JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Overlord S-RAMP Guide

1. Introduction to S-RAMP
1.1. The S-RAMP Specification
1.2. Purpose
1.3. Overview
1.4. Core Properties
1.5. Custom Properties
1.6. Classifiers
1.7. Relationships
2. Getting Started
2.1. Prerequisites
2.2. Download and Installation
2.3. User Management
2.4. Startup
2.5. Check your Installation
3. S-RAMP Data Models
3.1. Core Data Model (core)
3.2. XML Schema (XSD) Data Model (xsd)
3.3. WSDL Data Model (wsdl)
3.4. Policy Data Model (policy)
3.5. SOA Data Model (soa)
3.6. Service Implementation Data Model (serviceImplementation)
3.7. Custom/Extension Data Models (ext)
3.8. Java Data Model
3.9. KIE Data Model (Knowledge is Everything)
3.10. SwitchYard Data Model
3.11. Teiid Data Model (Teiid)
4. Query Language
5. Overlord S-RAMP REST API Endpoints
5.1. API: Get Service Document
5.2. Artifacts
5.2.1. API: Publish Artifact
5.2.2. API: Update Artifact
5.2.3. API: Update Artifact Content
5.2.4. API: Get Artifact
5.2.5. API: Get Artifact Content
5.2.6. API: Delete Artifact
5.2.7. Queries
5.2.8. Stored Queries
5.3. Ontologies
5.3.1. API: Add Ontology
5.3.2. API: List Ontologies
5.3.3. API: Update Ontology
5.3.4. API: Get Ontology
5.3.5. API: Delete Ontology
5.4. Auditing
5.4.1. API: Get Artifact Audit History
5.4.2. API: Get User Audit History
5.4.3. API: Add Artifact Audit Entry
5.4.4. API: Get Artifact Audit Entry
6. Clients
6.1. Java Client
6.1.1. Basic Usage
6.1.2. Extended Feature: Ontologies
6.1.3. Extended Feature: Auditing
6.1.4. Extending: Custom Expander
6.1.5. Important Notes
6.2. JMS Client
6.2.1. Installation and Setup
6.2.2. Authorization
6.2.3. Artifact JMS Events
6.2.4. Ontology JMS Events
7. Overlord S-RAMP Command Line
7.1. Connecting to S-RAMP server
7.2. Browsing the S-RAMP repository
7.3. Updating artifact MetaData
7.3.1. Properties
7.3.2. Custom Properties
7.3.3. Classifications
7.4. Querying the S-RAMP Repository using XPath2 Syntax
7.4.1. Stored Queries
7.5. Extending the S-RAMP CLI
7.6. Running Commands in Batch
7.7. Batch File Property Interpolation
7.8. Log-to-File
8. Overlord S-RAMP Maven Integration
8.1. Overview
8.2. Enabling the S-RAMP Wagon
8.3. Deploying to S-RAMP
8.4. Adding S-RAMP Artifacts as Dependencies
8.5. Leveraging the S-RAMP Maven HTTP Facade
8.6. A Note About Authentication
8.7. Maven Integration in the CLI
9. The S-RAMP Browser (UI)
9.1. Overview
10. Overlord S-RAMP Implementation
10.1. Overview
10.2. Server
10.2.1. Description
10.2.2. Configuration
10.2.3. Security
10.2.4. Extending: Custom ArtifactBuilder
11. S-RAMP Samples
12. Overlord S-RAMP Server Configuration
12.1. Datasource