JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Developer Guide

Develop applications using RichFaces 4



Read this book for a comprehensive guide to getting started and working with RichFaces 4. It includes details of the architecture, the framework's use in different applications, and skinning implementations.

1. Introduction
2. Getting started with RichFaces
2.1. Technical Requirements
2.1.1. Project libraries and dependencies
2.2. Development environments
2.3. Setting up RichFaces
2.4. Creating a project with JBoss Developer Studio
2.5. Creating a project with Maven
2.5.1. Setting up Maven
2.5.2. Using the RichFaces project archetype
2.6. Using RichFaces in existing JSF 2 projects
3. RichFaces overview
3.1. Full technical requirements
3.1.1. Server requirements
3.1.2. Client requirements
3.1.3. Development requirements
3.2. Architecture
3.2.1. Ajax Action Components
3.2.2. Ajax Containers
3.2.3. Ajax Output
3.2.4. Skins and theming
3.2.5. RichFaces Ajax Extensions
3.3. Technologies
3.4. Differences between JSF and RichFaces mechanisms
3.5. Restrictions
4. Basic concepts
4.1. Sending an Ajax request
4.2. Partial tree processing
4.3. Partial view updates
4.4. Component overview
5. Advanced features
5.1. JSF 2 integration
5.2. Error handling
5.2.1. Client-side errors
5.2.2. Server-side errors
5.3. Other functions
5.4. Resource loading
5.4.1. Configuring ResourceServlet
5.4.2. Resource optimization
5.4.3. Resource mapping
6. Skinning and theming
6.1. What are skins?
6.2. Using skins
6.3. Skinning overview
6.3.1. Skin parameter tables
6.3.2. Support for round corners
6.3.3. ECSS files
6.4. Customizing skins
6.4.1. Creating a new skin
6.5. Changing skins at runtime
6.6. Skinning standard controls
6.6.1. Automatic skinning
6.6.2. Skinning with the rfs-ctn class
A. Style classes and skin parameters
A.1. Processing management
A.1.1. <a4j:log>
A.2. Rich inputs
A.2.1. <rich:autocomplete>
A.2.2. <rich:calendar>
A.2.3. <rich:editor>
A.2.4. <rich:fileUpload>
A.2.5. <rich:inplaceInput>
A.2.6. <rich:inputNumberSlider>
A.2.7. <rich:inputNumberSpinner>
A.3. Rich selects
A.3.1. <rich:inplaceSelect>
A.3.2. <rich:select>
A.3.3. <rich:orderingList>
A.3.4. <rich:pickList>
A.4. Panels and containers
A.4.1. <rich:panel>
A.4.2. <rich:accordion>
A.4.3. <rich:collapsiblePanel>
A.4.4. <rich:popupPanel>
A.4.5. <rich:tabPanel>
A.5. Tables and grids
A.5.1. <rich:dataTable>
A.5.2. <rich:collapsibleSubTable>
A.5.3. <rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler>
A.5.4. <rich:extendedDataTable>
A.5.5. <rich:dataGrid>
A.5.6. <rich:list>
A.5.7. <rich:dataScroller>
A.6. Trees
A.6.1. <rich:tree>
A.6.2. <rich:treeNode>
A.7. Menus and toolbars
A.7.1. <rich:dropDownMenu>
A.7.2. <rich:contextMenu>
A.7.3. <rich:panelMenu>
A.7.4. <rich:toolbar>
A.8. Output and messages
A.8.1. <rich:message>
A.8.2. <rich:messages>
A.8.3. <rich:notify>
A.8.4. <rich:notifyMessage>
A.8.5. <rich:notifyStack>
A.8.6. <rich:progressBar>
A.8.7. <rich:tooltip>
A.9. Drag and drop
A.9.1. <rich:dropTarget>
A.9.2. <rich:dragIndicator>
B. Migration Notes
B.1. RichFaces 4.3.7.Final
B.1.1. Autosize changes for the popupPanel
B.2. RichFaces 4.3.0.Final
B.2.1. Built-in sorting and filtering controls
B.2.2. NotifyMessage string escaping
B.2.3. Select input validation
C. Revision History