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Infinispan 5.3

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Infinispan offers a simple Command-Line Interface (CLI) with which it is possible to interact with the data within the caches and with most of the internal components (e.g. transactions, cross-site backups, rolling upgrades).

The CLI is built out of two elements: a server-side module and the client command tool. The server-side module (infinispan-cli-server-$VERSION.jar) provides the actual interpreter for the commands and needs to be included alongside your application. If you are using the startServer.[sh.bat] script it is included by default.

Currently the server (and the client) use the JMX protocol to communicate, but in a future release we plan to support other communication protocols (in particular our own HotRod).

The CLI offers both an interactive and a batch mode. To invoke the client, just run the provided bin/ispn-cli.[sh|bat] script. The following is a list of command-line switches which affect how the CLI can be started:

-c, --connect=URL       connects to a running instance of Infinispan.
                        JMX over RMI jmx://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]]
                        JMX over JBoss remoting remoting://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]]
-f, --file=FILE         reads input from the specified file instead of using                          
                        interactive mode. If FILE is '-', then commands will be read
                        from stdin
-h, --help              shows this help page 
-v, --version           shows version information

* JMX over RMI is the traditional way in which JMX clients connect to MBeanServers. Please refer to the JDK Monitoring and Management documentation for details on how to configure the process to be monitored

The connection to the application can also be initiated from within the CLI using the connect command.

[disconnected//]> connect jmx://localhost:12000

The CLI prompt will show the active connection information, including the currently selected CacheManager. Initially no cache is selected so, before performing any cache operations, one must be selected. For this the cache command is used. The CLI supports tab-completion for all commands and options and for most parameters where it makes sense to do so. Therefore typing cache and pressing TAB will show a list of active caches:

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/> cache
___defaultcache  namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/]> cache ___defaultcache

Pressing TAB at an empty prompt will show the list of all available commands:

alias       cache       container   encoding    get         locate      remove      site        upgrade     
abort       clear       create      end         help        put         replace     start       version     
begin       commit      disconnect  evict       info        quit        rollback    stats     

The CLI is based on Æsh and therefore offers many keyboard shortcuts to navigate and search the history of commands, to manipulate the cursor at the prompt, including both Emacs and VI modes of operation.




The abort command is used to abort a running batch initiated by the start command

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> abort
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a


The begin command starts a transaction. In order for this command to work, the cache(s) on which the subsequent operations are invoked must have transactions enabled.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit


The cache command selects the cache to use as default for all subsequent operations. If it is invoked without parameters it shows the currently selected cache.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache ___defaultcache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/___defaultcache]> cache


The clear command clears a cache from all content.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> clear
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a


The commit command commits an ongoing transaction

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit


The container command selects the default container (cache manager). Invoked without parameters it lists all available containers

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container
MyCacheManager OtherCacheManager
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container OtherCacheManager


The create command creates a new cache based on the configuration of an existing cache definition

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> create newCache like namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache newCache


The disconnect command disconnects the currently active connection allowing the CLI to connect to another instance.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> disconnect


The encoding command is used to set a default codec to use when reading/writing entries from/to a cache. When invoked without arguments it shows the currently selected codec.
This command is useful since currently remote protocols such as HotRod and Memcached wrap keys and values in specialized structures.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding --list
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding hotrod


The end command is used to successfully end a running batch initiated by the start command

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a


The evict command is used to evict from the cache the entry associated with a specific key.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> evict a


The get command is used to show the value associated to a specified key. For primitive types and Strings, the get command will simply print the default representation. For other objects, a JSON representation of the object will be printed.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a


The info command is used to show the configuration of the currently selected cache or container.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> info
GlobalConfiguration{asyncListenerExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@98add58}, asyncTransportExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@7bc9c14c}, evictionScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@7ab1a411}, replicationQueueScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@248a9705}, globalJmxStatistics=GlobalJmxStatisticsConfiguration{allowDuplicateDomains=true, enabled=true, jmxDomain='jboss.infinispan', mBeanServerLookup=org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan.MBeanServerProvider@6c0dc01, cacheManagerName='local', properties={}}, transport=TransportConfiguration{clusterName='ISPN', machineId='null', rackId='null', siteId='null', strictPeerToPeer=false, distributedSyncTimeout=240000, transport=null, nodeName='null', properties={}}, serialization=SerializationConfiguration{advancedExternalizers={1100=org.infinispan.server.core.CacheValue$Externalizer@5fabc91d, 1101=org.infinispan.server.memcached.MemcachedValue$Externalizer@720bffd, 1104=org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ServerAddress$Externalizer@771c7eb2}, marshaller=org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller@6fc21535, version=52, classResolver=org.jboss.marshalling.ModularClassResolver@2efe83e5}, shutdown=ShutdownConfiguration{hookBehavior=DONT_REGISTER}, modules={}, site=SiteConfiguration{localSite='null'}}


The locate command shows the physical location of a specified entry in a distributed cluster.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> locate a


The put command inserts an entry in the cache. If the cache previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value. The user can control the type of data that the CLI will use to store the key and value. See the Data Types paragraph.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b 100
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put c 4139l
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put d true
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put e { "package.MyClass": {"i": 5, "x": null, "b": true } }

The put command can optionally specify a lifespan and a maximum idle time.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10s
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10m maxidle 1m


The replace command replaces an existing entry in the cache. If an old value is specified, then the replacement happens only if the value in the cache coincides.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b c
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b d
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a


The rollback command rolls back an ongoing transaction

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> rollback


The site command performs operations related to the administration of cross-site replication. It can be used to obtain information related to the status of a site and to change the status (online/offline)

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --offline NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --online NYC


The start command initiates a batch of operations.

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end


The stats command displays statistics about a cache

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> stats
Statistics: {
  averageWriteTime: 143
  evictions: 10
  misses: 5
  hitRatio: 1.0
  readWriteRatio: 10.0
  removeMisses: 0
  timeSinceReset: 2123
  statisticsEnabled: true
  stores: 100
  elapsedTime: 93
  averageReadTime: 14
  removeHits: 0
  numberOfEntries: 100
  hits: 1000
LockManager: {
  concurrencyLevel: 1000
  numberOfLocksAvailable: 0
  numberOfLocksHeld: 0


The ugrade command performs operations used during the rolling upgrade procedure. For a detailed description of this procedure please see Rolling upgrades

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --synchronize=hotrod --all
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --disconnectsource=hotrod --all


The version command displays version information about both the CLI client and the server

[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> version
Client Version 5.2.1.Final
Server Version 5.2.1.Final

Data Types

The CLI understands the following types:

  • string
    strings can either be quoted between single (') or double (") quotes, or left unquoted. In this case it must not contain spaces, punctuation and cannot begin with a number e.g. 'a string', key001

  • int
    an integer is identified by a sequence of decimal digits, e.g. 256

  • long
    a long is identified by a sequence of decimal digits suffixed by 'l', e.g. 1000l

  • double

  • a double precision number is identified by a floating point number(with optional exponent part) and an optional 'd' suffix, e.g.3.14

  • float

  • a single precision number is identified by a floating point number(with optional exponent part) and an 'f' suffix, e.g. 10.3f

  • boolean
    a boolean is represented either by the keywords true and false

  • UUID
    a UUID is represented by its canonical form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

  • JSON
    serialized Java classes can be represented using JSON notation, e.g. {"package.MyClass":{"i":5,"x":null,"b":true}}. Please note that the specified class must be available to the CacheManager's class loader.

Time Values

A time value is an integer number followed by time unit suffix: days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), milliseconds (ms).

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:30:47 UTC, last content change 2013-02-27 21:27:28 UTC.