JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 1. What This Guide Covers

Snowdrop is a utility package that contains JBoss-specific extensions to the Spring Framework. These extensions are either:

This user guide aims to cover the functionality of Snowdrop, to describe its components, and to provide information on how to use it optimally for running Spring applications in JBoss AS.

Supported Spring Version

Snowdrop 2.0 and subsequent micro-release versions (2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc.) should be used with Spring 2.5 (preferred version being Spring 2.5.6.SEC03) or Spring 3.0 (preferred version being 3.0.6.RELEASE and above). Later Spring versions (3.1, 3.2. etc.) may be compatible with Snowdrop 2.0 as long as they maintain binary compatibility with Spring 3.0. In such cases, the instructions regarding Spring 3.0 apply to Spring 3.1 and later as well.

Supported JBoss Version

Snowdrop 2.0 and subsequent micro-release versions (2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc.) should be used with JBoss AS 5.x, JBoss AS 6.x or JBoss AS 7.x.