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4.4. Album View

Album view allows you to observe album items as thumbnails, scale the size of the thumbnails with the slider control, as well as to switch to slideshow mode. By clicking on an image in the Album view the Image View is opened.

Album view

Figure 4.3. Album view

The <rich:inputNumberSlider/> component in the Photo Album Demo is used as a control that helps a user to change photos size while previewing an album. A handler position on the slider track corresponds to a particular value of an image size. The component is included into the page with the help of <ui:include/>:

<ui:include src="src/main/webapp/includes/image/inputNumberSlider.xhtml"/>

Now let's have a look at src/main/webapp/includes/image/inputNumberSlider.xhtml file:

<ui:composition ...>
            <rich:inputNumberSlider value="#{imageSizeHelper.value}"
                  <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="userAlbumImages"/>

There is special Enumeration type that contains four predefined values for image size. Each type has a set of image related attributes such as CSS class for new photo size, postfix for a new file name, image background. The setValue method of the class is triggered on each slider's position change. This method sets one of four predefined values for image size and corresponds to slider's position.

public void setValue(int value) {

            currentDimension = ImageDimension.getInstance(value);
            this.value = currentDimension.getX();

And here is the class:


 public enum ImageDimension {
    SIZE_80(80), SIZE_120(120), SIZE_160(160), SIZE_200(200), SIZE_MEDIUM(600), ORIGINAL(0);
    final static String CSS_CLASS = "preview_box_photo_";
    final static String FILE_POSTFIX = "_small";
    final static String IMAGE_BG = "/img/shell/frame_photo_%1$d.png";
    final static String IMAGE_BG_STYLE = "width: %1$dpx; height: %1$dpx";
    int x;
    String bgStyle;
    String cssClass;
    String imageBgSrc;
    String filePostfix;
    private ImageDimension(int x) {
        this.= x;
        this.bgStyle = String.format(IMAGE_BG_STYLE, x + 20);
        cssClass = CSS_CLASS + x;
        imageBgSrc = String.format(IMAGE_BG, (== 160) ? 200 : x);
        if(== 600){
            filePostfix = "_medium";
        }else if(== 0){
            filePostfix = "";
            filePostfix = FILE_POSTFIX + x;

After the <a4j:support> finished its job user photos (more exactly, the h:panelGroup with userAlbumImages id that contains user photos) are rendered correspondingly to the new value. Here is web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/imageList.xhtml:

<h:panelGroup id="userAlbumImages">     
    <a4j:repeat id="imageList" value="#{model.images}" var="image" rows="20">
        <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.cssClass}">
            <h:graphicImage styleClass="pr_photo_bg" style="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.imageBgStyle}" value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.imageBg}" />
            <h:panelGrid cellpadding="0">
                            reRender="mainArea, treePanel">                 
                                <a4j:mediaOutput id="img"  element="img" 
                                    style="border : 1px solid #FFFFFF;"
                                    value="#{fileManager.transformPath(image.fullPath, imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.filePostfix)}">
                                    <f:param value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.x}" name="x" />
                                    <rich:dragSupport rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}" reRender="mainArea, treePanel" id="dragSource" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
                                dragType="image" dragValue="#{image}">
                                <rich:dndParam id="dragParam" name="label" value="#{}" />
                <ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >
                    <ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />
                    <ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>
            <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_name">#{}</h:panelGroup>       
            <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_data">
                <h:outputText value="#{image.created}">
                    <f:convertDateTime />

When the <rich:inputNumberSlider> is rendered, initially its default value for image size is 120 px.

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the components used in the application and described in this chapter:

The slideshow feature in the Photo Album Demo can be enabled by clicking on "Start Slideshow" link from two different places in the application: 1) from user's album preview (/web/src/main/webapp/image/albumInfo.xhtml) and 2) from a particular photo preview (src/main/webapp/image/imageInfo.xhtml). Both of two mentioned XHTML files include slideshow with the help of Facelets <ui:include tag (for more information about <ui:include see Facelets Reference Guide —

The components that implement the slideshow functionality are:

  • <rich:modalPanel> located in web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml that is hidden by default as the attribute showWhenRendered="#{}" and the active property of is set to "false" by default.

  • <a4j:poll> located in includes/misc/slideShowPooler.xhtml which is also inactive due to the mentioned active property ( active=#{})

After activation, <a4j:poll> will send asynchronous requests to the server with some certain interval, as the result of these requests modal panel will display the next image in the row.

Now let's have a look at the details of the slideshow implementation.

The startSlideshow() method of is invoked when no photo is selected in the current image list. The method iterates over all photos of a particular album starting from the first one in the list. Look at the listing below:


public void startSlideshow(){
      active = true;
      this.slideshowIndex = 0;
      if(model.getImages() == null || model.getImages().size() < 1){
            Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, "No images for slideshow!");
      this.selectedImage = model.getImages().get(this.slideshowIndex);
      this.selectedImage.getAlbum().visitImage(selectedImage, true);

The second variation of the startSlideshow() method is activated when a link to slide-show is clicked from a particular photo preview. This method iterates over the rest of photos starting from the current selected one:


 public void startSlideshow(Image selectedImage){
      active = true;
      if(model.getImages() == null || model.getImages().size() < 1){
            Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, "No images for slideshow!");
      this.slideshowIndex = model.getImages().indexOf(selectedImage);
      this.selectedImage = selectedImage;
      this.selectedImage.getAlbum().visitImage(selectedImage, true);

Both variants of startSlideshow() method set the active property to "true" as a result the poller is activated and modal panel becomes visible.

The slideshow modal panel is kept in the web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml file and referred from the corresponding pages with the help of <ui:include> Facelets tag:

<ui:include src="/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml"/>

Have a look at web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml file:

<ui:composition xmlns=""...>

      <rich:modalPanel showWhenRendered="#{}"






            <f:facet name="controls">


                        <h:graphicImage value="/img/modal/close.png" style="cursor:pointer" id="hidelink">

                              <a4j:support event="onclick" actionListener="#{slideshow.stopSlideshow}" reRender="slideShowForm, mainArea, tree" />








This is the source code of includes/misc/slideShowPooler.xhtml:

<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<ui:composition xmlns=""
      <a4j:form id="slideShowForm">
            <a4j:poll reRender="slideshowImage"

The slideshow poller sends the request for the next image (showNextImage() method) each four seconds. The interval is defined in the interval property of the and refers to a INITIAL.DELAY constant (

The described above example implements a modal panel with photos that rotate them in the order they are stored in an album.

To stop the slide-show user clicks Close window button on the slide-show panel and stopSlideshow() method is invoked.

      public void stopSlideshow(){
            active = false;
            this.selectedImage = null;
            this.slideshowIndex = 0;

The active field is set to "false" again, consequently the poller becomes inactive and the modal panel becomes invisible too.

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the components used in the application and described in this chapter: