JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 5. Setting Properties

JBossJTA has been designed to be highly configurable at runtime through the use of various property attributes. Although these attributes can be provided at runtime on the command line, it may be more convenient to specify them through a single properties file or via setter methods on the beans. At runtime, JBossJTA looks for the file jbossts-properties.xml, in a specific search order.

  1. A location specified by a system property, allowing the normal search path to be overridden.

  2. The directory from which the application was executed.

  3. The home directory of the user that launched JBossJTA.

  4. java.home

  5. The CLASSPATH, which normally includes the installation's etc/ directory.

  6. A default set of properties embedded in the JAR file.

Where properties are defined in both the system properties by using the -D switch, and in the properties file, the value from the system property takes precedence. This facilitates overriding individual properties easily on the command line.

The properties file uses java.uil.Properties XML format, for example:

<entry key="CoordinatorEnvironmentBean.asyncCommit">NO</entry>
<entyr key="ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean.objectStoreDir">/var/ObjectStore</entry>

You can override the name of the properties file at runtime by specifying a new file using the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.propertiesFile attribute variable.


Unlike earlier releases, there is no longer one properties file name per module. This properties file name key is now global for all JBoss Transaction Service components in the JVM.