JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

RiftSaw 2.3.0.Final

User Guide

This is the User Guide for the RiftSaw BPEL process engine.

RiftSaw provides a JBoss AS integration for the Apache ODE BPEL engine. For detailed information on executing BPEL processes within Apache ODE, we would refer the reader to the Apache ODE website and documentation.

In addition to the ability to run the Apache ODE engine within JBoss AS, the RiftSaw project also provides a GWT based administration console, replaces the Axis2 based transport with JBossWS (which can be configured to use Apache CXF), and provides tighter integration with JBossESB.

The BPEL console can be located using the URL: http://localhost:8080/bpel-console.

The first screen that is presented is the login screen:

The default username is admin with password password.

The Access Control mechanism used by the admin console is configured in the $deployFolder/bpel-console/bpel-identity.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. The JAAS login module is initially set to use a property file based access mechanism, but can be replaced to use any appropriate alternative implementation.

The users for the default mechanism are configured in the property file $deployFolder/bpel-console/bpel-identity.sar/bpel-users.properties. The entries in this file represent username=password.

The user roles for the default mechanism are configured in the property file $deployFolder/bpel-console/bpel-identity.sar/bpel-roles.properties. The entries in this file represent username=role. The only role of interest currently is administrator.

The Execution History allows you to inspect the BPAF history data associated with a process. You can specify a timespan and whether or not you'd like to see failed/terminated instances included in the chart.

The chart has various keyboard bindings to browse through the displayed execution data:

Keyboard and Mouse Commands
Up Arrow Zoom In Down Arrow Zoom Out
Left Arrow Half-Page Left Right Arrow Half-Page Right
Page-Up Page Left Page-Down Page Right
TAB Next Focus Shift-TAB Previous Focus
HOME Max Zoom Out ENTER Max Zoom In to Focus
Mouse Drag Scroll Chart Shift Mouse Drag Drag Select/Zoom
Mouse Wheel Up/Z Zoom In Mouse Wheel Down/X Zoom Out
Backspace/Back Button Back Right Mouse Button Context Menu
Left Click Set Focus Double Click Max Zoom In to Focus

When a process definition is initially deployed (i.e. the first version of the process), it automatically becomes the active process definition. If that BPEL process definition is subsequently change and redeployed, then the previous version is retired, and the new version becomes the active version.

The only difference between an active and retired process definition is that a retired process definition can no longer create new process instances. However if there are current process instances associated with the retired process definition version, then these will continue to execute.

On some occasions, the administrator may wish to change which version of a process definition is considered the active version. Or they may simply want to retire the currently active process definition, so that no more process instances can be created, only allowing the already running process instances to continue until completed.

To change the status of a process definition, the administrator should select the Runtime tab from the lefthand panel, and then select the Deployments option. This will show the process definitions, their versions and their current status (active or retired).

To change a particular version from retired to active, simply select the retired version and press the Activate button in the bottom right.

To retire a currently active process definition, simply select the particular version and then press the Retire button in the bottom right.


If you deploy a process definition version into RiftSaw server, the previous version of that process definition will go to 'retire' process automatically. Also please noted that if you undeploy a process, the associated endpoints get deactivated only if it doesn't have any previous version of that process.

When RiftSaw has been installed within the JBossAS environment, there is a property file located at ${JBossAS}/server/default/deploy/riftsaw.sar/bpel.properties.

This property file contains a number of properties that are specific to ODE, and if interested in these properties, then you should refer to the ODE documentation. Only one point to note, the name of the property in this file maybe prefixed with bpel., however in the ODE documentation the prefix would be ode..

This section will present the properties that are specific to RiftSaw.

RiftSaw specific properties
bpel.uddi.* These properties relate to the UDDI support, which is discussed in a subsequent chapter.
bpel.jaxws.client.initializer.impl This property is automatically set upon installation, based on the JAXWS stack being used. This value should not be changed.
bpel.ws.stableInterface (default false) This property determines whether the Web Service interface, associated with a BPEL process, will be updated when a new version of the BPEL process is deployed. The benefit of setting this to false is that changes to the WSDL will be made active with the BPEL process. However the issue is that during the transition between the interfaces, the web service will momentarily be unavailble - which may cause heavily used services to reject requests. By setting this value to true, then the web service will remain available while the BPEL process is updated, however any changes in the WSDL will not be made available.
bpel.event.listeners (org.jboss.soa.bpel.console.bpaf.BPAFLogAdapter) Enables the BPAF logging used by the console to display the process execution history.

Apache ODE generates a set of events on the process running. below is the steps for you to enable it. for more detail information on this, please consult the ODE's Execution events guide.

  • In deploy.xml, adding <process-events generate="all"/>.
  • Adding following two properties in the bpel.properties.

    bpel.event.listeners=org.apache.ode.bpel.common.evt.DebugBpelEventListener debugeventlistener.dumpToStdOut=on

    By registering the DebugBpelEventListener, it will use the log's DEBUG level for the BpelEvent information. By setting the debugeventlistener.dumpToStdOut=on, it will render the information on the console as well.

We've also provided an out-of-box example to demonstrate the adding a custom listener. Please see the bpel_event_listener example for more information.

The direct deployment approach is demonstrated using an Ant script in each of the quickstart examples. For example,

This excerpt from the Ant build file for the hello_world quickstart example shows that deploying a RiftSaw BPEL process using Ant is very straightforward. The main points of interest are:

This section will explain how to deploy an Eclipse BPEL project to the RiftSaw BPEL engine running in a JBossAS server.

The first step is to create or import the Eclipse BPEL project. In this case we are going to import an existing project from the ${RiftSaw}/samples/quickstart/hello_world folder. This can be achieved by selecting the Import ... menu item associated with the lefthand navigator panel in Eclipse, and then select the General->Existing Projects into Workspace entry and press the Next button.

Then press the Browse button and navigate to the hello_world quickstart folder. Once located, press the Finish button.

Once the project has been imported, you can inspect the contents, such as the BPEL process and WSDL description.

The next step is to create a server configuration for the JBoss AS environment in which the RiftSaw BPEL engine has previously been installed. From the Eclipse Java EE perspective, the Server tab should be visible in the lower region of the Eclipse window. If this view is not present, then go to the Window->Show Views->Servers menu item to open the view explicitly.

In the Servers view, right click and select the New->Server menu item.

Select the appropriate JBoss AS version, and then press Finish.

Before being able to deploy an example, we should start the new server. This can be achieved by right clicking on the server in the Servers tab, and selecting the Start menu item. The output from the server will be displayed in the Console tab.

Once the server has been started, right click on the server entry again, and select the Add and Remove ... menu item.

Select the Quickstart_bpel_hello_world project, press the Add button and the press the Finish button. This will cause the project to be deployed to the server.

Once the project has been deployed, it will show up as an entry below the server in the Servers tab.

The final step is to test the deployed BPEL process. In this example, we can do this using the ant script provided with the quickstart sample. Right click on the build.xml file in the root folder of the project, and select the Run As->Ant Build ... menu item. NOTE: It is important to select the menu item with the "...", as this provides a dialog window to enable you to select which ant target you wish to perform.

Deselect the deploy target, and select the runtest target, before pressing the Run button. This was send a test 'hello' message to the server, and then display the response in the Console tab.

If you now want to update the BPEL process, select the assignHelloMesg node in the diagram, and select the Properties view. On the left of the view is a vertical list of tabs. Select the Details tab. Then select the "Expression to Variable" from the list, and update the concat function's second parameter - for example to add 'UPDATED' to the text.

Once the update has been saved, go to the Server View and select the Full Publish option from the menu associated with the Quickstart_bpel_hello_world project. This will cause the project to be re-deployed to the RiftSaw server.

The final step is to then re-run the 'runtest' target within the build.xml file, to send a new request, and view the response. The response should now be modified according to the changes you made in the BPEL process.

If you expand the deployed project node, in the Server View, you will see that both of the deployed versions are shown. The older version is retained as there may still be BPEL process instances using that version of the process. If you right-click on each of the child nodes, you will see that it is also possible to undeploy the specific versions. However, if you explicitly undeploy a version, then any remaining active process instances for that version will be terminated.

You can then use the menu associated with the project, contained in the Server View, to undeploy the project (using the Add and Remove ... menu item) and finally use the menu associated with the server itself to Stop the server.

Apache ODE provides the means to customise certain properties, associated with a BPEL endpoint, by specifying the properties in a file with an extension of .endpoint.

For information on the properties that can be specified in this file, please see the Apache ODE documentation, located at: http://ode.apache.org/endpoint-configuration.html.


RiftSaw currently only supports the following properties: mex.timeout

This section explains how to deploy these .endpoint files as part of a RiftSaw deployment.

Apache ODE supports two locations for finding these .endpoint files. A 'global' configuration folder, which by default is ode/WEB-INF/conf, and a process deployment specific location, which is ode/WEB-INF/processes/$your_process. Properties associated with the 'global' configuration override any property values provided in the process specific location.

RiftSaw currently does not support a 'global' configuration location, so it will only obtain the configuration files from the deployed BPEL bundle. More specifically, from the root location within the BPEL deployment unit, along side the BPEL deployment descriptor.

So, for example, if you place a file called test.endpoint in the ${RiftSaw}/samples/quickstart/hello_world/bpelContent folder, with the following content:

	# 3 minutes

then once deployed, the helloworld example could wait up to a maximum of 3 minutes to respond. To test this out, edit the hello_world.bpel and insert a wait activity before the response - similar to the following:


This will wait 2 minutes 30 seconds before responding, which is 30 seconds more than the default timeout, but still within the new timeout period specified within the test.endpoint file. If you then wish to try forcing the timeout to occur, simply increase the wait duration to 3 minutes 30 seconds, and resubmit the test message using the ant runtest command.

JAX-WS is a standard Java API for client and server support of web services. The JAX-WS handler mechanism can be used by a client or server (i.e. the web service) to invoke a user specified class whenever a message (or fault) is sent or received. The handler is therefore installed into the message pipeline, and can manipulate the message header or body as required.

The handlers are usually installed either programmatically, or through a HandlerChain annotation on the Java interface representing the Web Service. However, in the case of a BPEL process deployed to RiftSaw, the JAX-WS service (representing the web service associated with the BPEL process) is dynamically created on deployment.

Therefore to associate the configuration of a JAX-WS handler chain with the Web Service dynamically created to support the BPEL process, the user must place a file called jws_handler.xml alongside the BPEL process definition and deployment descriptor.

The following provides an example of the XML configuration associated with the jws_handler.xml file. This particular example is used by the service_handler quickstart sample.

The format of this file is the standard JAX-WS handler chain configuration. One or more handler elements can be specified, with each handler defining a name and class. The handler configuration can optionally provide initialization parameters that are passed to the init method on the handler implementation.

An example of this mechanism can be found in the service_handler quickstart sample.

RiftSaw integrates with JBossWS, using the JAX-WS standard API, to support the following web service stacks: JBossWS native and Apache CXF. This section explains how RiftSaw deployed BPEL processes can include additional configuration specifically applicable to the Apache CXF web service stack - and is therefore only relevant if the JBossAS application server has been configured to use this stack. See the Getting Started Guide for information on how to switch to the Apache CXF stack when installing RiftSaw.

This section will explain how web service endpoints, whether server (i.e. representing the BPEL process) or client (i.e. being used to invoke external web services), are configured using the Apache CXF configuration format. It will also discuss reasons why you may wish to do this additional CXF specific configuration. However, for further information on how to configure CXF, and the features that it offers, the reader is referred to the Apache CXF website http://cxf.apache.org.

To create a CXF configuration that will be used by the RiftSaw web service provider (i.e. the server), it is simply a case of placing a file called jbossws-cxf.xml into the root folder of the BPEL deployment (along side the deployment descriptor).

This is the same filename as used by jbossws-cxf, when deploying a web service based on the use of JAXWS annotations. An example of the file content is:

  <bean id="UsernameTokenSign_Request"
        <entry key="action" value="UsernameToken Timestamp Signature"/> 
        <entry key="passwordType" value="PasswordDigest"/>
        <entry key="user" value="serverx509v1"/>
        <entry key="passwordCallbackClass"
        <entry key="signaturePropFile" value="etc/Server_SignVerf.properties"/>
        <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
  <bean id="UsernameTokenSign_Response"
        <entry key="action" value="UsernameToken Timestamp Signature"/> 
        <entry key="passwordType" value="PasswordText"/>
        <entry key="user" value="serverx509v1"/>
        <entry key="passwordCallbackClass"
        <entry key="signaturePropFile" value="etc/Server_Decrypt.properties"/>
        <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
        <entry key="signatureParts"

        <ref bean="UsernameTokenSign_Request"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJInInterceptor"/>
        <ref bean="UsernameTokenSign_Response"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJOutInterceptor"/>

This example configures the web service to use username token and digital signature authentication.

When configuring client endpoints, representing web services invoked by a BPEL process, the configuration is currently separated into different files on a per port basis - similar to the approach used by the Axis2 ODE integration.

The file name is of the form jbossws-cxf-{portname_local_part}.xml, where the portname_local_part represents the local part of the portname of the web service being invoked. For example, if the WSDL for the invoked web service is:

then the CXF configuration file would be jbossws-cxf-SecureHelloWorldPort.xml.

The CXF configuration information within this file is associated with the CXF bus. For example:

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
       http://cxf.apache.org/core http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/core.xsd
       http://cxf.apache.org/transports/http/configuration http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/configuration/http-conf.xsd
       http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm/policy http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm/wsrm-policy.xsd
       http://cxf.apache.org/ws/rm/manager http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/configuration/wsrm-manager.xsd
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
    http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/jaxws.xsd">

  <bean id="UsernameTokenSign_Request"
            class="org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.WSS4JOutInterceptor" >
        <entry key="action" value="UsernameToken Timestamp Signature"/> 
        <entry key="passwordType" value="PasswordDigest"/>
        <entry key="user" value="clientx509v1"/>
        <entry key="passwordCallbackClass"
        <entry key="signaturePropFile" value="etc/Client_Sign.properties"/>
        <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
        <entry key="signatureParts"
  <bean id="UsernameTokenSign_Response" 
            class="org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.WSS4JInInterceptor" >
        <entry key="action" value="UsernameToken Timestamp Signature"/> 
        <entry key="passwordType" value="PasswordText"/>
        <entry key="user" value="serverx509v1"/>
        <entry key="passwordCallbackClass" 
        <entry key="signaturePropFile" value="etc/Client_Encrypt.properties"/>
        <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
        <ref bean="UsernameTokenSign_Request"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJOutInterceptor"/>
        <ref bean="UsernameTokenSign_Response"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJInInterceptor"/>


This example configures the web service client to use username token and digital signature authentication.

By default RiftSaw uses the jUDDI client libraries of JBossESB/SOA-P, and the client configuration is found in the deploy/jbossesb.sar/esb.juddi.client.xml. Both the name of the ClerkManager and the Clerk itself are specified in the bpel.properties file.

Table 5.1. The UDDI related properties in the bpel.properties

attributetype (default)description
bpel.uddi.registrationboolean (true) If set to 'false', the UDDI integration is turned off. The RiftSaw installation process sets this value to 'true' only if the jbossesb-registry.sar is detected containing a jUDDI v3 registry. In all other case it is defaulted to false.
bpel.webservice.secureboolean (false) The UDDI Registration process registers an WSDL AccessPoint in the BindingTemplate for the BPEL Service it is registering. The BPEL server exposes the service WSDL Endpoint on the WS stack (Currently we support JBossWS and CXF), if your WS stack is configured to a use a secure (https) protocol, then you need to switch this setting to 'true'. Note that this setting is used during the registration process only.
bpel.uddi.client.implString (org.jboss.soa.bpel.uddi.UDDIRegistrationImpl) Name of the class that implements the org.jboss.soa.bpel.runtime.engine.ode.UDDIRegistration interface.
bpel.uddi.clerk.configString (not used by default) Defines the path to the bpel.uddi.client.xml config file. This can be left commented out if you want to use the riftsaw.sar/META-INF/riftsaw.uddi.xml. However in that case a bpel.uddi.clerk.manager needs to be defined.
bpel.uddi.clerk.managerString (riftsaw-manager) Defines the ClerkManager name that will be used if the bpel.uddi.clerk.config is left commented out. This value should correspond to the name of the manager in the riftsaw.uddi.xml. Note that if the bpel.uddi.clerk.config is defined, the setting of the bpel.uddi.clerk.manager is ignored.
bpel.uddi.clerkString (BPEL_clerk) Defines the Clerk name that will be used. This value should correspond to the name of the clerk in the riftsaw.uddi.xml. By default this is set to 'BPEL_clerk'.
bpel.uddi.lookupboolean (true) If set to true, the creating process of the partner channel will do a lookup by serviceName in the UDDI, and Endpoint(s) is retrieved. This process makes it easier to move process deployment around within your server farm, without having to update the partnerlink WSDL files in your BPEL process deployments. If more then one EndPoint (BindingTemplate) is found default policy the ServiceLocator uses a 'PolicyLocalFirst'. Please see the jUDDI v3 documentation for more details and on how to switch to the 'PolicyRoundRobin' or a custom Policy. Note that it is still a requirement to deploy the initial partnerlink WSDL file for each partnerLink.

The BPELInvoke ESB action can be used within a jboss-esb.xml to request an invocation on a BPEL process running inside RiftSaw. The only constraints are that RiftSaw is installed within the same Java VM and that the requested BPEL process must have been deployed to the local RiftSaw engine.

The following example illustrates the BPELInvoke ESB action being used as part of the bpel_helloworld sample.

The ESB action class is org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.bpel.BPELInvoke.

The properties for this ESB action are:

This ESB action supports inbound messages with content defined as either:

When the message content represents the complete multipart message, this must be defined as a top level element (whose name is irrelevant) with immediate child elements that represent each of the multiple parts of the message. Each of these elements must then have a single element/node, that represents the value of the named part.

This shows an example of a multipart message structure. The top element (i.e. message) is unimportant. The elements at the next level represent the part names - in this case there is only a single part, with name TestPart. The value of this part is defined as a text node, with value "Hello World". However this could have been an element representing the root node of a more complex XML value.

The following diagram illustrates the inter-relationship of the JBossESB bpel_helloworld quickstart and the RiftSaw BPEL process configuration files.

The normal response from a WSDL operation will be returned from the BPELInvoke ESB action as a normal message and placed on the action pipeline ready for processing by the next ESB action, or alternatively if no further actions have been defined, then returned back to the service client.

Faults, associated with a WSDL operation, are handled slightly differently. Depending on configuration it is possible to receive the fault as an ESB message or for the fault to be treated as an exception which aborts the action pipeline. The configuration property used to determine which behaviour is used is called abortOnFault. The default value for this property is "true". As an example, from the loan fault quickstart sample,

A WSDL fault has two relevant pieces of information, the fault type (or code) and the fault details. These are both returned in specific parts of ESB message's body.

This is a list of Restful services that are used by the bpel console.

Server Info(General REST server information)
Process Management(Process related data.)
Process Engine(Process runtime state)
Process History(Process History Service)