JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation


RESTFul Web Services for Java


1. Overview
2. License
3. Installation/Configuration
3.1. Standalone Resteasy
3.2. Configuration Switches
3.3. javax.ws.rs.core.Application
3.4. RESTEasy as a ServletContextListener
3.5. RESTEasy as a servlet Filter
3.6. Install/Config in JBoss 6-M4 and Higher
3.7. RESTEasyLogging
4. Using @Path and @GET, @POST, etc.
4.1. @Path and regular expression mappings
5. @PathParam
5.1. Advanced @PathParam and Regular Expressions
5.2. @PathParam and PathSegment
6. @QueryParam
7. @HeaderParam
8. Linking resources
8.1. Link Headers
8.2. Atom links in the resource representations
8.2.1. Configuration
8.2.2. Your first links injected
8.2.3. Customising how the Atom links are serialised
8.2.4. Specifying which JAX-RS methods are tied to which resources
8.2.5. Specifying path parameter values for URI templates
8.2.6. Securing entities
8.2.7. Extending the UEL context
8.2.8. Resource facades
9. @MatrixParam
10. @CookieParam
11. @FormParam
12. @Form
13. @DefaultValue
14. @Encoded and encoding
15. @Context
16. JAX-RS Resource Locators and Sub Resources
17. JAX-RS Content Negotiation
17.1. URL-based negotiation
18. Content Marshalling/Providers
18.1. Default Providers and default JAX-RS Content Marshalling
18.2. Content Marshalling with @Provider classes
18.3. Providers Utility Class
19. JAXB providers
19.1. JAXB Decorators
19.2. Pluggable JAXBContext's with ContextResolvers
19.3. JAXB + XML provider
19.3.1. @XmlHeader and @Stylesheet
19.4. JAXB + JSON provider
19.5. JAXB + FastinfoSet provider
19.6. Arrays and Collections of JAXB Objects
19.6.1. JSON and JAXB Collections/arrays
19.7. Maps of JAXB Objects
19.7.1. JSON and JAXB maps
19.7.2. Possible Problems with Jettison Provider
19.8. Interfaces, Abstract Classes, and JAXB
20. Resteasy Atom Support
20.1. Resteasy Atom API and Provider
20.2. Using JAXB with the Atom Provider
21. Atom support through Apache Abdera
21.1. Abdera and Maven
21.2. Using the Abdera Provider
22. JSON Support via Jackson
22.1. Possible Conflict With JAXB Provider
23. Multipart Providers
23.1. Input with multipart/mixed
23.2. java.util.List with multipart data
23.3. Input with multipart/form-data
23.4. java.util.Map with multipart/form-data
23.5. Input with multipart/related
23.6. Output with multipart
23.7. Multipart Output with java.util.List
23.8. Output with multipart/form-data
23.9. Multipart FormData Output with java.util.Map
23.10. Output with multipart/related
23.11. @MultipartForm and POJOs
23.12. XML-binary Optimized Packaging (Xop)
23.13. Note about multipart parsing and working with other frameworks
23.14. Overwriting the default fallback content type for multipart messages
24. YAML Provider
25. String marshalling for String based @*Param
25.1. StringConverter
25.2. StringParamUnmarshaller
26. Responses using javax.ws.rs.core.Response
27. Exception Handling
27.1. Exception Mappers
27.2. Resteasy Built-in Internally-Thrown Exceptions
27.3. Overriding Resteasy Builtin Exceptions
28. Configuring Individual JAX-RS Resource Beans
29. GZIP Compression/Decompression
30. Resteasy Caching Features
30.1. @Cache and @NoCache Annotations
30.2. Client "Browser" Cache
30.3. Local Server-Side Response Cache
31. Interceptors
31.1. MessageBodyReader/Writer Interceptors
31.2. PreProcessInterceptor
31.3. PostProcessInterceptors
31.4. ClientExecutionInterceptors
31.5. Binding Interceptors
31.6. Registering Interceptors
31.7. Interceptor Ordering and Precedence
31.7.1. Custom Precedence
32. Asynchronous HTTP Request Processing
32.1. Tomcat 6 and JBoss 4.2.3 Support
32.2. Servlet 3.0 Support
32.3. JBossWeb, JBoss AS 5.0.x Support
33. Asynchronous Job Service
33.1. Using Async Jobs
33.2. Oneway: Fire and Forget
33.3. Setup and Configuration
34. Embedded Container
35. Server-side Mock Framework
36. Securing JAX-RS and RESTeasy
37. Authentication
37.1. OAuth core 1.0a
37.1.1. Authenticating with OAuth
37.1.2. Accessing protected resources
37.1.3. Implementing an OAuthProvider
38. EJB Integration
39. Spring Integration
40. CDI Integration
40.1. Using CDI beans as JAX-RS components
40.2. Default scopes
40.3. Configuration within JBoss 6 M4 and Higher
40.4. Configuration with different distributions
41. Seam Integration
42. Guice 2.0 Integration
42.1. Configuring Stage
43. Client Framework
43.1. Abstract Responses
43.2. Sharing an interface between client and server
43.3. Client Error Handling
43.4. Manual ClientRequest API
43.5. Spring integration on client side
44. AJAX Client
44.1. Generated JavaScript API
44.1.1. JavaScript API servlet
44.1.2. JavaScript API usage
44.1.3. MIME types and unmarshalling.
44.1.4. MIME types and marshalling.
44.2. Using the JavaScript API to build AJAX queries
44.2.1. The REST object
44.2.2. The REST.Request class
45. Maven and RESTEasy
46. JBoss AS 5.x Integration
47. JBoss AS 6 Integration
48. Migration from older versions
48.1. Migrating from 1.2.x to 2.0
48.2. Migrating from 1.2.GA to 1.2.1.GA
48.3. Migrating from 1.1 to 1.2
49. Books You Can Read