This is the home of the Arquillian space.
Reference Guide
Mission statement
Architecture overview
Integration testing in Java EE
Usage scenarios
Introductory examples
Testing an EJB
Testing CDI beans
Testing JPA
Testing JMS
Getting started
Setting up Arquillian in a Maven project
Writing your first Arquillian test
Setting up and running the test in Maven
Setting up and running the test in Eclipse
Setting up and running the test in NetBeans
Target containers
Container varieties
Container management
Supported containers
Container configuration
Test enrichment
Injection into the test case
Active scopes
Test execution
Anatomy of a test
ShrinkWrap packaging
Test archive deployment
Enriching the test class
Negotiating test execution
Test run modes
Debugging remote tests
Debugging in Eclipse
Assertions in remote tests
Build system integration
Arquillian's active build ingredient
Integrating Arquillian into a Gradle build
Integrating Arquillian into an Ant (+Ivy) build
Advanced use cases
Descriptor deployment
Resource injection
Multiple Deployments
Multiple Containers
Protocol selection
Extending Arquillian
Complete Extension Reference
Seam 2
Complete Container Reference
Apache OpenEJB 3.1 - Embedded
Apache OpenWebBeans 1.0 - Embedded
GlassFish 3.1 - Embedded
GlassFish 3.1 - Managed
GlassFish 3.1 - Remote
JBoss AS 5.1 - Managed
JBoss AS 5.1 - Remote
JBoss AS 5 - Remote
JBoss AS 6.0 - Embedded
JBoss AS 6.0 - Managed
JBoss AS 6.0 - Remote
JBoss AS 7.0 - Managed
JBoss AS 7.0 - Remote
JBoss Reloaded 1.0 - Embedded
Jetty 6.1 - Embedded
Jetty 7.0 - Embedded
Tomcat 5.5 - Managed
Tomcat 6.0 - Embedded
Tomcat 6.0 - Managed
Tomcat 6.0 - Remote
Tomcat 7.0 - Embedded
WAS V7.0 - Remote
WAS V8.0 - Embedded
WAS V8.0 - Remote
Weld EE 1.1 - Embedded
Weld SE 1.0 - Embedded
Weld SE 1.1 - Embedded
WLS 10.3 - Remote
WLS 12.1 - Remote
Complete Protocol Reference
Servlet 2.5
Servlet 3.0
x - Architecture overview
x - Container management
x- Debugging remote tests
x - Extending Arquillian
x - Introduction
x - Mission statement
x - Test execution