SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Seam XML Configuration

1. Seam XML General
1.1. Configuration
1.2. Getting Started
1.3. The main namespace
1.4. Overriding and extending beans
1.5. Initial Field Values
1.6. Configuring methods
1.7. Overriding the type of an injection point
1.8. Annotation Members
1.9. Generic Beans
1.10. More Information

Seam provides a method for configuring JSR-299 beans using XML. Using XML it is possible to add new beans, override existing beans, and add extra configuration to existing beans. The default is to add a new bean.

By default XML files are discovered from the classpath. The extension looks for an XML file in the following locations:

The beans.xml file is the preferred way of configuring beans via XML, however it may be possible that some JSR-299 implementations will not allow this, so seam-beans.xml is provided as an alternative.

Let's start with a simple example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <test:ProducerBean someOtherField="45" >
            <s:value>hello world</s:value>


You will notice that two new namspace declarations have been added to the beans.xml file: urn:java:seam:core and urn:java:org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection. The urn:java:seam:core namespace is the main one used by the XML extension, we will cover exactly what lives in this namespace later. The urn:java:org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection namespace is used to resolve classes in the java package org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection, so in the example above <test:ProducerBean> resolves to org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection.ProducerBean.

It is possible to map an XML namespace to multiple java packages. This is done by sperating the packages with a colon like so:


The namespaces are searched in the order they are specified in the xml document.


The first entry in the file defines a new qualifier. ProducerQualifier is an annotation in the package org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection.

<test:ProducerBean someOtherField="45" >
        <s:value>hello world</s:value>

The next entry in the file is a bean declaration. The bean class is org.jboss.seam.xml.test.injection.ProducerBean. It is important to note that this declaration does not change the existing declaration of ProducerBean, instead it installs a new bean. In this instance there will be two ProducerBean CDI beans.

This bean has a field called someField, this field is configured to be a producer field using XML (it is also possible to configure producer methods, more on this later). The <test:value/> declaration has several child elements. The <s:Produces/> element tells the container that this is a producer field. <test:ProducerQualifier/> element defines a qualifier for the producer field. The <s:value> element defines an initial value for the field.

This bean also has another field called someOtherField this field has it's value to to 45 using a shorthand syntax. A field may not be specified twice, trying to set the value using the shorthand syntax and the normal syntax will result in an error.

Child elements of fields, methods and classes that resolve to Annotation types are considered to be annotations on the corresponding element, so the corresponding Java declaration for the XML above would be:

public class ProducerBean {
   public String someField = "hello world";
   int someOtherField = 45;

The XML above declares a new bean that injects the value that was produced above. In this case the @Inject annotation is applied instead of @Produces and no initial value is set.

It is also possible to configure methods in a similar way to configuring fields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
                <s:array dimensions="2">

public class MethodBean {

   public int method() {
      return 1;

   public int method(MethodValueBean bean) {
      return bean.value + 1;
   public void method(MethodValueBean[][] beans) {
      //do stuff



In this instance MethodBean has three methods, all of them rather imaginatively named method. The first <test:method> entry in the XML file configures the method that takes no arguments. The <s:Produces> element makes it into a producer method. The next entry in the file configures the method that takes a MethodValueBean as a parameter. The final entry configures a method that takes a two dimensional array ofMethodValueBean's as a parameter. Method parameters are specified inside the <s:parameters> element. If these parameters have annotation children they are taken to be annotations on the parameter.

The corresponding Java declaration for the XML above would be:

public int method() {//method body}            
public int method(@Qualifier2 MethodValueBean param) {//method body}

public int method(@Qualifier2 MethodValueBean[][] param) {//method body}

Array parameters can be represented using the <s:array> element, with a child element to represent the type of the array. E.g.

int method(MethodValueBean[] param);

could be configured via xml using the following:
