JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

JBossJTS Administration Guide

Administration of the JBossJTS toolkit, used as part of the Transaction Service

by Mark Little, Jonathan Halliday, Andrew Dinn, and Kevin Connor
edited by Misty Stanley-Jones

This manual uses several conventions to highlight certain words and phrases and draw attention to specific pieces of information.

In PDF and paper editions, this manual uses typefaces drawn from the Liberation Fonts set. The Liberation Fonts set is also used in HTML editions if the set is installed on your system. If not, alternative but equivalent typefaces are displayed. Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later includes the Liberation Fonts set by default.

Four typographic conventions are used to call attention to specific words and phrases. These conventions, and the circumstances they apply to, are as follows.

Mono-spaced Bold

Used to highlight system input, including shell commands, file names and paths. Also used to highlight keycaps and key combinations. For example:

The above includes a file name, a shell command and a keycap, all presented in mono-spaced bold and all distinguishable thanks to context.

Key combinations can be distinguished from keycaps by the hyphen connecting each part of a key combination. For example:

The first paragraph highlights the particular keycap to press. The second highlights two key combinations (each a set of three keycaps with each set pressed simultaneously).

If source code is discussed, class names, methods, functions, variable names and returned values mentioned within a paragraph will be presented as above, in mono-spaced bold. For example:

Proportional Bold

This denotes words or phrases encountered on a system, including application names; dialog box text; labeled buttons; check-box and radio button labels; menu titles and sub-menu titles. For example:

The above text includes application names; system-wide menu names and items; application-specific menu names; and buttons and text found within a GUI interface, all presented in proportional bold and all distinguishable by context.

Mono-spaced Bold Italic or Proportional Bold Italic

Whether mono-spaced bold or proportional bold, the addition of italics indicates replaceable or variable text. Italics denotes text you do not input literally or displayed text that changes depending on circumstance. For example:

Note the words in bold italics above — username, domain.name, file-system, package, version and release. Each word is a placeholder, either for text you enter when issuing a command or for text displayed by the system.

Aside from standard usage for presenting the title of a work, italics denotes the first use of a new and important term. For example:

Since the release of JBossTS 4.1, the Web Services Transaction product has been merged into JBoss Transactions. JBoss Transactions is thus a single product that is compliant with all of the major distributed transaction standards and specifications.

Knowledge of Web Services is not required to administer a JBoss Transactions installation that only uses the CORBA/J2EE component, nor is knowledge of CORBA required to use the Web Services component. This, administrative tasks are separated when they touch only one component or the other.

Apart from ensuring that the run-time system is executing normally, there is little continuous administration needed for the JBossJTS software. Refer to Important Points for Administrators for some specific concerns.

Important Points for Administrators

  • The present implementation of the JBossJTS system provides no security or protection for data. The objects stored in the JBossJTS object store are (typically) owned by the user who ran the application that created them. The Object Store and Object Manager facilities make no attempt to enforce even the limited form of protection that Unix/Windows provides. There is no checking of user or group IDs on access to objects for either reading or writing.

  • Persistent objects created in the Object Store never go away unless the StateManager.destroy method is invoked on the object or some application program explicitly deletes them. This means that the Object Store gradually accumulates garbage (especially during application development and testing phases). At present we have no automated garbage collection facility. Further, we have not addressed the problem of dangling references. That is, a persistent object, A, may have stored a Uid for another persistent object, B, in its passive representation on disk. There is nothing to prevent an application from deleting B even though A still contains a reference to it. When A is next activated and attempts to access B, a run-time error will occur.

  • There is presently no support for version control of objects or database reconfiguration in the event of class structure changes. This is a complex research area that we have not addressed. At present, if you change the definition of a class of persistent objects, you are entirely responsible for ensuring that existing instances of the object in the Object Store are converted to the new representation. The JBossJTS software can neither detect nor correct references to old object state by new operation versions or vice versa.

  • Object store management is critically important to the transaction service.

By default the transaction manager starts up in an active state such that new transactions can be created immediately. If you wish to have more control over this it is possible to set the CoordinatorEnvironmentBean.startDisabled configuration option to YES and in which case no transactions can be created until the transaction manager is enabled via a call to method TxControl.enable).

It is possible to stop the creation of new transactions at any time by calling method TxControl.disable. Transactions that are currently executing will not be affected. By default recovery will be allowed to continue and the transaction system will still be available to manage recovery requests from other instances in a distributed environment. (See the Failure Recovery Guide for further details). However, if you wish to disable recovery as well as remove any resources it maintains, then you can pass true to method TxControl.disable; the default is to use false.

If you wish to shut the system down completely then it may also be necessary to terminate the background transaction reaper (see the Programmers Guide for information about what the reaper does.) In order to do this you may want to first prevent the creation of new transactions (if you are not creating transactions with timeouts then this step is not necessary) using method TxControl.disable. Then you should call method TransactionReaper.terminate. This method takes a Boolean parameter: if true then the method will wait for the normal timeout periods associated with any transactions to expire before terminating the transactions; if false then transactions will be forced to terminate (rollback or have their outcome set such that they can only ever rollback) immediately.

The JBossTS run-time support consists of run-time packages and the OTS transaction manager server. By default, JBossTS does not use a separate transaction manager server. Instead, transaction managers are co-located with each application process to improve performance and improve application fault-tolerance by reducing application dependency on other services.

When running applications which require a separate transaction manager, set the JTSEnvironmentBean.transactionManager environment variable to value YES. The system locates the transaction manager server in a manner specific to the ORB being used. This method may be any of:

You override the default registration mechanism by using the OrbPortabilityEnvironmentBean.resolveService environment variable, which takes the following values:

Resolution MechanismORB
OTS configuration fileAll available ORBs
Name ServiceJacORB

The failure recovery subsystem of JBossJTS will ensure that results of a transaction are applied consistently to all resources affected by the transaction, even if any of the application processes or the machine hosting them crash or lose network connectivity. In the case of machine (system) crash or network failure, the recovery will not take place until the system or network are restored, but the original application does not need to be restarted. Recovery responsibility is delegated to Section 4.1, “The Recovery Manager”. Recovery after failure requires that information about the transaction and the resources involved survives the failure and is accessible afterward: this information is held in the ActionStore, which is part of the ObjectStore.


If the ObjectStore is destroyed or modified, recovery may not be possible.

Until the recovery procedures are complete, resources affected by a transaction that was in progress at the time of the failure may be inaccessible. For database resources, this may be reported as tables or rows held by “in-doubt transactions”. For TransactionalObjects for Java resources, an attempt to activate the Transactional Object (as when trying to get a lock) will fail.

The RecoveryManager scans the ObjectStore and other locations of information, looking for transactions and resources that require, or may require recovery. The scans and recovery processing are performed by recovery modules. These recovery modules are instances of classes that implement the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryModule interface. Each module has responsibility for a particular category of transaction or resource. The set of recovery modules used is dynamically loaded, using properties found in the RecoveryManager property file.

The interface has two methods: periodicWorkFirstPass and periodicWorkSecondPass. At an interval defined by property com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.periodicRecoveryPeriod, the RecoveryManager calls the first pass method on each property, then waits for a brief period, defined by property com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryBackoffPeriod. Next, it calls the second pass of each module. Typically, in the first pass, the module scans the relevant part of the ObjectStore to find transactions or resources that are in-doubt. An in-doubt transaction may be part of the way through the commitment process, for instance. On the second pass, if any of the same items are still in-doubt, the original application process may have crashed, and the item is a candidate for recovery.

An attempt by the RecoveryManager to recover a transaction that is still progressing in the original process is likely to break the consistency. Accordingly, the recovery modules use a mechanism, implemented in the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.TransactionStatusManager package, to check to see if the original process is still alive, and if the transaction is still in progress. The RecoveryManager only proceeds with recovery if the original process has gone, or, if still alive, the transaction is completed. If a server process or machine crashes, but the transaction-initiating process survives, the transaction completes, usually generating a warning. Recovery of such a transaction is the responsibility of the RecoveryManager.

It is clearly important to set the interval periods appropriately. The total iteration time will be the sum of the periodicRecoveryPeriod and recoveryBackoffPeriod properties, and the length of time it takes to scan the stores and to attempt recovery of any in-doubt transactions found, for all the recovery modules. The recovery attempt time may include connection timeouts while trying to communicate with processes or machines that have crashed or are inaccessible. There are mechanisms in the recovery system to avoid trying to recover the same transaction indefinitely. The total iteration time affects how long a resource will remain inaccessible after a failure. – periodicRecoveryPeriod should be set accordingly. Its default is 120 seconds. The recoveryBackoffPeriod can be comparatively short, and defaults to 10 seconds. –Its purpose is mainly to reduce the number of transactions that are candidates for recovery and which thus require a call to the original process to see if they are still in progress.

Two recovery modules, implementations of the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryModule interface, are supplied with JBossJTS. These modules support various aspects of transaction recovery, including JDBC recovery. It is possible for advanced users to create their own recovery modules and register them with the Recovery Manager. The recovery modules are registered with the RecoveryManager using RecoveryEnvironmentBean.recoveryModuleClassNames. These will be invoked on each pass of the periodic recovery in the sort-order of the property names – it is thus possible to predict the ordering, but a failure in an application process might occur while a periodic recovery pass is in progress. The default Recovery Extension settings are:

<entry key="RecoveryEnvironmentBean.recoveryModuleClassNames">

The operation of the recovery subsystem cause some entries to be made in the ObjectStore that are not removed in normal progress. The RecoveryManager has a facility for scanning for these and removing items that are very old. Scans and removals are performed by implementations of the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.ExpiryScanner interface. These implementations are loaded by giving the class names as the value of a property RecoveryEnvironmentBean.expiryScannerClassNames. The RecoveryManager calls the scan() method on each loaded Expiry Scanner implementation at an interval determined by the property RecoveryEnvironmentBean.expiryScanInterval. This value is given in hours, and defaults to 12hours. An expiryScanInterval value of zero suppresses any expiry scanning. If the value supplied is positive, the first scan is performed when RecoveryManager starts. If the value is negative, the first scan is delayed until after the first interval, using the absolute value.

The kinds of item that are scanned for expiry are:

The Expiry Scanner properties for these are:

 <entry key="RecoveryEnvironmentBean.expiryScannerClassNames">

For JacORB to function correctly it needs a valid jacorb.properties or .jacorb_properties file in one of the following places, in searched order:

Within the JacORB properties file there are two important properties which must be tailored to suit your application.

These properties specify the minimum and maximum number of request processing threads that JacORB uses in its thread pool. If no threads are available, may block until a thread becomes available.. For more information on configuring JacORB, refer to the JacORB documentation.

When running the recovery manager, it should always uses the same well-known port for each machine on which it runs. Do not use the OAPort property provided by JacORB unless the recovery manager has its own jacorb.properties file or the property is provided on the command line when starting the recovery manager. If the recovery manager and other components of JBossTS share the same jacorb.properties file, use the JTSEnvironmentBean.recoveryManagerPort and JTSEnvironmentBean.recoveryManagerAddress properties.

Revision History
Revision 0Wed Sep 1 2010Misty Stanley-Jones
Conversion to Docbook