JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9

API Documentation

Below are links to the most recently published API documentation, it links to the JON product documentation. To generate API docs for more recent versions of RHQ:

cd /myRhqSourceRootDir
mkdir /myJavadocOutputDir
mvn -Djavadoc.outputDirectory=/myJavadocOutputDir

RHQ 4.5.0


Javadoc Links


Remote API

RHQ 4.5

This is the API available to remote clients of the RHQ Server (e.g. the RHQ CLI makes use of the remote API). All of the calls to the remote API go through the various remote managers. For more information on the Criteria classes used for criteria based searching, see Running the RHQ CLI#Criteria Searching. Note that objects returned from the remote API typically do not have all the fields set, although the findByCriteria methods often provide for fetch criteria to get optional fields. For a summary of API changes see Remote API changes.

Agent Plugin API

RHQ 4.5

The API available to RHQ Agent plugins

RHQ 4.2.0


Javadoc Links


Remote API

RHQ 4.2

This is the API available to remote clients of the RHQ Server (e.g. the RHQ CLI makes use of the remote API). All of the calls to the remote API go through the various remote managers. For more information on the Criteria classes used for criteria based searching, see Running the RHQ CLI#Criteria Searching. Note that objects returned from the remote API typically do not have all the fields set, although the findByCriteria methods often provide for fetch criteria to get optional fields. For a summary of API changes see Remote API changes.

Agent Plugin API

RHQ 4.2

The API available to RHQ Agent plugins

RHQ 3.0.0

Deprecated, please upgrade to RHQ 4.

    • The links are currently broken, but should be restored soon.


Javadoc Links


Remote API

RHQ 3.x, RHQ 1.x

This is the API available to remote clients of the RHQ Server (e.g. the RHQ CLI makes use of the remote API). All of the calls to the remote API go through the various remote managers. For more information on the Criteria classes used for criteria based searching, see Running the RHQ CLI#Criteria Searching. Note that objects returned from the remote API typically do not have all the fields set, although the findByCriteria methods often provide for fetch criteria to get optional fields.

Agent Plugin API

RHQ 3.x, RHQ 1.x

The API available to RHQ Agent plugins

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 08:47:21 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:43:34 UTC.