JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 4. Query Language

Another key aspect of the S-RAMP specification is the query language it defines, which allows clients to find artifacts by various criteria. The S-RAMP query language is a subset of the XPath 2.0 language, designed specifically to find and select S-RAMP artifacts.


for detailed information about the S-RAMP Query Language, see Section 4 of the S-RAMP specification’s foundation document.

As you might imagine, the query language allows clients to find artifacts based on any of the already discussed artifact meta-data, including:

*Core Properties *Custom Properties *Classifiers *Relationships

The basic structure of a typical S-RAMP query looks like this:

/s-ramp/<artifactModel>/<artifactType>[ <artifact-predicate> ]/relationship[ <target-artifact-predicate> ]

Of course, not all of the components of the above query are required. It is likely best to provide the following table of examples of a range of queries:

QueryWhat It Selects


All artifacts.


All Core Model artifacts.


All XsdDocument artifacts.


All XsdDocument artifacts that have the custom property my-prop defined (with any value).


XsdDocument artifacts named core.xsd.

/s-ramp/xsd/XsdDocument[@name='core.xsd' and @version='1.0']

XsdDocument artifacts named core.xsd and versioned as 1.0.


SOA artifacts with a custom property named myCustomProperty that has value foo.

/s-ramp/core[classifiedByAnyOf(., 'Maine', 'Alaska')]

Core artifacts classified by either Maine or Alaska (presumably from the Regions ontology).


Artifacts related to any PortType artifact named OrderServicePT via a relationship named operation. (This effectively returns all of the order service port type’s operations)


All servlet filter artifacts derived from (i.e. contain a relatedDocument relationship to) an artifact with UUID 12345.


Element style WSDL parts from WSDL messages with names starting with get.

In addition, Overlord S-RAMP provides extensions to the S-RAMP query language, providing extra capabilities.

QueryWhat It Selects

/s-ramp/xsd/XsdDocument[someRelationship[s-ramp:getRelationshipAttribute(., someName)]]

All XSD artifacts that contain a generic relationship named someRelationship, and that relationship has an otherAttribute named someName.

/s-ramp/xsd/XsdDocument[someRelationship[s-ramp:getRelationshipAttribute(., someName) = someValue]]

All XSD artifacts that contain a generic relationship named someRelationship, and that relationship has an otherAttribute named someName with a someValue value.