JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)




What are Social Media applications and what are Services ?

Social media application are exploding and some of the popular sites are Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus etc. these websites brings people to interact with each other and offers a platform to collaborative, express and share their views on a real time.

These social websites often offer endpoints(Usually REST based services) to enable developers to create crazy mashups that are driven off of these social websites.

What is the use of such Services ?
We are in Information era, where information is the core for everyone. Services gives way to collaborate with different websites to bring quality

Why Java needs such services ?
Java is a universal language and it grows rapidly in length and breadth of the technology and Social media is an inevitable resource today on internet era. There are so many Service provider with so many API to access them. Developer needs one interface that rules them all!

What technology the Social Applications provides today to expose their services?
Today most of the Social Service provider uses OAuth for Authentication and mostly the offer data via REST services in the form of JSOn to access their resources.


What is Agorava ?
Agorava is a project which has a mission to standardize the way we program for Social Media in Java. It is a set of api to abstract the underlying complexity of writing social application access APIs and provides a fine grained api for client side. An interface that speaks with most of the popular social services.

Why to use Agorava?
It is designed to make it generic. If you a API which let you to have one code for all type of services then Agorava is your first choice. It gives API to write same way to all type or different services, so if you change your service you won't do any change in your code.

What are other APIs available ?
There are many API available in Java for accessing social networks, some famous apis are OpenSocial, Seam Social, DaliCore etc.

How Agorava is different?
Agorava focus on standardise the api it provides a abstract interfaces to write the underlying communication to services and gives a fine grained client for writing code outside of the implementation.

How Agorava works ?
Agorava uses the famous and widely used OAuth and JSON behind the scene.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-10 09:38:46 UTC, last content change 2012-06-21 17:24:30 UTC.