JBoss.org Community Documentation

23.2. Deployment stages

By default the DeployersImpl class creates the following deployment stages on construction:

  • NOT_INSTALLED - the deployment is ready to be installed or has been uninstalled

  • PARSE - deployment descriptors are parsed into deployment metadata

  • DESCRIBE - dependencies on other deployments or runtime components are determined

  • CLASSLOADER - a classloader for the deployment is created


  • REAL - components are deployed into the runtime

  • INSTALLED - the deployment is fully deployed

Each DeploymentStage has a name and indicates which stages it comes before and after:

public class DeploymentStage
   private String name;
   private String after;
   private String before;


This allows a new ControllerState to be created for each DeploymentStage which can then be added in the correct place to the list of ControllerStates associated with the controller:

public class DeployersImpl implements Deployers, ControllerContextActions

   public DeployersImpl(AbstractController controller, Set<Deployer> deployers)
      if (controller == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null controller");
      this.controller = controller;
      // Add the standard stages



   protected synchronized void addDeploymentStage(DeploymentStage stage)
      if (stage == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null stage");
            // Already done?
      String stageName = stage.getName();
      if (stages.containsKey(stageName))

      ControllerState preceeds = null;
      String before = stage.getBefore();
      String after = stage.getAfter();
      if (before != null || after != null)
         // Determine where to put the stage
         List<ControllerState> states = controller.getStates();
         for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i)
            ControllerState state = states.get(i);
            String stateName = state.getStateString();
            if (before != null && before.equals(stateName))
               preceeds = state;
            if (after != null && after.equals(stateName))
               if (< states.size()-1)
                  preceeds = states.get(i+1);

      controller.addState(new ControllerState(stageName), preceeds);
      stages.put(stageName, stage);


The DeploymentStages are also stored in a map, using the stage name as a key, to prevent duplicate stages from being added.