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Infinispan 5.3

Locking and Concurrency

Infinispan makes use of multi-versioned concurrency control (MVCC) - a concurrency scheme popular with relational databases and other data stores. MVCC offers many advantages over coarse-grained Java synchronization and even JDK Locks for access to shared data, including:

The rest of this wiki page is broken down into the following sections:

MVCC implementation details

Infinispan's MVCC implementation makes use of minimal locks and synchronizations, leaning heavily towards lock-free techniques such as compare-and-swap and lock-free data structures wherever possible, which helps optimize for multi-CPU and multi-core environments.

In particular, Infinispan's MVCC implementation is heavily optimized for readers.  Reader threads do not acquire explicit locks for entries, and instead directly read the entry in question.

Writers, on the other hand, need to acquire a write lock.  This ensures only one concurrent writer per entry, causing concurrent writers to queue up to change an entry.  To allow concurrent reads, writers make a copy of the entry they intend to modify, by wrapping the entry in a MVCCEntry.  This copy isolates concurrent readers from seeing partially modified state.  Once a write has completed, MVCCEntry.commit() will flush changes to the data container and subsequent readers will see the changes written.

Isolation levels

Infinispan offers two isolation levels - READ_COMMITTED (the default) and REPEATABLE_READ, configurable via the <locking /> configuration element.  These isolation levels determine when readers see a concurrent write, and are implemented using different subclasses of MVCCEntry, which have different behaviour in how state is committed back to the data container.

Here's a more detailed example that should help understand the difference between READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ in the context of Infinispan. With read committed, if between two consecutive read calls on the same key, the key has been updated by another transaction, the second read will return the new updated value:

  1. Thread1: tx.begin()

  2. Thread1: cache.get(k) returns v

  3. Thread2: tx.begin()

  4. Thread2: cache.get(k) returns v

  5. Thread2: cache.put(k, v2)

  6. Thread2: tx.commit()

  7. Thread1: cache.get(k) returns v2!

With REPEATABLE_READ, step 7 will still return v. So, if you're gonna retrieve the same key multiple times within a transaction, you should use REPEATABLE_READ.

The LockManager

The LockManager is a component that is responsible for locking an entry for writing.  The LockManager makes use of a LockContainer to locate/hold/create locks.  LockContainers come in two broad flavours, with support for lock striping and with support for one lock per entry.

Lock striping

Lock striping entails the use of a fixed-size, shared collection of locks for the entire cache, with locks being allocated to entries based on the entry's key's hash code.  Similar to the way the JDK's ConcurrentHashMap allocates locks, this allows for a highly scalable, fixed-overhead locking mechanism in exchange for potentially unrelated entries being blocked by the same lock.

The alternative is to disable lock striping - which would mean a new lock is created per entry.  This approach may give you greater concurrent throughput, but it will be at the cost of additional memory usage, garbage collection churn, etc.

Default lock stripping settings

Since Infinispan 5.0, lock striping is disabled by default, due to potential deadlocks that can happen if locks for different keys end up in the same lock stripe. Previously, in Infinispan 4.x lock striping used to be enabled by default. 

The size of the shared lock collection used by lock striping can be tuned using the concurrencyLevel attribute of the <locking /> configuration element.

Concurrency levels

In addition to determining the size of the striped lock container, this concurreny level is also used to tune any JDK ConcurrentHashMap based collections where related, such as internal to DataContainers.  Please refer to the JDK ConcurrentHashMap Javadocs for a detailed discussion of concurrency levels, as this parameter is used in exactly the same way in Infinispan.

Explicit and implicit distributed eager locking

Infinispan, by default, acquires remote locks lazily.  Locks are acquired locally on a node that runs a transaction while other cluster nodes attempt to lock cache keys involved in a transaction during two-phase prepare/commit phase. However, if desired, Infinispan can eagerly lock cache keys either explicitly or implicitly.

Infinispan cache interface exposes lock API that allows cache users to explicitly lock set of cache keys eagerly during a transaction. Lock call attempts to lock specified cache keys across all cluster nodes and it either succeeds or fails. All locks are released during commit or rollback phase.

Consider a transaction running on one of the cache nodes:

cache.lock(K)    // acquire cluster wide lock on K
cache.put(K,V5)  // guaranteed to succeed
tx.commit()      // releases locks
Implicit locking goes one step ahead and locks cache keys behind the scene as keys are accessed for modification operations.

Consider a transaction running on one of the cache nodes:

cache.put(K,V)    // acquire cluster wide lock on K
cache.put(K2,V2)  // acquire cluster wide lock on K2
cache.put(K,V5)   // no-op, we already own cluster wide lock for K
tx.commit()       // releases locks
Implicit eager locking locks cache keys across cluster nodes only if it is necessary to do so. In a nutshell, if implicit eager locking is turned on then for each modification Infinispan checks if cache key is locked locally. If it is then a global cluster wide lock has already been obtained, otherwise a cluster wide lock request is sent and lock is acquired.

Implicit eager locking is enabled as follows:

<transaction useEagerLocking="true" />

Locking a single remote node

Starting with 4.2, Infinispan allows eagerLockSingleNode configuration option. This only applies for DIST modes. Having this enabled would make the number of remote locks acquired to be always 1, disregarding the configured numOwners. Following diagrams are intended to explain better this option. All diagrams represent an cluster having 5 nodes, with numOwners=2.


Above diagram shows the situation where eagerLockSingleNode=false (default configuration). On each lock request, numOwners remote calls are performed (in our example 2).


Above diagram shows how lock on the same key are acquired when eagerLockSingleNode=true. The number of remote calls being performed is always 1, disregarding numOwners values (it can actually be 0, as we'll see later on).

In this scenario, if the lock owner fails (Node_C) then the transaction that holds the lock, which originated on Node_A is marked for rollback.

Combining eagerLockSingleNode with the KeyAffinityService can bring some interesting advantages. The next diagram shows this:


By using KeyAffinityService one can generate keys that would always map to the local node. If eagerLockSingleNode=true, then the remote lock acquisition happens locally: this way one can benefit from eager locking semantics and having the same performance as non eager locking. The optimisation is affected by cluster topology changes, so keys might get relocated. But for clusters where topology changes are rather rare this can bring  a lot of value.

The following xml snippet shows how can be configured:

            useEagerLocking="true" eagerLockSingleNode="true"/>
            useEagerLocking="true" eagerLockSingleNode="true"/>

Note that the configuration is ignored if eager locking is disabled or cache mode is not DIST.


The fact that a single owner is locked (as opposed to all owners being locked) does not break the following consistency guarantee: if key K is hashed to nodes {A, B} and transaction TX1 acquires a lock for K, let's say on A. If another transaction, TX2, is started on B (or any other node) and TX2 tries to lock K then it will fail with a timeout as the lock is already held by TX1. The reason for this is the that the lock for a key K is always, deterministically, acquired on the same node of the cluster, regardless of where the transaction originates.

transactional caches and concurrent updates 

This configuration refers to non-transactional distributed and local caches only (doesn't apply to replicated caches) and was added in Infinispan 5.2. Depending on whether one needs to support concurrent updates (e.g. two threads concurrently writing the same key), the following configuration option can be used:

<locking supportsConcurrentUpdates="true"/>

When enabled (default == true), the supportConcurrentUpdates adds internal support for concurrent writes: a locking interceptor that would serialize writes to the same key and a delegation layer, that designates a lock owner and uses it in order to coordinate the writes to a key.

More specific, when a thread running on node A writes on key k that mapps according to the consistent hash to nodes {B, C}

(given numOwners==2):

  • A forwards (RPC) the write to the primary owner. The primary owner is the first node in the list of owners, in our example B

  • B acquires a lock on k. Once the lock successfully acquired,_ _it forwards (RPC) the request to the rest of owners (in this example C) that apply it locally

  • B applies the result locally, releases the lock and then it returns to A

Reasoning about the performance: in order to assure consistency under concurrent update, we do 2 RPCs: from operation originator to main owner and from main owner to the rest of the owners. That's one more than when supportConcurrentUpdates == false: in this case the operation originator does a single (multicast) RPC to all the owners. This induces a performance cost and whenever one uses the cache in non-concurrent manner, it is recommended that this configuration to be set to false in order to increase the performance. When using Infinispan in client/server mode with a Hot Rod client, this would use the main data owner in order to write data, so in this scenario there should not be any performance cost when supporting concurrent updates.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:29:28 UTC, last content change 2012-12-17 18:40:21 UTC.