SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Weld Extensions

1. Getting Started
I. Extensions and Utilities for Developers
2. Enhancements to the CDI Programming Model
2.1. Preventing a class from being processed
2.1.1. @Veto
2.1.2. @Requires
2.2. @Exact
2.3. @Client
2.4. Named packages
3. Annotation Literals
4. Evaluating Unified EL
5. Resource Loading
5.1. Extending the resource loader
6. Logging
II. Utilities for Framework Authors
7. Annotation and AnnotatedType Utilities
7.1. Annotated Type Builder
7.2. Annotation Instance Provider
7.3. Annotation Inspector
7.4. Synthetic Qualifiers
7.5. Reflection Utilities
8. Obtaining a handle on the BeanManager
9. Bean Utilities
10. Properties
10.1. Working with properties
10.2. Querying for properties
10.3. Property Criteria
10.3.1. AnnotatedPropertyCriteria
10.3.2. NamedPropertyCriteria
10.3.3. TypedPropertyCriteria
10.3.4. Creating a custom property criteria
10.4. Fetching the results
III. Configuration Extensions for Framework Authors
11. Unwrapping Producer Methods
12. Default Beans
13. Generic Beans
13.1. Using generic beans
13.2. Defining Generic Beans
14. Service Handler

Weld Extensions is a library of Generally Useful Stuff (tm), particularly if you are developing an application based on CDI (JSR-299 Java Contexts and Dependency Injection), or a CDI based library or framework.

This guide is split into three parts. Part I, “Extensions and Utilities for Developers” details extensions and utilities which are likely to be of use to any developer using CDI; Part II, “Utilities for Framework Authors” describes utilities which are likely to be of use to developers writing libraries and frameworks that work with CDI; Part III, “Configuration Extensions for Framework Authors” discusses extensions which can be used to implement configuration for a framework

Getting started with Weld Extensions is easy. If you are using Maven, then you can declare a dependency on Weld Extensions (org.jboss.weld:weld-extensions:${weld.extensions.version}, make sure you have the JBoss Maven repository enabled). Otherwise, add the jar to your compile time and runtime classpath.

Most of Weld Extensions has very few dependencies:

Some features of Weld Extensions require additional dependencies (which are declared optional, so will not be added as transitive dependencies):

Weld Extensions provides a number enhancements to the CDI programming model which are under trial and may be included in later releases of Contexts and Dependency Injection.

Weld Extensions provides an extensible, injectable resource loader. The resource loader can provide URLs or managed input streams. By default the resource loader will look at the classpath, and the servlet context if available.

If the resource name is known at development time, the resource can be injected, either as a URL or an InputStream:


   URL beansXml;
   InputStream webXml;

If the resource name is not known, the ResourceProvider can be injected, and the resource looked up dynamically:


   void readXml(ResourceProvider provider, String fileName) {
      InputStream is = provider.loadResourceStream(fileName);

If you need access to all resources under a given name known to the resource loader (as opposed to first resource loaded), you can inject a collection of resources:


   Collection<URL> beansXmls;
   Collection<InputStream> webXmls;


Any input stream injected, or created directly by the ResourceProvider is managed, and will be automatically closed when the bean declaring the injection point of the resource or provider is destroyed.

If the resource is a Properties bundle, you can also inject it as a set of Properties:


   Properties awsProperties;

Weld Extensions integrates JBoss Logging 3 as it's logging framework of choice. JBoss Logging 3 is a modern logging framework offering:

To use a typed logger, first create the logger definition:


interface TrainSpotterLog {
   // Define log call with message, using printf-style interpolation of parameters
   @LogMessage @Message("Spotted %s diesel trains") 
   void dieselTrainsSpotted(int number);

You can then inject the typed logger with no further configuration:

   // Use the train spotter log, with the log category "trains"

   @Inject @Category("trains") TrainSpotterLog log;

and use it:


JBoss Logging will use the default locale unless overridden:

   // Use the train spotter log, with the log category "trains", and select the UK locale

   @Inject @Category("trains") @Locale("en_GB") TrainSpotterLog log;

You can also log exceptions:


interface TrainSpotterLog {
   // Define log call with message, using printf-style interpolation of parameters
   // The exception parameter will be logged as an exception
   @LogMessage @Message("Failed to spot train %s") 
   void missedTrain(String trainNumber,@Cause Exception exception);

You can then log a message with an exception:

log.missedTrain("RH1", cause);

You can also inject a "plain old" Logger:

   @Inject Logger log;

Typed loggers also provide internationalization support, simply add the @MessageBundle annotation to the logger interface (not currently supported).

Sometimes you need to access the message directly (for example to localize an exception message). Weld Extensions let's you inject a typed message bundle. First, declare the message bundle:


interface TrainMessages {
   // Define a message using printf-style interpolation of parameters
   @Message("No trains spotted due to %s") 
   String noTrainsSpotted(String cause);

Inject it:

@Inject @MessageBundle TrainMessages messages;

And use it:

   throw new BadDayException(messages.noTrainsSpotted("leaves on the line"));

Weld Extensions provides a number of utilility classes to make working with Annotations and AnnotatedTypes easier. This chapter will walk you each utility, and give you an idea of how to use it. For more detail, take a look at the javaodoc on each class.

Weld Extensions provides an AnnotatedType implementation that should be suitable for most portable extensions needs. The AnnotatedType is created from AnnotatedTypeBuilder as follows:

AnnotatedTypeBuilder builder = new AnnotatedTypeBuilder()

      .readFromType(baseType,true) /* readFromType can read from an AnnotatedType or a class */
      .addToClass(ModelLiteral.INSTANCE) /* add the @Model annotation */

Here we create a new builder, and initialize it using an existing AnnotatedType. We can then add or remove annotations from the class, and it's members. When we have finished modifying the type, we call create() to spit out a new, immutable, AnnotatedType.

AnnotatedTypeBuilder also allows you to specify a "redefinition" which can be applied to the type, a type of member, or all members. The redefiner will receive a callback for any annotations present which match the annotation type for which the redefinition is applied. For example, to remove the qualifier @Unique from any class member and the type:

AnnotatedTypeBuilder builder = new AnnotatedTypeBuilder()

      .redefine(Unique.class, new AnnotationRedefiner<Unique>() {
         public void redefine(RedefinitionContext<A> ctx) {

Sometimes you may need an annotation instance for an annotation whose type is not known at development time. Weld extends provides a AnnotationInstanceProvider class that can create an AnnotationLiteral instance for any annotation at runtime. Annotation attributes are passed in via a Map<String,Object>. For example given the follow annotation:


public @interface MultipleMembers {
   int intMember();
   long longMember();
   short shortMember();
   float floatMember();
   double doubleMember();
   byte byteMember();
   char charMember();
   boolean booleanMember();
   int[] intArrayMember();

We can create an annotation instance as follows:

/* Create a new provider */

   AnnotationInstanceProvider provider = new AnnotationInstanceProvider();
    /* Set the value for each of attributes */
    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    values.put("intMember", 1);
    values.put("longMember", 1);
    values.put("shortMember", 1);
    values.put("floatMember", 0);
    values.put("doubleMember", 0);
    values.put("byteMember", ((byte) 1));
    values.put("charMember", 'c');
    values.put("booleanMember", true);
    values.put("intArrayMember", new int[] { 0, 1 });
    /* Generate the instance */
    MultipleMembers an = provider.get(MultipleMembers.class, values);

When developing a framework that builds on CDI, you may need to obtain the BeanManager for the application, can't simply inject it as you are not working in an object managed by the container. The CDI specification allows lookup of java:comp/BeanManager in JNDI, however some environments don't support binding to this location (e.g. servlet containers such as Tomcat and Jetty) and some environments don't support JNDI (e.g. the Weld SE container). For this reason, most framework developers will prefer to avoid a direct JNDI lookup.

Often it is possible to pass the correct BeanManager to the object in which you require it, for example via a context object. For example, you might be able to place the BeanManager in the ServletContext, and retrieve it at a later date.

On some occasions however there is no suitable context to use, and in this case, you can take advantage of the abstraction over BeanManager lookup provided by Weld Extensions. To lookup up a BeanManager, you can extend the BeanManagerAware class, and call getBeanManager:

class WicketIntegration extends BeanManagerAware {

   public WicketManager getWicketManager() {
      Bean<?> bean = getBeanManager.getBean(Instance.class);

Occasionally you will be working in an existing class hierarchy, in which case you can use the static accessors on BeanManagerAccessor. For example:

class ResourceServlet extends HttpServlet {

   protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) 
         throws ServletException, IOException {
      BeanManager beanManager = BeanManagerAccessor.getBeanManager();

Weld Extensions provides a number of base classes which can be extended to create custom beans. Weld Extensions also provides bean builders which can be used to dynamically create beans using a fluent API.


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) bean, whose constructor will substitute specification defaults if null is passed for a particular attribute. Subclasses must implement the create() and destroy() methods.


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) abstract class for creating producers. Subclasses must implement produce() and dispose().


A builder for creating immutable beans which can read the type and annotations from an AnnotatedType.


A set of utilities for working with beans.


A base class for implementing Bean which forwards all calls to delegate().


A base class for implementing InjectionTarget which forwards all calls to delegate().


A base class for implementing ObserverMethod which forwards all calls to delegate().


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) bean, whose constructor will substitute specification defaults if null is passed for a particular attribute. An implementation of ContextualLifecycle may be registered to receive lifecycle callbacks.


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) injection point.


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) narrowing bean. Narrowing beans allow you to build a general purpose bean (likely a producer method), and register it for a narrowed type (or qualifiers).


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) bean, whose constructor will substitute specification defaults if null is passed for a particular attribute. An implementation of ContextualLifecycle may be registered to receive lifecycle callbacks. The bean implements PassivationCapable, and an id must be provided.


An immutable (and hence thread-safe) narrowing bean. Narrowing beans allow you to build a general purpose bean (likely a producer method), and register it for a narrowed type (or qualifiers). The bean implements PassivationCapable, and an id must be provided.


A builder for creating immutable narrowing beans which can read the type and annotations from an AnnotatedType.

The use of these classes is in general trivially understood with an understanding of basic programming patterns and the CDI specification, so no in depth explanation is provided here. The JavaDoc for each class and method provides more detail.

Properties are a convenient way of locating and working with JavaBean properties. They can be used with properties exposed via a getter/setter method, or directly via the field of a bean, providing a uniform interface that allows you all properties in the same way.

Property queries allow you to interrogate a class for properties which match certain criteria.

Once you have created the PropertyQuery instance, you can add search criteria. Weld Extensions provides three built-in criteria types, and it is very easy to add your own. A criteria is added to a query via the addCriteria() method. This method returns an instance of the PropertyQuery, so multiple addCriteria() invocations can be stacked.

Unwrapping producer methods allow you to create injectable objects that have "self-managed"" lifecycles, and are particularly useful if you have need a bean whose lifecycle does not exactly match one of the lifecycle of one of the existing scopes. The lifecycle of the bean is are managed by the bean that defines the producer method, and changes to the unwrapped object are immediately visible to all clients.

You can declare a method to be an unwrapping producer method by annotating it @Unwraps. The return type of the managed producer must be proxyable (see Section 5.4.1 of the CDI specification, "Unproxyable bean types"). Every time a method is called on unwrapped object the invocation is forwarded to the result of calling the unwrapping producer method.

For example consider a permission manager (that manages the current permission), and a security manager (that checks the current permission level). Any changes to permission in the permission manager are immediately visible to the security manager.


class PermissionManager {
   Permission permission;
   void setPermission(Permission permission) {
   @Unwraps @Current
   Permission getPermission() {
      return this.permission;
class SecurityManager {

   @Inject @Current
   Permission permission;
   boolean checkAdminPermission() {
      return permission.getName().equals("admin");

When permission.getName() is called, the unwrapped Permission forwards the invocation of getName() to the result of calling PermissionManager.getPermission().

For example you could raise the permission level before performing a sensitive operation, and then lower it again afterwards:

public class SomeSensitiveOperation {

   PermissionManager permissionManager;
   public void perform() {
      try {
         // Do some sensitive operation
      } finally {

Unwrapping producer methods can have parameters injected, including InjectionPoint (which repreents) the calling method.

Suppose you have a situation where you want to provide a default implementation of a particular service and allow the user to override it as needed. Although this may sound like a job for an alternative, they have some restrictions that may make them undesirable in this situation. If you were to use an alternative it would require an entry in every beans.xml file in an application.

Developers consuming the extension will have to open up the any jar file which references the default bean, and edit the beans.xml file within, in order to override the service. This is where default beans come in.

Default beans allow you to create a default bean with a specified type and set of qualifiers. If no other bean is installed that has the same type and qualifiers, then the default bean will be installed.

Let's take a real world example - a module that allows you to evaluate EL (something that Weld Extensions provides!). If JSF is available we want to use the FunctionMapper provided by the JSF implementation to resolve functions, otherwise we just want to use a a default FunctionMapper implementation that does nothing. We can achieve this as follows:

@DefaultBean(type = FunctionMapper.class)

class FunctionMapperImpl extends FunctionMapper {
   Method resolveFunction(String prefix, String localName) {
      return null;

And in the JSF module:

class FunctionMapperProvider {

   FunctionMapper produceFunctionMapper() {
      return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext().getFunctionMapper();

If FunctionMapperProvider is present then it will be used by default, otherwise the default FunctionMapperImpl is used.

A producer method or producer field may be defined to be a default producer by placing the @DefaultBean annotation on the producer. For example:

class CacheManager {
   Cache getCache() {

Any producer methods or producer fields declared on a default managed bean are automatically registered as default producers, with Method.getGenericReturnType() or Field.getGenericType() determining the type of the default producer. The default producer type can be overridden by specifying @DefaultBean on the producer method or field.

Many common services and API's require the use of more than just one class. When exposing these services via CDI, it would be time consuming and error prone to force the end developer to provide producers for all the different classes required. Generic beans provides a solution, allowing a framework author to provide a set of related beans, one for each single configuration point defined by the end developer. The configuration points specifies the qualifiers which are inherited by all beans in the set.

To illustrate the use of generic beans, we'll use the following example. Imagine we are writing an extension to integrate our custom messaging solution "ACME Messaging" with CDI. The ACME Messaging API for sending messages consists of several interfaces:

The message queue, onto which messages can be placed, and acted upon by ACME Messaging
The dispatcher, responsible for placing messages created by the user onto the queue
The dispatcher policy, which can be used to tweak the dispatch policy by the client
The messaging system configuration

We want to be able to create as many MessageQueue configurations's as they need, however we do not want to have to declare each producers and the associated plumbing for every queue. Generic beans are an ideal solution to this problem.

Before we take a look at creating generic beans, let's see how we will use them.

Generic beans are configured via producer methods and fields. We want to create two queues to interact with ACME Messaging, a default queue that is installed with qualifier @Default and a durable queue that has qualifier @Durable:

class MyMessageQueues {

   MessageSystemConfiguration defaultQueue = new MessageSystemConfiguration();
   @Produces @Durable @ConversationScoped
   MessageSystemConfiguration producerDefaultQueue() {
      MessageSystemConfiguration config = new MessageSystemConfiguration();
      return config;

Looking first at the default queue, in addition to the @Produces annotation, the generic configuration annotation ACMEQueue, is used, which defines this to be a generic configuration point for ACME messaging (and cause a whole set of beans to be created, exposing for example the dispatcher). The generic configuration annotation specifies the queue name, and the value of the producer field defines the messaging system's configuration (in this case we use all the defaults). As no qualifier is placed on the definition, @Default qualifier is inherited by all beans in the set.

The durable queue is defined as a producer method (as we want to alter the configuration of the queue before having Weld Extensions use it). Additionally, it specifies that the generic beans created (that allow for their scope to be overridden) should be placed in the conversation scope. Finally, it specifies that the generic beans created should inherit the qualifier @Durable.

We can now inject our generic beans as normal, using the qualifiers specified on the configuration point:

class MessageLogger {

   MessageDispatcher dispatcher;
   void logMessage(Payload payload) {
      /* Add metaddata to the message */
      Collection<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
      Message message = new Message(headers, payload);
class DurableMessageLogger {

   @Inject @Durable
   MessageDispatcher dispatcher;
   @Inject @Durable
   DispatcherPolicy policy;
   /* Tweak the dispatch policy to enable duplicate removal */
   void tweakPolicy(@Durable DispatcherPolicy policy) {
   void logMessage(Payload payload) {

Having seen how we use the generic beans, let's look at how to define them. We start by creating the generic configuration annotation:


@interface ACMEQueue {
   String name();

The generic configuration annotation a defines the generic configuration type (in this case MessageSystemConfiguration); the type produced by the generic configuration point must be of this type. Additionally it defines the member name, used to provide the queue name.

Next, we define the queue manager bean. The manager has one producer method, which creates the queue from the configuration:

@GenericConfiguration(ACMEQueue.class) @ApplyScope

class QueueManager {
   @Inject @Generic
   MessageSystemConfiguration systemConfig;
   ACMEQueue config;
   MessageQueueFactory factory;
   void init() {
      factory = systemConfig.createMessageQueueFactory();
   @Produces @ApplyScope
   public MessageQueue messageQueueProducer() {
      return factory.createMessageQueue(;

The bean is declared to be a generic bean for the @ACMEQueue generic configuration type annotation by placing the @GenericConfiguration annotation on the class. We can inject the generic configuration type using the @Generic qualifier, as well the annotation used to define the queue.

Placing the @ApplyScope annotation on the bean causes it to inherit the scope from the generic configuration point. As creating the queue factory is a heavy operation we don't want to do it more than necessary.

Having created the MessageQueueFactory, we can then expose the queue, obtaining it's name from the generic configuration annotation. Additionally, we define the scope of the producer method to be inherited from the generic configuration point by placing the annotation @ApplyScope on the producer method. The producer method automatically inherits the qualifiers specified by the generic configuration point.

Finally we define the message manager, which exposes the message dispatcher, as well as allowing the client to inject an object which exposes the policy the dispatcher will use when enqueing messages. The client can then tweak the policy should they wish.


class MessageManager {
   @Inject @Generic
   MessageQueue queue;
   @Produces @ApplyScope
   MessageDispatcher messageDispatcherProducer() {
      return queue.createMessageDispatcher();
   DispatcherPolicy getPolicy() {
      return queue.getDispatcherPolicy();

The service handler facility allow you to declare interfaces and abstract classes as automatically implemented beans. Any call to an abstract method on the interface or abstract class will be forwarded to the invocation handler for processing.

If you wish to convert some non-type-safe lookup to a type-safe lookup, then service handlers may be useful for you, as they allow the end user to map a lookup to a method using domain specific annotations.

We will work through using this facility, taking the example of a service which can execute JPA queries upon abstract method calls. First we define the annotation used to mark interfaces as automatically implemented beans. We meta-annotate it, defining the invocation handler to use:


@interface QueryService {}

We now define an annotation which provides the query to execute:


@interface Query {
   String value();

And finally, the invocation handler, which simply takes the query, and executes it using JPA, returning the result:

class QueryHandler {

   @Inject EntityManager em;
   Object handle(InvocationContext ctx) {
      return em.createQuery(ctx.getMethod().getAnnotation(Query.class).value()).getResultList();

Finally, we can define (any number of) interfaces which define our queries:


interface UserQuery {
   @Query("select u from User u");
   public List<User> getAllUsers();

Finally, we can inject the query interface, and call methods, automatically executing the JPA query.

class UserListManager {

   UserQuery userQuery;
   List<User> users;
   void create() {