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1   /*
2    * ModeShape (
3    * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
4    * regarding copyright ownership.  Some portions may be licensed
5    * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
6   * See the AUTHORS.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of 
7   * individual contributors.
8    *
9    * ModeShape is free software. Unless otherwise indicated, all code in ModeShape
10   * is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
11   * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
12   * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13   *
14   * ModeShape is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18   *
19   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20   * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
21   * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22   * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
23   */
24  package org.modeshape.graph;
26  import java.util.Locale;
27  import java.util.Set;
28  import org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n;
29  import org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n;
31  /**
32   * The internationalized string constants for the <code>org.modeshape.graph*</code> packages.
33   */
34  public final class GraphI18n {
36      public static I18n closedConnectionMayNotBeUsed;
37      public static I18n errorConvertingIo;
38      public static I18n errorConvertingType;
39      public static I18n errorReadingPropertyValueBytes;
40      public static I18n invalidIndexInSegmentName;
41      public static I18n invalidQualifiedNameString;
42      public static I18n maximumPoolSizeMayNotBeSmallerThanCorePoolSize;
43      public static I18n missingEndBracketInSegmentName;
44      public static I18n noNamespaceRegisteredForPrefix;
45      public static I18n pathAncestorDegreeIsInvalid;
46      public static I18n pathCannotBeNormalized;
47      public static I18n pathIsAlreadyAbsolute;
48      public static I18n pathIsNotAbsolute;
49      public static I18n pathIsNotRelative;
50      public static I18n identifierPathContainedUnsupportedIdentifierFormat;
51      public static I18n identifierPathDoesNotMatchSuppliedUuid;
52      public static I18n unableToResolvePathRelativeToIdentifierPath;
53      public static I18n unableToCreateRelativePathWithIdentifierSegment;
54      public static I18n unableToCreatePathBasedUponIdentifierPath;
55      public static I18n unableToCreatePathUsingIdentifierPathAndAnotherPath;
56      public static I18n repositoryConnectionPoolIsNotRunning;
57      public static I18n unableToCreateSubpathBeginIndexGreaterThanOrEqualToEndingIndex;
58      public static I18n unableToCreateSubpathBeginIndexGreaterThanOrEqualToSize;
59      public static I18n unableToCreateValue;
60      public static I18n unableToDiscoverPropertyTypeForNullValue;
61      public static I18n unableToObtainValidRepositoryAfterAttempts;
62      public static I18n validPathMayNotContainEmptySegment;
63      public static I18n missingClosingBrace;
64      public static I18n valueJavaTypeNotCompatibleWithPropertyType;
65      public static I18n pathExpressionMayNotBeBlank;
66      public static I18n pathExpressionIsInvalid;
67      public static I18n pathExpressionHasInvalidSelect;
68      public static I18n pathExpressionHasInvalidMatch;
69      public static I18n messageDigestNotFound;
70      public static I18n pathNotFoundExceptionLowestExistingLocationFound;
72      public static I18n executingRequest;
73      public static I18n executedRequest;
74      public static I18n closingRequestProcessor;
75      public static I18n closedRequestProcessor;
76      public static I18n multipleErrorsWhileExecutingManyRequests;
77      public static I18n multipleErrorsWhileExecutingRequests;
78      public static I18n errorWhilePerformingAccessQuery;
79      public static I18n unsupportedRequestType;
80      public static I18n unableToAddMoreRequestsToAlreadyExecutedBatch;
81      public static I18n unableToCreateReferenceToNodeWithoutUuid;
82      public static I18n unableToCopyToLocationWithoutAPath;
83      public static I18n unableToCopyToTheRoot;
84      public static I18n actualLocationNotEqualToInputLocation;
85      public static I18n actualLocationIsNotChildOfInputLocation;
86      public static I18n actualLocationIsNotAtCorrectChildSegment;
87      public static I18n actualLocationDoesNotHaveCorrectChildName;
88      public static I18n actualLocationMustHavePath;
89      public static I18n actualNewLocationIsNotSameAsInputLocation;
90      public static I18n actualNewLocationMustHavePath;
91      public static I18n actualOldLocationIsNotSameAsInputLocation;
92      public static I18n actualOldLocationMustHavePath;
93      public static I18n actualNewLocationMustHaveSameParentAsOldLocation;
94      public static I18n actualNewLocationMustHaveSameNameAsRequest;
95      public static I18n requestIsFrozenAndMayNotBeChanged;
96      public static I18n propertyIsNotPartOfRequest;
97      public static I18n namespaceAliasWasNotMappedToRealNamespace;
98      public static I18n aliasesMappedToRealNamespacesButWereNotRegisteredInAliasNamespace;
100     public static I18n errorImportingContent;
101     public static I18n unableToFindRepositorySourceWithName;
102     public static I18n nodeAlreadyExistsWithUuid;
103     public static I18n couldNotAcquireLock;
105     public static I18n errorNotifyingObserver;
107     /* In-Memory Connector */
108     public static I18n nodeDoesNotExist;
109     public static I18n errorSerializingInMemoryCachePolicyInSource;
110     public static I18n inMemoryConnectorRequestsMustHavePathOrUuid;
111     public static I18n inMemoryConnectorMustAllowUpdates;
112     public static I18n pathConnectorRequestsMustHavePath;
113     public static I18n workspaceDoesNotExistInRepository;
114     public static I18n workspaceAlreadyExistsInRepository;
115     public static I18n currentWorkspaceCannotBeDeleted;
116     public static I18n sourceIsReadOnly;
117     public static I18n workspaceIsReadOnly;
119     /* Federation Connection */
120     public static I18n namePropertyIsRequiredForFederatedRepositorySource;
121     public static I18n propertyIsRequiredForFederatedRepositorySource;
122     public static I18n federatedRepositorySourceMustBeInitialized;
123     public static I18n errorReadingConfigurationForFederatedRepositorySource;
124     public static I18n errorAddingProjectionRuleParseMethod;
125     public static I18n requiredNodeDoesNotExistRelativeToNode;
126     public static I18n unableToObtainConnectionToFederatedSource;
127     public static I18n workspaceDoesNotExistInFederatedRepository;
128     public static I18n locationCannotBeProjectedIntoWorkspaceAndSource;
129     public static I18n unableToAddRequestToChannelThatIsDone;
130     public static I18n federatedSourceDoesNotSupportCreatingWorkspaces;
131     public static I18n federatedSourceDoesNotSupportCloningWorkspaces;
132     public static I18n federatedSourceDoesNotSupportDestroyingWorkspaces;
133     public static I18n unableToProjectSourceInformationIntoWorkspace;
134     public static I18n unableToCreateNodeUnderPlaceholder;
135     public static I18n unableToUpdatePlaceholder;
136     public static I18n unableToDeletePlaceholder;
137     public static I18n copyLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource;
138     public static I18n moveLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource;
139     public static I18n cloneLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource;
141     /* Session */
142     public static I18n unableToRefreshBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch;
143     public static I18n unableToSaveBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch;
144     public static I18n unableToSaveNodeThatWasCreatedSincePreviousSave;
145     public static I18n nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession;
146     public static I18n unableToMoveNodeToBeChildOfDecendent;
147     public static I18n childNotFound;
148     public static I18n unableToRefreshPropertiesBecauseNodeIsModified;
150     /* Query */
151     public static I18n unknownQueryLanguage;
152     public static I18n tableDoesNotExist;
153     public static I18n columnDoesNotExistOnTable;
154     public static I18n columnDoesNotExistInQuery;
155     public static I18n columnIsNotFullTextSearchable;
156     public static I18n tableIsNotFullTextSearchable;
157     public static I18n columnTypeCannotBeUsedInArithmeticOperation;
158     public static I18n dynamicOperandCannotBeUsedInArithmeticOperation;
159     public static I18n selectorDoesNotExistInQuery;
160     public static I18n propertyOnSelectorIsNotUsedInQuery;
161     public static I18n errorResolvingNodesFromLocationsUsingSourceAndWorkspace;
162     public static I18n queryHasNoResults;
163     public static I18n schemataKeyReferencesNonExistingColumn;
164     public static I18n nextMethodMustBeCalledBeforeGettingValue;
165     public static I18n expectingValidName;
166     public static I18n expectingValidPath;
167     public static I18n columnMustBeScoped;
168     public static I18n expectingValidNameAtLineAndColumn;
169     public static I18n expectingValidPathAtLineAndColumn;
170     public static I18n mustBeScopedAtLineAndColumn;
171     public static I18n unexpectedToken;
172     public static I18n secondValueInLimitRangeCannotBeLessThanFirst;
173     public static I18n expectingComparisonOperator;
174     public static I18n expectingConstraintCondition;
175     public static I18n functionIsAmbiguous;
176     public static I18n bindVariableMustConformToNcName;
177     public static I18n invalidPropertyType;
178     public static I18n valueCannotBeCastToSpecifiedType;
179     public static I18n noMatchingBracketFound;
180     public static I18n expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsLong;
181     public static I18n expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsDouble;
182     public static I18n expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsDate;
183     public static I18n unexpectedClosingParenthesis;
184     public static I18n leftAndRightQueriesInSetQueryMustHaveUnionableColumns;
186     /* Search */
187     public static I18n interruptedWhileClosingChannel;
188     public static I18n errorWhilePerformingQuery;
189     public static I18n errorShuttingDownExecutorServiceInSearchEngineIndexer;
190     public static I18n searchEngineIndexerForSourceHasAlreadyBeenClosed;
192     static {
193         try {
194             I18n.initialize(GraphI18n.class);
195         } catch (final Exception err) {
196             System.err.println(err);
197         }
198     }
200     public static Set<Locale> getLocalizationProblemLocales() {
201         return I18n.getLocalizationProblemLocales(CommonI18n.class);
202     }
204     public static Set<String> getLocalizationProblems() {
205         return I18n.getLocalizationProblems(CommonI18n.class);
206     }
208     public static Set<String> getLocalizationProblems( Locale locale ) {
209         return I18n.getLocalizationProblems(CommonI18n.class, locale);
210     }
211 }