JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

Infinispan 5.3

Contributing - Helping Others Out

Infinispan is reliant on the whole community helping each other out. Less experienced contributors are often able to help out answering the "newbie" questions, leaving more experienced contributors to handle the more complex questions.

Users are encouraged to follow the How to ask a forum question guide.

Forum discussions can be posed as questions (we encourage people to do this). Questions can be marked as answered, indicating to the community that they no longer require answering, allowing easy tracking of open questions. Open questions can be easily viewed using this filter. Community members are encouraged to regularly view the open questions and answer any questions they can.

In order to track what questions are still open, you are encouraged to mark questions as "assumed answered" if you provide information that you think resolves the query and you don't hear back to the contrary after a week or so.

Approximately every month, a member of the Infinispan team will go through any open questions for the past month and clear up any unanswered questions, either by chasing for an answer from core team, or by checking with the user if they require more info.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:31:55 UTC, last content change 2011-07-05 17:53:49 UTC.