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ModeShape 2.8

Teiid Relational Model Sequencer

Teiid Designer, is a visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime engine. It is capable of modeling several different kinds of data structures, but the most common and widely-used are relational models that describe a relational database schema, including the catalogs/schemas, tables, views, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, procedures, procedure results, procedure results, and logical relationships. Teiid Designer can reverse-engineer a relational model from a JDBC relational database or DDL file. It can also define "virtual" models that are transformations of other models (where the transformations are defined in terms of SQL select, insert, update, and delete statements). These models can then be packaged into a virtual database, which can be deployed to a Teiid runtime engine.

Teiid is a high-performance database virtualization engine that allows JDBC and ODBC client applications access the virtual database as if it were a real database, using relational, XML, XQuery and procedural queries. Teiid dynamically (and in real-time) figures out how to answer the queries and operations issued by clients by efficiently accessing and manipulating the data inside the underlying data sources. Teiid's sophisticated engine is able to plan and optimize these operations, even when multiple heterogeneous relational and non-relational data sources must be accessed to obtain the required information.

The Teiid relational model sequencer parses the model files produced by the Teiid Designer, and extracts the structured relational data model described by the XMI file. This means that when these models are uploaded into a ModeShape repository, the sequencer writes to the repository all this relational metadata, where it can be queried and accessed by JCR, RESTful, and even JDBC clients.

The ModelSequencer has a single JavaBean properties for changing behavior:




Optional property that, if set to 'true', reuses the model's "xmi:uuid" values as the generated nodes' "jcr:uuid" identifiers. In such cases, a model may only appear in the repository once, so even those a model might be uploaded into the repository multiple times, each time the model is sequenced the newly generated output will overwrite any output from previous sequencing operations. If set the 'false', a model (or different versions of a model) can be uploaded into the repository multiple times, where they all can be accessed at any time. The default value for this property is 'false'; changing it may have drastic ramifications and is suggested only for advanced users.

ClassFileSequencer properties

UUIDsAs mentioned above, the Teiid model sequencer can operate in two modes. The behavior you choose will dramatically change what you can do with the sequenced relational models.

The first mode reuses the "xmi:uuid" identifiers on each object in the model as the "jcr:uuid" node identifiers. In this mode, the sequencer represents each model reference as a JCR WEAKREFERENCE, making it very easy to navigate and query relationships. However, there is one major disadvantage of this approach: each time a model is uploaded into the repository, the sequencer will override any output generated by earlier sequencing operations upon that file (or other versions of it). Thus, the sequenced representation of an uploaded model can ever appear only once within the repository, even though different versions of that model might exist in the repository at different locations. This may be desirable in some situations, but for most situations it is simply not acceptable.

In the second mode of operation (which is the default mode), there is no correlation between the model's "xmi:uuid" and "jcr:uuid" node identifiers. Various versions of a given model can be uploaded into the repository at multiple locations, yet each model's relational schema will exist in the repository. The downside of this approach is that references are no longer simply WEAKREFERENCE properties. Instead, each single-valued reference will be represented as a series of four properties:

References to model objects within the same model are easily resolved upon sequencing, and so we set all of the properties (regardless of the mode). However, references to objects in other models cannot be resolved at sequencing time.

The Teiid VDB sequencer behavior is unrelated to this mode, since it always sequences models with new "jcr:uuid" identifiers that are unrelated to the "xmi:uuid" values. In this manner, each sequencing of a VDB will produce the relational model representation for each model in the VDB (with all valid references resolved between all models), independent of any generated output from the Teiid model sequencer.

Node TypesThe model sequencer follows JCR best-practices by defining all nodes to have a primary type of "nt:unstructured" (or a node type that extends "nt:unstructured"), meaning it's possible and valid for any node to have any property (with single or multiple values). However, it is still useful to capture the metadata about what that node represents, and so the sequencer use mixins for this. For example, there is a "xmi:referenceable" mixin with a single "xmi:uuid" property (patterned after the built-in "mix:referenceable" mixin). Since all model objects have mmuuids, all nodes produced by this sequencer will have this mixin.

The rest of this section covers the various (and many!) node types defined for and used by this sequencer. Note that these are non-normative definitions of the node types; see the CND files in the "modeshape-sequencer-teiid" JAR file (or source) for the official definitions.

XMI NamespaceThe compact node definitions for the "xmi" namespace are as follows:

<nt  = "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0">
<xmi = "http://www.omg.org/XMI">

// N O D E T Y P E S

[xmi:referenceable] mixin
 - xmi:uuid (string) mandatory

[xmi:model] > nt:unstructured, xmi:referenceable orderable
 - xmi:version (double) = '2.0'

Core NamespaceThe compact node definitions for the "mmcore" namespace are as follows:

<nt  = "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0">
<xmi = "http://www.omg.org/XMI">
<mmcore = "http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/Core">
<mode = "http://www.modeshape.org/1.0">

[mmcore:model] > xmi:referenceable, mode:hashed mixin
  - mmcore:modelType (string) = 'UNKNOWN' < 'PHYSICAL','VIRTUAL','TYPE','VDB_ARCHIVE',
  - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri (string)
  - mmcore:description (string)
  - mmcore:nameInSource (string)
  - mmcore:maxSetSize (long) = '100'
  - mmcore:visible (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsDistinct (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsJoin (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsOrderBy (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsOuterJoin (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsWhereAll (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:supportsDistinct (boolean) = 'true'
  - mmcore:producerName (string)
  - mmcore:producerVersion (string)
  - mmcore:originalFile (string)
  - mmcore:sha1 (string)

[mmcore:import] > nt:unstructured, xmi:referenceable orderable
  - mmcore:modelType (string) = 'UNKNOWN' < 'PHYSICAL','VIRTUAL','TYPE','VDB_ARCHIVE',
  - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri (string)
  - mmcore:path (string)
  - mmcore:name (string)
  - mmcore:modelLocation (string)

[mmcore:annotated] mixin
  - mmcore:description (string)
  - mmcore:keywords (string) multiple

[mmcore:tags] mixin
  - * (undefined) multiple
  - * (undefined)

Relational NamespaceThe compact node definitions for the "relational" namespace are as follows:

<nt  = "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0">
<xmi = "http://www.omg.org/XMI">

// N O D E T Y P E S

[relational:relationalEntity] > xmi:referenceable abstract mixin
 - relational:nameInSource (string)

[relational:relationship] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity abstract

// -------------------------------------------
// Columns and Column Sets
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:column] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity
 - relational:nativeType (string)
 - relational:type (weakreference)
 - relational:typeHref (string)
 - relational:typeXmiUuid (string)
 - relational:typeName (string)
 - relational:length (long)
 - relational:fixedLength (boolean)
 - relational:precision (long)
 - relational:scale (long)
 - relational:nullable (string) = 'NULLABLE' < 'NO_NULLS', 'NULLABLE', 'NULLABLE_UNKNOWN'
 - relational:autoIncremented (boolean) = 'false'
 - relational:defaultValue (string)
 - relational:minimumValue (string)
 - relational:maximumValue (string)
 - relational:format (string)
 - relational:characterSetName (string)
 - relational:collationName (string)
 - relational:selectable (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:updateable (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:caseSensitive (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:searchability (string) = 'SEARCHABLE' < 'SEARCHABLE',
                                       'ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE', 'LIKE_ONLY', 'UNSEARCHABLE'
 - relational:currency (boolean) = 'false'
 - relational:radix (long) = '10'
 - relational:signed (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:distinctValueCount (long) = '-1'
 - relational:nullValueCount (long) = '-1'
 - relational:uniqueKeys (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyNames (string) multiple
 - relational:indexes (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:indexHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:indexXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:indexNames (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeys (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyNames (string) multiple
 - relational:accessPatterns (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:accessPatternHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:accessPatternXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:accessPatternNames (string) multiple

[relational:columnSet] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity abstract orderable
 + * (relational:column) = relational:column copy

// -------------------------------------------
// Constraints
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:uniqueKey] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity abstract
 - relational:columns (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:columnXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:columnNames (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeys (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:foreignKeyNames (string) multiple

[relational:uniqueConstraint] > relational:uniqueKey

[relational:primaryKey] > relational:uniqueKey

[relational:foreignKey] > relational:relationship
 - relational:foreignKeyMultiplicity (string) = 'ZERO_TO_MANY' < 'ONE', 'MANY',
                                                'ZERO_TO_ONE', 'ZERO_TO_MANY', 'UNSPECIFIED'
 - relational:primaryKeyMultiplicity (string) = 'ONE' < 'ONE', 'MANY', 'ZERO_TO_ONE',
                                                'ZERO_TO_MANY', 'UNSPECIFIED'
 - relational:columns (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:columnXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:columnNames (string) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeys (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:uniqueKeyNames (string) multiple

[relational:index] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity
 - relational:filterCondition (string)
 - relational:nullable (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:autoUpdate (boolean)
 - relational:unique (boolean)
 - relational:columns (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:columnXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:columnNames (string) multiple

[relational:accessPattern] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity orderable
 - relational:columns (UNDEFINED) multiple

// -------------------------------------------
// Tables and Views
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:table] > relational:columnSet abstract orderable
 - relational:system (boolean) = 'false'
 - relational:cardinality (long)
 - relational:supportsUpdate (boolean) = 'true'
 - relational:materialized (boolean) = 'false'
 - relational:logicalRelationships (weakreference) multiple
 - relational:logicalRelationshipHrefs (string) multiple
 - relational:logicalRelationshipXmiUuids (string) multiple
 - relational:logicalRelationshipNames (string) multiple
 + * (relational:primaryKey) = relational:primaryKey copy
 + * (relational:foreignKey) = relational:foreignKey copy
 + * (relational:accessPattern) = relational:accessPattern copy sns

[relational:baseTable] > relational:table orderable

[relational:view] > relational:table orderable

// -------------------------------------------
// Procedures
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:procedureParameter] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity
 - relational:direction (string) < 'IN', 'OUT', 'INOUT', 'RETURN', 'UNKNOWN'
 - relational:defaultValue (string)
 - relational:nativeType (string)
 - relational:type (weakreference)
 - relational:typeXmiUuid (string)
 - relational:typeName (string)
 - relational:length (long)
 - relational:precision (long)
 - relational:scale (long)
 - relational:nullable (string) = 'NULLABLE' < 'NO_NULLS', 'NULLABLE', 'NULLABLE_UNKNOWN'
 - relational:radix (long) = '10'

[relational:procedureResult] > relational:columnSet orderable

[relational:procedure] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity orderable
 - relational:function (boolean)
 - relational:updateCount (string) < 'AUTO', 'ZERO', 'ONE', 'MULTIPLE'
 + * (relational:procedureParameter) = relational:procedureParameter copy sns
 + * (relational:procedureResult) = relational:procedureResult copy

// -------------------------------------------
// Logical Relationships
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:logicalRelationshipEnd] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity
 - relational:multiplicity (string) < 'ONE', 'MANY', 'ZERO_TO_ONE', 'ZERO_TO_MANY', 'UNSPECIFIED'
 - relational:table (weakreference)
 - relational:tableHref (string)
 - relational:tableXmiUuid (string)
 - relational:tableName (string)

[relational:logicalRelationship] > relational:relationship orderable
 + * (relational:logicalRelationshipEnd) = relational:logicalRelationshipEnd copy sns

// -------------------------------------------
// Catalogs and Schemas
// -------------------------------------------

[relational:schema] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity orderable
 + * (relational:table) = relational:baseTable copy
 + * (relational:procedure) = relational:procedure copy sns
 + * (relational:index) = relational:index copy
 + * (relational:logicalRelationship) = relational:logicalRelationship copy

[relational:catalog] > nt:unstructured, relational:relationalEntity orderable
 + * (relational:schema) = relational:schema copy
 + * (relational:table) = relational:baseTable copy
 + * (relational:procedure) = relational:procedure copy sns
 + * (relational:index) = relational:index copy
 + * (relational:logicalRelationship) = relational:logicalRelationship copy

JDBC Source NamespaceThe compact node definitions for the "jdbcs" namespace are as follows:

<nt  = "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0">
<xmi = "http://www.omg.org/XMI">
<jdbcs = "http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/JDBC">

// N O D E T Y P E S

[jdbcs:source] > nt:unstructured, xmi:referenceable
 - jdbcs:name (string)
 - jdbcs:driverName (string)
 - jdbcs:driverClass (string)
 - jdbcs:username (string)
 - jdbcs:url (string)

[jdbcs:imported] > nt:unstructured, xmi:referenceable
 - jdbcs:createCatalogsInModel (boolean) = 'true'
 - jdbcs:createSchemasInModel (boolean) = 'true'
 - jdbcs:convertCaseInModel (string) < 'NONE', 'TO_UPPERCASE', 'TO_LOWERCASE'
 - jdbcs:generateSourceNamesInModel (string) = 'UNQUALIFIED' < 'NONE', 'UNQUALIFIED', 'FULLY_QUALIFIED'
 - jdbcs:includedCatalogPaths (string) multiple
 - jdbcs:includedSchemaPaths (string) multiple
 - jdbcs:excludedObjectPaths (string) multiple
 - jdbcs:includeForeignKeys (boolean) = 'true'
 - jdbcs:includeIndexes (boolean) = 'true'
 - jdbcs:includeProcedures (boolean) = 'false'
 - jdbcs:includeApproximateIndexes (boolean) = 'true'
 - jdbcs:includeUniqueIndexes (boolean) = 'false'
 - jdbcs:includedTableTypes (string) multiple

Transformation NamespaceThe compact node definitions for the "transformation" namespace are as follows:


// N O D E T Y P E S

[transform:transformed] mixin
 - transform:transformedFrom (weakreference)
 - transform:transformedFromHrefs (string)
 - transform:transformedFromXmiUuids (string)
 - transform:transformedFromNames (string)

[transform:withSql] mixin
 - transform:selectSql (string)
 - transform:insertSql (string)
 - transform:updateSql (string)
 - transform:deleteSql (string)
 - transform:insertAllowed (boolean) = 'true'
 - transform:updateAllowed (boolean) = 'true'
 - transform:deleteAllowed (boolean) = 'true'
 - transform:outputLocked (boolean) = 'false'
 - transform:insertSqlDefault (boolean) = 'true'
 - transform:updateSqlDefault (boolean) = 'true'
 - transform:deleteSqlDefault (boolean) = 'true'

Default valuesTeiid Designer does not persist default values in the XMI files. The sequencer knows these default values, and includes them in the sequenced output so that they can be accessed and queried.

AnnotationsRather than creating a separate "Annotation" object like what exist in the XMI models, the annotation's description and keywords are simply recorded as a "mmcore:description" and "mmcore:keywords" properties on the node created for the target of the annotation. This is really nice, because if a description is placed on a relational column object in a model, then that description appears as a property directly on the corresponding "relational:column" node. Note that when any annotation properties are placed on a node, the "mmcore:annotated" mixin is added to that node.

TagsTags are also stored on "Annotation" objects, and each tag consist of a key-value pair. The sequencer does two things depending upon what the key looks like. When the key is a simple string without a ':', then a property is created on the annotation's target object using this string as the property name and the tag's value as the property's value. More recently Teiid Designer has started to use tags with keys of the form "namespace:name", where "namespace" is really informal and can theoretically be any string value. While this format is the same as JCR property names, treating them as namespaced JCR property names would require there be a namespace URI registered with the prefix matching the "namespace" value.

The sequencer tries to parse the tag key as a property name, and if it works then the tag is added as a property just as mentioned earlier. However, if the namespace does not exist, then the sequencer splits the key into the two parts, where the first is used to identify a child node and the second is used as a property name.

For example, a tag on the "ID" column object under the "MyTable" base table:


will be stored as a property "foo" with value "bar" on the "MyTable/ID" node. However, the


tag on the same object would be stored as the "driver-class" property (with value "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver") on the "MyTable/ID/connection" object.

TransformationThe transformation information, like with annotations, is projected onto the nodes representing the model objects that are the "output" of the transformation, where the objects that are "inputs" to the transformation are recorded as a (potentially multi-valued) property on the "output" object, and the "transform:transformed" mixin is added to the output node. In other words, virtual base tables, columns, procedures, etc., are marked as "transform:transformed" and have an "input" property pointing to the node(s) that are the inputs for the transformation. The SQL statements, supports flags, and defaults flags are also added as properties on the output virtual base table and procedures, and the "transform:withSql" mixin that defines these properties is added to that output node.

ConfigurationTo use this sequencer, simply include the modeshape-sequencer-teiid-2.7.0.Final.jar file in your application and define a sequencing configuration in the ModeShape configuration it using something similar to:

<configuration xmlns:mode="http://www.modeshape.org/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0">
        <mode:sequencer jcr:name="Teiid Model Sequencer" mode:classname="org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid.ModelSequencer">
            <mode:description>Sequences Teiid relational models (e.g., *.xmi) loaded into the repository under '/files', extracting the structure defined in the models.</mode:description>
            <!-- Note this path expression captures the path below '/files' but excludes the filename, and places the sequenced
                 content under the same relative path below '/sequenced/teiid/models'. For example, if an XMI model is uploaded
                 to '/files/my/favorites/CustomerDetails.xmi', then the sequenced output will be placed at
                 the '/sequenced/teiid/models/CustomerDetails' node, which will have a primary type of 'xmi:model' and will
                 contain under it the nodes representing the catalogs, schemas, tables, views, columns, etc. Of course, the
                 path expression can be modified as needed; for example, to include the filename of the XMI model in the
                 sequenced output path. -->
            <mode:pathExpression>/files(//)(*.xmi[*])/jcr:content[@jcr:data] => /sequenced/teiid/models$1 </mode:pathExpression>

or using the JcrConfiguration:

JcrConfiguration config = ...

config.sequencer("Teiid Model Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences Teiid relational models")

ExampleHere is a representation of the nodes output by the sequencing of an example virtual relational model:

PartsVirtual jcr:primaryType="xmi:model"
   - jcr:mixinTypes=["mmcore:model","mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable", "mode:derived"]
   - mode:derivedAt="2011-05-13T13:12:03.925Z"
   - mode:derivedFrom="/files/foo.xmi"
   - jcr:uuid="d1a1b82f-055b-4db2-a3e7-a9668f3a70b6"
   - mmcore:maxSetSize="100"
   - mmcore:modelType="VIRTUAL"
   - mmcore:originalFile="/model/parts/PartsVirtual.xmi"
   - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri="http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/Relational"
   - mmcore:producerName="Teiid Designer"
   - mmcore:producerVersion="6.0"
   - mode:sha1="84a77940f9140a358861d12d4bbb4160afadc08c"
   - mmcore:supportsDistinct="true"
   - mmcore:supportsJoin="true"
   - mmcore:supportsOrderBy="true"
   - mmcore:supportsOuterJoin="true"
   - mmcore:supportsWhereAll="true"
   - xmi:uuid="fb52cb80-128a-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
   - xmi:version="2.0"
   - mmcore:visible="true"
   PartSupplier_SourceB jcr:primaryType="mmcore:import"
     - jcr:mixinTypes=["mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
     - jcr:uuid="c3a98bf2-7dbf-4c46-8baa-bf32e389cddd"
     - mmcore:modelType="PHYSICAL"
     - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri="http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/Relational"
     - xmi:uuid="mmuuid:980de782-b1e5-1f55-853c-ed5dfdd1bb78"
   PartsSupplier_SourceA jcr:primaryType="mmcore:import"
     - jcr:mixinTypes=["mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
     - jcr:uuid="55385418-01c9-4d5c-9f79-91b8e10c6946"
     - mmcore:modelType="PHYSICAL"
     - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri="http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/Relational"
     - xmi:uuid="mmuuid:980de784-b1e5-1f55-853c-ed5dfdd1bb78"
   XMLSchema jcr:primaryType="mmcore:import"
     - jcr:mixinTypes=["mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
     - jcr:uuid="8b5c2268-0770-405b-a4d8-12a868cc27a4"
     - mmcore:modelType="PHYSICAL"
     - mmcore:primaryMetamodelUri="http://www.eclipse.org/xsd/2002/XSD"
     - xmi:uuid="mmuuid:a6591280-bf1d-1f2c-9911-b53abd16b14e"
   SupplierInfo jcr:primaryType="relational:baseTable"
     - jcr:mixinTypes=["transform:transformed","mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
     - jcr:uuid="37bf368e-0618-4f2f-b4c2-2ab4c0729502"
     - transform:deleteAllowed="true"
     - transform:deleteSqlDefault="true"
     - transform:inputHrefs="PartsSupplier_SourceA.xmi#mmuuid/bc400080-1284-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
     - transform:inputXmiUuids="bc400080-1284-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
     - transform:insertAllowed="true"
     - transform:insertSqlDefault="true"
     - relational:materialized="false"
     - relational:supportsUpdate="true"
     - relational:system="false"
     - transform:updateAllowed="true"
     - transform:updateSqlDefault="true"
     - xmi:uuid="2473dbc0-128c-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
     SUPPLIER_ID jcr:primaryType="relational:column"
       - jcr:mixinTypes=["transform:transformed","mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
	     - jcr:uuid="5f62a519-7948-4c9d-95df-131b489cec8e"
       - relational:autoIncremented="false"
       - relational:caseSensitive="true"
       - relational:currency="false"
       - relational:distinctValueCount="-1"
       - transform:inputHrefs="PartSupplier_SourceB.xmi#mmuuid/55e12d01-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
       - transform:inputXmiUuids="55e12d01-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
       - relational:length="10"
       - relational:nativeType="VARCHAR2"
       - relational:nullValueCount="-1"
       - relational:nullable="NULLABLE"
       - relational:radix="10"
       - relational:searchability="SEARCHABLE"
       - relational:selectable="true"
       - relational:signed="true"
       - relational:typeHref="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
       - relational:typeName="string"
       - relational:typeXmiUuid="bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7"
       - relational:updateable="true"
       - xmi:uuid="143ff680-1291-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
     PART_ID jcr:primaryType="relational:column"
       - jcr:mixinTypes=["transform:transformed","mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
	     - jcr:uuid="bcce191f-acfd-48b9-8be8-ea04c0d37283"
       - relational:autoIncremented="false"
       - relational:caseSensitive="true"
       - relational:currency="false"
       - relational:distinctValueCount="-1"
       - relational:fixedLength="true"
       - transform:inputHrefs="PartSupplier_SourceB.xmi#mmuuid/54ed0902-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
       - transform:inputXmiUuids="54ed0902-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
       - relational:length="4"
       - relational:nativeType="CHAR"
       - relational:nullValueCount="-1"
       - relational:nullable="NULLABLE"
       - relational:radix="10"
       - relational:searchability="SEARCHABLE"
       - relational:selectable="true"
       - relational:signed="true"
       - relational:typeHref="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
       - relational:typeName="string"
       - relational:typeXmiUuid="bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7"
       - relational:updateable="true"
       - xmi:uuid="1d9b97c0-1291-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
     QUANTITY jcr:primaryType="relational:column"
       - jcr:mixinTypes=["transform:transformed","mix:referenceable","xmi:referenceable"]
	     - jcr:uuid="126d6138-ce5e-40e3-92d9-48a239453dbb"
       - relational:autoIncremented="false"
       - relational:caseSensitive="true"
       - relational:currency="false"
       - relational:distinctValueCount="-1"
       - relational:fixedLength="true"
       - transform:inputHrefs="PartSupplier_SourceB.xmi#mmuuid/55e12d02-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
       - transform:inputXmiUuids="55e12d02-1275-1eec-8518-c32201e76066"
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JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 12:04:46 UTC, last content change 2011-12-06 22:25:27 UTC.