JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 18. JBoss Cache Connector

The JBoss Cache repository connector allows a JBoss Cache instance to be used as a ModeShape (and thus JCR) repository. This provides a repository that is an effective, scalable, and distributed cache, and can be federated with other repository sources to provide a distributed repository.

The JBossCacheSource class provides a number of JavaBean properties that control its behavior:

Table 18.1. JBossCacheSource properties

cacheConfigurationNameOptional property that, if used, specifies the name of the configuration that is supplied to the cache factory when creating a new JBoss Cache instance.
cacheFactoryJndiNameOptional property that, if used, specifies the name in JNDI where an existing JBoss Cache Factory instance can be found. That factory would then be used if needed to create a JBoss Cache instance. If no value is provided, then the JBoss Cache DefaultCacheFactory class is used.
cacheJndiNameOptional property that, if used, specifies the name in JNDI where an existing JBoss Cache instance can be found. This should be used if your application already has a cache that is used, or if you need to configure the cache in a special way.
creatingWorkspacesAllowedOptional property that is by default 'true' that defines whether clients can create new workspaces.
defaultCachePolicyOptional property that, if used, defines the default for how long this information provided by this source may to be cached by other, higher-level components. The default value of null implies that this source does not define a specific duration for caching information provided by this repository source.
defaultWorkspaceNameOptional property that is initialized to an empty string and which defines the name for the workspace that will be used by default if none is specified.
nameThe name of the repository source, which is used by the RepositoryService when obtaining a RepositoryConnection by name.
predefinedWorkspaceNamesOptional property that defines the names of the workspaces that exist and that are available for use without having to create them.
retryLimitOptional property that, if used, defines the number of times that any single operation on a RepositoryConnection to this source should be retried following a communication failure. The default value is '0'.
rootNodeUuidOptional property that, if used, specifies the UUID that should be used for the root node of each workspace. If no value is specified, a random UUID is generated each time that the repository is started.
updatesAllowedDetermines whether the content in the connector is can be updated ("true"), or if the content may only be read ("false"). The default value is "true".
uuidPropertyNameOptional property that, if used, defines the property that should be used to find the UUID value for each node in the cache. "mode:uuid" is the default.

One way to configure the JBoss Cache connector is to create JcrConfiguration instance with a repository source that uses the JBossCacheSource class. For example:

JcrConfiguration config = ...
      .setDescription("The repository for our content")      
      .setProperty("defaultWorkspaceName", "prod")
      .setProperty("rootNodeUuid", UUID.fromString("12083e7e-2b55-4c8d-954d-627a9f5c45c2"))
      .setProperty("predefinedWorkspaceNames", new String[] { "staging", "dev"});

Another way to configure the JBoss Cache connector is to create JcrConfiguration instance and load an XML configuration file that contains a repository source that uses the JBossCacheSource class. For example a file named configRepository.xml can be created with these contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration xmlns:mode="http://www.modeshape.org/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0">
    Define the sources for the content.  These sources are directly accessible using the 
    ModeShape-specific Graph API.  In fact, this is how the ModeShape JCR implementation works.  You 
    can think of these as being similar to JDBC DataSource objects, except that they expose 
    graph content via the Graph API instead of records via SQL or JDBC. 
    <mode:sources jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        The 'Store' repository is a JBoss Cache repository with a single default workspace (though 
        others could be created, too).
        <mode:source jcr:name="Store" 
                    mode:description="The repository for our content"
    <!-- MIME type detectors and JCR repositories would be defined below --> 

The configuration can then be loaded from Java like this:

JcrConfiguration config = new JcrConfiguration().loadFrom("/configRepository.xml");