JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Release Notes 3.0.0.B04

RHQ 3.0.0.B04

March 20th, 2010

New Features

Alerting related changes:

  • Operations sender - allows to trigger alerts on arbitrary resources.

  • Resource renaming has happened throughout all plugins to shorten names

Known Issues

  • When defining an alert, it is sometimes needed to select the alert data category twice

  • Disabled metrics are not marked as such when defining an alert

  • Right-click (context menu) in the resource tree is not working

Bug Fixes

  • BZ 560859 - Allow to enable / disable multiple alert definitions. Done by James Livingston

  • BZ 570453 - Table column too wide for Oracle in B03

  • BZ 534284 - Make hibernate.jsp work for non-string bind parameters.

  • BZ 566004 - Clicking the Definition link for any Alert contained within the Alert History results in a stack trace.

  • BZ 566724 - Bad plugin crashes server side plugin container and prevents full start.

  • BZ 537396 - Agent out of memory with deadlock and thread runaway.

  • BZ 565910 - Group members summary not disambiguated.

  • BZ 567375 - Alerts, creating alert takes user to JBoss Seam debug page.

  • BZ 566749 - Null pointer exception while adding platform to group.

  • BZ 561900 - Alerts: Field checking edit alerts window fails.

  • BZ 568275 - HTTPService of netservices plugin fails with ClassNotFoundError.

  • BZ 535432 - Indicate the results of inidividual conditions in the alert notification email

  • BZ 562816 - Alert Enable process via Alert Page displays JAVA Exception

  • BZ 565626 - Main menu Groups > Search: > searchItem throws error.

  • BZ 568544 - Alerts, alert history lists duplicate alerts.

  • BZ 568796 - Usability issues in the Alert Condition creation UI.

  • BZ 570575 - Adding a dampening rule/condition to a new Alert Definition requires that the Alert Name field be filled in beforehand.

  • BZ 571590 - Dynagroup expression builder doesn't have resource.type.category.

  • BZ 535792 - JBossCache plugin throws parsing error while checking configuration.

  • BZ 572535 - Make sure security interceptor checks subject ID as well as subject NAME when confirming the session is valid.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 12:32:13 UTC, last content change 2010-03-20 20:16:15 UTC.