JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Teiid - Scalable Information Integration

Teiid Caching Guide


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1. Overview
2. Results Caching
2.1. Support Summary
2.2. User Interaction
2.2.1. User Query Cache
2.2.2. Procedure Result Cache
2.3. Cached Virtual Procedure Definition
2.4. Cache Configuration
2.5. Cache Administration
2.6. Limitations
3. Materialized Views
3.1. Support Summary
3.2. User Interaction
3.3. Materialized View Definition
3.4. External Materialization
3.5. Internal Materialization
3.5.1. Loading And Refreshing
3.5.2. Secondary Indexes
3.5.3. Clustering Considerations
4. Code Table Caching
4.1. User Interaction
4.2. Limitations
4.3. Materialized View Alternative
5. Hints and Options
5.1. Cache Hint
5.1.1. Limitations

Teiid provides several capabilities for caching data including: materialized views, result set caching, and code table caching.  These techniques can be used to significantly improve performance in many situations.

With the exception of external materialized views, the cached data is accessed through the BufferManager. For better performance the BufferManager setting should be adjusted to the memory constraints of your installation. See the Admin Guide for more on parameter tuning.

Teiid provides the capability to cache the results of specific user queries and virtual procedure calls.  This caching technique can yield significant performance gains if users of the system submit the same queries or execute the same procedures often.

User query result set caching will cache result sets based on an exact match of the incoming SQL string and PreparedStatement parameter values if present. Caching only applies to SELECT, set query, and stored procedure execution statements; it does not apply to SELECT INTO statements, or INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.

End users or client applications explicitly state whether to use result set caching.  This can be done by setting the JDBC ResultSetCacheMode execution property to true (default false) or by adding a cache hint to the query.   Note that if either of these mechanisms are used, Teiid must also have result set caching enabled (the default is enabled).

The most basic form of the cache hint, /*+ cache */, is sufficient to inform the engine that the results of the non-update command should be cached.

The pref_mem and ttl options of the cache hint may also be used for result set cache queries. If a cache hint is not specified, then the default time to live of the result set caching configuration will be used.


Each query is re-checked for authorization using the current user’s permissions, regardless of whether or not the results have been cached.

By default result set caching is enabled with 1024 maximum entries with a maximum entry age of 2 hours. There are actually 2 caches configured with these settings. One cache holds results that are specific to sessions and is local to each Teiid instance. The other cache holds VDB scoped results and can be replicated. See the <jboss-install>/server/<profile>/deploy/teiid/teiid-jboss-beans.xml config file or the Console's "Runtime Engine Properties" for tuning the configuration. The user may also override the default maximum entry age via the cache hint.

Result set caching is not limited to memory. There is no explicit limit on the size of the results that can be cached. Cached results are primarily stored in the BufferManager and are subject to it's configuration - including the restriction of maximum buffer space.


While the result data is not held in memory, cache keys - including parameter values - may be held in memory. Thus the cache should not be given an unlimited maximum size.

Result set cache entries can be invalidated by data change events. The maxStaleness setting determines how long an entry will remain in the case after one of the tables that contributed to the results has been changed. See the Developers Guide for further customization.

Teiid supports materialized views.  Materialized views are just like other views, but their transformations are pre-computed and stored just like a regular table. When queries are issued against the views through the Teiid Server, the cached results are used.  This saves the cost of accessing all the underlying data sources and re-computing the view transforms each time a query is executed.

Materialized views are appropriate when the underlying data does not change rapidly, or when it is acceptable to retrieve data that is "stale" within some period of time, or when it is preferred for end-user queries to access staged data rather than placing additional query load on operational sources.

Materialized views are defined in Teiid Designer by setting the materialized property on a table or view in a virtual (view) relational model.  Setting this property's value to true (the default is false) allows the data generated for this virtual table to be treated as a materialized view.

The target materialized table may also be set in the properties. If the value is left blank, the default, then internal materialization will be used. Otherwise for external materialization, the value should reference the fully qualified name of a table (or possibly view) with the same columns as the materialized view. For most basic scenarios the simplicity of internal materialization makes it the more appealing option.

Reasons to use external materialization


Materialized view tables are always scoped to the VDB. If a materialized view definition directly or transitively contains a non-deterministic function call, such as random or hasRole, the resulting table will contain only the initially evaluated values. In most instances you should consider nesting a materialized view without the deterministic results that is joined with relevant non-deterministic values in a parent view.

External materialized views cache their data in an external database system. External materialized views give the administrator full control over the loading and refresh strategies.

Since the actual physical cache for materialized views is maintained external to the Teiid system, there is no predefined policy for clearing and managing the cache.  These policies will be defined and enforced by administrators of the Teiid system.

Internal materialization creates Teiid temporary tables to hold the materialized table. While these tables are not fully durable, they perform well in most circumstances and the data is present at each Teiid instance which removes the single point of failure and network overhead of an external database. Internal materialization also provides more built-in facilities for refreshing and monitoring.

The cache hint, when used in the context of an internal materialized view transformation query, provides the ability to fine tune the materialized table. The pref_mem option also applies to internal materialized views. Internal table index pages already have a memory preference, so the perf_mem option indicates that the data pages should prefer memory as well.

An internal materialized view table is initially in an invalid state (there is no data). The first user query will trigger an implicit loading of the data. All other queries against the materialized view will block until the load completes. In some situations administrators may wish to better control when the cache is loaded with a call to SYSADMIN.refreshMatView. The initial load may itself trigger the initial load of dependent materialized views. After the initial load user queries against the materialized view table will only block if it is in an invalid state. The valid state may also be controlled through the SYSADMIN.refreshMatView procedure.

While the initial load may trigger a transitive loading of dependent materialized views, subsequent refreshes performed with refreshMatView will use dependent materialized view tables if they exist. Only one load may occur at a time. If a load is already in progress when the SYSADMIN.refreshMatView procedure is called, it will return -1 immediately rather than preempting the current load.

In advanced use-cases the cache hint may also be used to mark an internal materialized view as updatable. An updatable internal materialized view may use the SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow procedure to update a single row in the materialized table. If the source row exists, the materialized view table row will be updated. If the source row does not exist, the correpsonding materialized row will be deleted. To be updatable the materialized view must have a single column primary key. Composite keys are not yet supported by SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow.

The update query will not use dependent materialized view tables, so care should be taken to ensure that getting a single row from this transformation query performs well. See the Reference Guide for information on controlling dependent joins, which may be applicable to increasing the performance of retrieving a single row. The refresh query does use nested caches, so this refresh method should be used with caution.

When the updatable option is not specified, accessing the materialized view table is more efficient because modifications do not need to be considered. Therefore, only specify the updatable option if row based incremental updates are needed. Even when performing row updates, full snapshot refreshes may be needed to ensure consistency.

Internal materialized view tables will automatically create non-unique indexes for each unique constraint and index defined on the materialized view. These indexes are created as non-unique even for unique constraints since the materialized table is not intended as an enforcement point for data integrity and when updatable the table may not be consistent with underlying values and thus unable to satisfy constraints. The primary key (if it exists) of the view will automatically be part of the covered columns for the index.

The secondary indexes are always created as trees - bitmap or hash indexes are not supported. Teiid's metadata for indexes is currently limited. We are not currently able to capture additional information, such as specifying the evaluated expressions, sort direction, additional columns to cover, etc. You may workaround some of these limitations though.

Teiid provides a short cut to creating an internal materialized view table via the lookup function.

The lookup function provides a way to get a value out of a table when a key value is provided.  The function automatically caches all the values in the referenced table for the specified key/value pairs.  The cache is created the first time it is used in a particular Teiid process.  Subsequent lookups against the same table using the same key and value columns will use the cached information.

This caching solution is appropriate for integration of "reference data" with transactional or operational data.  Reference data are static data sets – typically small – which are used very frequently in most enterprise applications.  Examples are ISO country codes, state codes, and different types of financial instrument identifiers.

The lookup function is a shortcut to create an internal materialized view. In many situations, it may be better to directly create the analogous materialized view rather than to use a code table.

Steps to create a materialized view:

  1. Create a view selecting the appropriate columns from the desired table. In general, this view may have an arbitrarily complicated transformation query.

  2. Designate the appropriate column(s) as the primary key.

  3. Set the materialized property to true.

  4. Add a cache hint to the transformation query. To mimic the behavior of the implicit internal materialized view created by the lookup function, use the cache hint /*+ cache(pref_mem) */ to indicate that the table data pages should prefer to remain in memory.

Just as with the lookup function, the materialized view table will be created on first use and reused subsequently. See the Materialized View Chapter for more on materialized views.

A query cache hint can be used to:

/*+ cache[([pref_mem] [ttl:n] [updatable])] [scope:(session|user|vdb)] */ sql ...