Chapter 14. Seam Text

Collaboration-oriented websites require a human-friendly markup language for easy entry of formatted text in forum posts, wiki pages, blogs, comments, etc. Seam provides the <s:formattedText/> control for display of formatted text that conforms to the Seam Text language. Seam Text is implemented using an ANTLR-based parser. You don't need to know anything about ANTLR to use it, however.

14.1. Basic fomatting

Here is a simple example:

It's easy to make *bold text*, /italic text/, |monospace|, 
~deleted text~, super^scripts^ or _underlines_.

If we display this using <s:formattedText/>, we will get the following HTML produced:

It's easy to make <b>bold text</b>, <i>italic text</i>, <tt>monospace</tt>
<del>deleted text</del>, super<sup>scripts</sup> or <u>underlines</u>.

We can use a blank line to indicate a new paragraph, and + to indicate a heading:

+This is a big heading
You /must/ have some text following a heading!
++This is a smaller heading
This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple 
lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

This is the second paragraph.

(Note that a simple newline is ignored, you need an additional blank line to wrap text into a new paragraph.) This is the HTML that results:

<h1>This is a big heading</h1>
You <i>must</i> have some text following a heading!
<h2>This is a smaller heading</h2>
This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple 
lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

This is the second paragraph.

Ordered lists are created using the # character. Unordered lists use the = character:

An ordered list:
#first item
#second item
#and even the /third/ item

An unordered list:

=an item
=another item
An ordered list:
<li>first item</li>
<li>second item</li>
<li>and even the <i>third</i> item</li>

An unordered list:

<li>an item</li>
<li>another item</li>

Quoted sections should be surrounded in double quotes:

The other guy said:
"Nyeah nyeah-nee 
/nyeah/ nyeah!"

But what do you think he means by "nyeah-nee"?
The other guy said:
<q>Nyeah nyeah-nee
<i>nyeah</i> nyeah!</q>

But what do you think he means by <q>nyeah-nee</q>?

14.2. Entering code and text with special characters

Special characters such as *, | and #, along with HTML characters such as <, > and & may be escaped using \:

You can write down equations like 2\*3\=6 and HTML tags
like \<body\> using the escape character: \\.
You can write down equations like 2*3=6 and HTML tags
like &lt;body&gt; using the escape character: \.

And we can quote code blocks using backticks:

My code doesn't work:

`for (int i=0; i<100; i--)

Any ideas?
My code doesn't work:

<pre>for (int i=0; i&lt;100; i--)

Any ideas?

14.3. Links

A link may be created using the following syntax:

Go to the Seam website at [=>].

Or, if you want to specify the text of the link:

Go to [the Seam website=>].

For advanced users, it is even possible to customize the Seam Text parser to understand wikiword links written using this syntax.

14.4. Entering HTML

Text may even include a certain limited subset of HTML (don't worry, the subset is chosen to be safe from cross-site scripting attacks). This is useful for creating links:

You might want to link to <a href="">something
cool</a>, or even include an image: <img src="/logo.jpg"/>

And for creating tables:

    <tr><td>First name:</td><td>Gavin</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Last name:</td><td>King</td></tr>

But you can do much more if you want!