Service Oriented Architecture and Enterprise Service Bus, as well as how they relate to JBossESB. This guide also contains information on how to use JBossESB 4.3 GA.


This guide is most relevant to engineers who are responsible for using JBossESB 4.3 GA installations and want to know how it relates to SOA and ESB principles.




This guide contains the following chapters:

Documentation Conventions

The following conventions are used in this guide:




In paragraph text, italic identifies the titles of documents that are being referenced. When used in conjunction with the Code text described below, italics identify a variable that should be replaced by the user with an actual value.


Emphasizes items of particular importance.


Text that represents programming code.

Function | Function

A path to a function or dialog box within an interface. For example, “Select File | Open.” indicates that you should select the Open function from the File menu.

( ) and |

Parentheses enclose optional items in command syntax. The vertical bar separates syntax items in a list of choices. For example, any of the following three items can be entered in this syntax:

persistPolicy (Never | OnTimer | OnUpdate | NoMoreOftenThan)



A note highlights important supplemental information.

A caution highlights procedures or information that is necessary to avoid damage to equipment, damage to software, loss of data, or invalid test results.

Table 1 Formatting Conventions

Additional Documentation

In addition to this guide, the following guides are available in the JBossESB 4.3 GA documentation set:

  1. JBossESB 4.3 GA Trailblazer Guide: Provides guidance for using the trailblazer example.

  2. JBossESB 4.3 GA Getting Started Guide: Provides a quick start reference to configuring and using the ESB.

  3. JBossESB 4.3 GA Administration Guide: How to manage JBossESB.

  4. JBossESB 4.3 GA Release Notes: Information on the differences between this release and previous releases.

  5. JBossESB 4.3 GA Services Guides: Various documents related to the services available with the ESB.

Contacting Us

Questions or comments about JBossESB 4.3 GA should be directed to our support team.

Connectors and Adapters


Not all clients and services of JBossESB will be able to understand the protocols and Message formats it uses natively. As such there is a need to be able to bridge between ESB-aware endpoints (those that understand JBossESB) and ESB-unaware endpoints (those that do not understand JBossESB). Such bridging technologies have existed for many years in a variety of distributed systems and are often referred to as Connectors, Gateways or Adapters.

One of the aims of JBossESB is to allow a wide variety of clients and services to interact. JBossESB does not require that all such clients and services be written using JBossESB or any ESB for that matter. There is an abstract notion of an Interoperability Bus within JBossESB, such that endpoints that may not be JBossESB-aware can still be “plugged in to” the bus.

  1. in what follows, the terms “within the ESB” or “inside the ESB” refer to ESB-aware endpoints.

All JBossESB-aware clients and services communicate with one another using Messages, to be described later. A Message is simply a standardized format for information exchange, containing a header, body (payload), attachments and other data. Furthemore, all JBossESB-aware services are identified using Endpoint References (EPRs), to be described later.

It is important for legacy interoperability scenarios that a SOA infrastructure such as JBossESB allow ESB-unaware clients to use ESB-aware services, or ESB-aware clients to use ESB-unaware services. The concept that JBossESB uses to facilitate this interoperability is through Gateways. A gateway is a service that can bridge between the ESB-aware and ESB-unaware worlds and translate to/from Message formats and to/from EPRs.

JBossESB currently supports Gateways and Connectors. In the following sections we shall examine both concepts and illustrate how they can be used.

The Gateway

Not all users of JBossESB will be ESB-aware. In order to facilitate those users interacting with services provided by the ESB, JBossESB has the concept of a Gateway: specialised servers that can accept messages from non-ESB clients and services and route them to the required destination.

A Gateway is a specialised listener process, that behaves very similarly to an ESB aware listener. There are some important differences however:

There are a few off the shelf composer classes: the default 'file' composer class will just package the file contents into the Message body; same idea for JMS messages. Default message composing class for a SQL table row is to package contents of all columns specified in configuration, into a java.util.Map.

Although these default composer classes will be enough for most use cases, it is relatively straightforward for users to provide their own message composing classes. The only requirements are a) they must have a constructor that takes a single ConfigTree argument, and b) they must provide a 'Message composing' method (default name is 'process' but this can be configured differently in the 'process' attribute of the <action> element within the ConfigTree provided at constructor time. The processing method must take a single argument of type Object, and return a Message value.

Gateway Data Mappings

When a non-JBossESB message is received by a Gateway it must be converted to a Message. How this is done and where in the Message the received data resides, depends upon the type of Gateway. How this conversion occurs depends upon the type of Gateway; the default conversion approach is described below:

  1. With the introduction of the InVM transport, it is now possible to deploy services within the same address space (VM) as a gateway, improving the efficiency of gateway-to-listener interactions.

How to change the Gateway Data Mappings

If you want to change how this mapping occurs then it will depend upon the type of Gateway:

  1. Whichever of the methods you use to redefine the Message composition, it is worth noting that you have complete control over what is in the Message and not just the Body. For example, if you want to define ReplyTo or FaultTo EPRs for the newly created Message, based on the original content, sender etc., then you should consider modifying the header too.

Connecting via JCA

You can use JCA Message Inflow as an ESB Gateway. This integration does not use MDBs, but rather ESB's lightweight inflow integration. To enable a gateway for a service, you must first implement an endpoint class. This class is a Java class that must implement the org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.jca.InflowGateway class:

public interface InflowGateway
public void setServiceInvoker(ServiceInvoker invoker);

The endpoint class must either have a default constructor, or a constructor that takes a ConfigTree parameter. This Java class must also implement the messaging type of the JCA adapter you are binding to. Here's a simple endpoint class example that hooks up to a JMS adapter:

public class JmsEndpoint implements InflowGateway, MessageListener
private ServiceInvoker service;
private PackageJmsMessageContents transformer = new PackageJmsMessageContents();

public void setServiceInvoker(ServiceInvoker invoker)
this.service = invoker;

public void onMessage(Message message)
org.jboss.soa.esb.message.Message esbMessage = transformer.process(message);

catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);

One instance of the JmsEndpoint class will be created per gateway defined for this class. This is not like an MDB that is pooled. Only one instance of the class will service each and every incoming message, so you must write threadsafe code.

At configuration time, the ESB creates a ServiceInvoker and invokes the setServiceInvoker method on the endpoint class. The ESB then activates the JCA endpoint and the endpoint class instance is ready to receive messages. In the JmsEndpoint example, the instance receives a JMS message and converts it to an ESB message type. Then it uses the ServiceInvoker instance to invoke on the target service.

  1. The JMS Endpoint class is provided for you with the ESB distribution under org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.jca.JmsEndpoint It is quite possible that this class would be used over and over again with any JMS JCA inflow adapters.

    1. Configuration

A JCA inflow gateway is configured in a jboss-esb.xml file. Here's an example:

<service category="HelloWorld_ActionESB"
description="Hello World">
<jca-gateway name="JMS-JCA-Gateway"
<property name="destinationType" value="javax.jms.Queue"/>
<property name="destination" value="queue/esb_gateway_channel"/>

JCA gateways are defined in <jca-gateway> elements. These are the configurable attributes of this XML element.






The name of the gateway



The name of the adapter you are using. In JBoss it is the filename of the RAR you deployed, e.g., jms-ra.rar



The name of your endpoint class



The message interface for the adapter. If you do not specify one, ESB will guess based on the endpoint class.



Default to true. Whether or not you want to invoke the message within a JTA transaction.

You must define an <activation-config> element within <jca-gateway>. This element takes one or more <property> elements which have the same syntax as action properties. The properties under <activation-config> are used to create an activation for the JCA adapter that will be used to send messages to your endpoint class. This is really no different than using JCA with MDBs.

You may also have as many <property> elements as you want within <jca-gateway>. This option is provided so that you can pass additional configuration to your endpoint class. You can read these through the ConfigTree passed to your constructor.
