JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9

Bundle Permissions (jshaughn whiteboard)

Ignore this page, It's just a scratch page to help me convince myself there isn't a better approach...

This alternate approach is not all new, a major aspect was considered and avoided, but I think it may be the way to go. So, this page fleshes out the alternative. For more, see other proposal.

We need a more fine-grained security model surrounding bundle deployments. This design page explains how we can do it.

Bundle Groups

To apply fine grained security permissions to the bundle subsystem will require adding a new concept to the security subsystem - bundle groups. Similar to resource groups, bundle groups will allow RHQ to apply user permissions to a set of bundles.

Today's RHQ security model surrounding resources looks like this:


An RHQ admin can define a role (which has certain permissions enabled, like MANAGE_INVENTORY, CONTROL, CONFIGURE_WRITE, et. al.). If a permission is a global permission, it does not involve resource groups; rather, it takes affect globally (e.g. MANAGE_INVENTORY). If a permission is a resource permission (e.g. CONTROL), it is restricted in that it applies only for resources found in resource groups assigned to the role that provides the permission.

What this means for the newly proposed DEPLOY_BUNDLES permission (which will be described below) is that it restricts the user to only deploy bundles to resource groups that that user has access to.

If we want to allow for a user to deploy a bundle to an allowed resource group, not only does the resource group need to be assigned to a role that is assigned to the user, but the bundle to be deployed must be in a bundle group that is attached to a role that is assigned to a user (note: the role doesn't have to be the same as the one the resource group is attached to). Today, we do not have this concept of a bundle group. We would have to add a new relationship between role and bundle - this is where bundle groups come in:

                  BUNDLE GROUPS

WARNING! Any change to the security model involves large amounts of risk. Not only because it involves security, but also because it is used in so many places. We have role queries in every subsystem. Even if we only add to the model (and leave alone what already exists), we would need to carefully study the changes and perform some quality testing to ensure we don't break existing queries and security checks.

If we have that new bundle group relationship to roles, then this would allow things like having an admin user create a new role with permission DEPLOY_BUNDLES, assign resource groups to that role, assign bundle groups to that role, then give that role to any user. That user would then be able to deploy those bundles that are members of the bundle group but only to those resource groups assigned roles that the user is assigned. More examples will be explained below in the Use Cases section of this document.

New Fine-Grained Bundle Permissions

Global Level Permissions

  • A global permission must be held to view bundles not assigned to any bundle group.

MANAGE_BUNDLE (unchanged)

  • Implies all other bundle-related permissions.

  • This is for backward compatibility - it can do EVERYTHING bundle-wise.

  • We may want to rename this during a db upgrade to something else - to indicate it may be deprecated.


  • This permission is required to CRUD bundle groups (bundle groups are a new entity introduced in order to implement these new features).

  • Currently, this means it can add and remove members of the group.

  • This implies Global.VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES - user can see all bundles.

  • This seems analogous to INVENTORY_MANAGER permission for resources/resource groups.


  • Create bundle [version]s

  • This allows bundle [version] creation but not assignment.



  • assign any bundle to any bundle group

  • unassign any bundle from any bundle group



  • Delete any bundle [version]



  • A user can deploy any bundle version to any visible resource group

    • the resource group does not need ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES



  • View any bundle [version]s, no matter what group, if any, a bundle is in.

  • Can deploy bundles to resource groups for which the user has ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLE.

Bundle Group Level Permissions


  • A user can create bundle [version]s for the bundle group.

    • New bundle versions will be reflected in other bundle groups to which the bundle has been assigned.

  • Implies VIEW_BUNDLES


  • A user can assign viewable bundles to the group.

  • A user can unassign bundles from the group.

  • Implies VIEW_BUNDLES


  • A user can delete the group's bundle [version]s.

    • Bundle [version] deletion will be reflected in other bundle groups to which the bundle has been assigned.

  • Implies VIEW_BUNDLES


  • A user can deploy bundle versions from the group to a visible resource group

    • the resource group does not need ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES

  • Implies VIEW_BUNDLES


  • can view bundles [version]s in the group

  • can deploy bundles in the group to resource groups for which the user has ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLE.

Resource Group Level Permissions

DEPLOY_BUNDLES (unchanged)

  • The user can deploy bundles he can see to the resource group. This includes bundles in the user's bundle groups. If the user has VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES, the user can deploy any bundle.

  • Note that a bundle group and a resource group need NOT be associated with the same role. If bundle group A is associated with role A and resource group B is associated with role B, as long as DEPLOY_BUNDLES is enabled for role B, you can deploy any bundle in bundle group A to resource group B.

Bundles and Bundle Versions

A bundle is made up of its bundle versions. The addition or removal of a bundle version is reflected in all bundle groups in which the bundle is associated. Put differently, it is not possible to have different bundle versions of a bundle in different bundle groups.

Associating a bundle to a group creates a reference. There is really only one bundle which is associated with zero or more bundle groups. Therefore changes in the bundle are reflected in all groups associated with the bundle.

Creating Bundles

There is no distinction between creating an initial bundle (that is, creating bundle version "1.0" where the bundle itself is also created) and when uploading a new bundle version for an existing bundle (e.g. uploading bundle version "2.0")

Users with CREATE_ALL_BUNDLES can elect to associate a new bundle with 0 or more bundle groups at creation time. Users with CREATE_BUNDLES will automatically have it associated with the bundle group for which the permission is held.

Copying Bundles

Bundles can be copied from one bundle group to another. The bundle reference remains in the original group.

Users with CREATE_ALL_BUNDLES can copy any bundle to any group.

Users with CREATE_BUNDLES on multiple groups can copy bundles between those groups.

Removing bundles

Bundles can be removed from bundle groups. This does not delete anything, it simply removes the association between the bundle and the bundle group.

Users with DELETE_ALL_BUNDLES can remove any bundle from any group.

Users with DELETE_BUNDLES can remove bundles from the bundle group for which the permission is held.

Deleting Bundles

Deleting a bundle or its last bundle version physically removed the bundle. Deleting one of multiple bundle versions physically removes the bundle version.

Users with DELETE_ALL_BUNDLES can delete any bundle or bundle version from any group.

Users with DELETE_BUNDLES can delete any bundle or bundle version from the bundle group for which the permission is held.

What to do with existing MANAGE_BUNDLE permission

Today, there is a coarse-grained, "uber-permission" MANAGE_BUNDLE. If you have this global permission, you can create, delete, deploy and pretty much do anything in the bundle subsystem. We would leave this in the code for backward compatibility. If a user has MANAGE_BUNDLE, it would imply the user has all of the new proposed permissions (VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES, DEPLOY_BUNDLES, etc.) and can do anything and everything in the bundle subsystem.

We may want to rename MANAGE_BUNDLE permission to indicate this is a very powerful permission. We may even consider deprecated this permission, unless we have some users that still want this capability. For now, we will leave it.

Supported Use Cases

Here are some use cases that help illustrate how the new bundle permissions and bundle groups can be utilized.

But first, all use cases must start with an admin user with MANAGE_SECURITY permission creating users and roles and assigning bundle permissions to those roles. In addition, that admin user must create bundle groups (or have a user with MANAGE_BUNDLE_GROUPS permission create bundle groups) and then associate the bundle group(s) with the appropriate role(s). The permissions assigned to the roles and the bundles assigned to the bundle groups will be different depending on the use case. But realize that an admin user must initially set up the security arrangements.

User Deploying His Own Bundle To Specific Resource Group.

You can do this several ways. Here are some possibilities. With one role:

                  Bundle Group A
Resource Group X ---> Role R <--- User U

or two roles:

Bundle Group A
  Role R1 <--- User U       Resource Group X ---> Role R2 <--- User U
     ^                                               ^
     |                                               |
BundleGroup.CREATE_BUNDLES,               ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES

or another way with two roles:

Resource Group X ---> Role R2 <--- User U          Role R3 <--- User U
                         ^                            ^
                         |                            |
            ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES       Global.CREATE_ALL_BUNDLES

Actions By User: User U creates a bundle. He can see the bundle because he has VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES. User goes through the deploy-bundle-wizard and is able to deploy to Resource Group X. No bundle groups are involved.

User Deploying Another User's Bundle To Specific Resource Group (no change)

You can do this with one role:

                  Bundle Group A
Resource Group X ---> Role R <--- User U

or two roles:

Bundle Group A
  Role R1 <--- User U      Resource Group X ---> Role R2 <--- User U
     ^                                              ^
     |                                              |
BundleGroup.VIEW_BUNDLES               ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES

Actions By User: User cannot create any bundles. User selects a bundle from all bundle groups he has access to (in this case, Bundle Group A) and can deploy them to any resource group to which he has DEPLOY_BUNDLES permission (in this case, Resource Group X).

Team Leader Creates Bundles, Team Members Deploy Those Bundles

Bundle Group A                                    Bundle Group A
     |                                                   |
     v                                                   v
  Role R1 <--- User TeamLeader   Resource Group X ---> Role R2 <--- Users: TeamMember1, TeamMember2
     ^                                                   ^
     |                                                   |
BundleGroup.CREATE_BUNDLES                          BundleGroup.VIEW_BUNDLES,

Actions By User TeamLeader: Team Leader creates a bundle in BundleGroup A. Note that TeamLeader cannot deploy the bundles - he can only create them.

Actions By User TeamMember1: This user cannot create bundles, nor add/remove bundles from the bundle group, however, this user can deploy any bundle found in Bundle Group A to Resource Group X. Note that team members can only see bundles associated with Bundle Group A - no others are visible.

Deployment Manager Gives Teams Bundles Which They Can Deploy

Role R1 <--- User TeamLeader

Bundle Group A                                       Bundle Group A
     |                                                      |
     v                                                      v
  Role R2 <--- User DeployManager  Resource Group X ---> Role R3 <--- Users: TeamMember1, TeamMember2
     ^                                                      ^
     |                                                      |
Global.VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES,                         BundleGroup.VIEW_BUNDLES,
BundleGroup.ASSIGN_BUNDLES,                      ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES

Actions By User TeamLeader: User TeamLeader can create bundles. But he cannot deploy them or assign them to any groups.

Actions By DeployManager: User DeployManager cannot create bundles, but he can see all bundles created by TeamLeader (and any other user associated with Role R1). DeployManager can add any of those bundles he can see to Bundle Group A. This allows him to give the ability to let anyone associated with Role R3 to be able to deploy those bundles. DeployManager can also remove bundles from Bundle Group A, thus disallowing team members from deploying it. So, in short, DeployManager is the one who dictates which bundles can be deployed by whom, simply by assigning bundles to the appropriate bundle group.

Actions By User TeamMember1: TeamMember1 (and TeamMember2 for that matter) cannot create any bundles and cannot add any bundles to groups. But TeamMember1 can deploy bundles from Bundle Group A to Resource Group X.

_Note that TemLeader will likley also need Global.DELETE_ALL_BUNDLES in order to delete unwanted bundles.

Allow A User To See All Bundles In the System And Deploy Them Anywhere Accessible To User

Role R1 <--- User U

Notice that the user's role R1 need not have any resource groups or bundle groups associated with it. The two global permissions allow the user to see all bundles and to deploy them to any resource group the user has access to. So, while this role need not have any resource groups, the user still must have other roles that give him access to resource groups - the idea here is that any resource groups this user U has access to can have any bundle deployed to it by user U.

Allow A User To See All Bundles In the System But Only Deploy Them To Specific Resource Groups (unchanged)

You can do this with one role:

Resource Group X ---> Role R <--- User U

or two roles:

Resource Group X ---> Role R1 <--- User U               Role R2 <--- User U
                         ^                                 ^
                         |                                 |
            ResourceGroup.DEPLOY_BUNDLES         Global.VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES

Actions by User U: The user cannot create or delete bundles nor can the user add or remove bundles from bundle groups. However, the user can see all bundles in the system and can deploy those bundles to Resource Group X (but only to Resource Group X).

Allow a User To Manage All Bundle Groups In The System (unchanged)

Role R1 <--- User U

This will allow user U to create and delete bundle groups as well as adding and removing any bundle from any bundle group. However, note that this user has no ability to create or delete bundles nor can the user deploy bundles. This user can only operate on bundles that already exist.

Allow a User To Create And Delete Any Bundle

Role R1 <--- User U

This will allow user U to create bundles, and delete any bundle (whether or not those bundles are in bundle groups). The VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES allows the user to see all bundles, and DELETE_BUNDLES allows the user to delete all those bundles the user can see. However, note that this user has no ability to assign bundles to groups and the user cannot deploy bundles.

Allow a User To Only Delete Certain Bundles The User Can See

You can do this with one role:

Bundle Group A
  Role R1 <--- User U

The user is restricted to being able to delete those bundles in Bundle Group A.

Allow Team Members To Update Each Others Bundles

Bundle Group A
  Role R1 <--- User U1, U2, ..., Un

This allows all users Ux to create and delete bundles (including uploading bundle versions for existing bundles) but ONLY for those bundles that the users can see. And this means only those bundles associated with Bundle Group A. If a user wants to create a new bundle, they can only associate them with Bundle Group A.
Note also these users Ux cannot deploy any bundle anywhere - they are restricted to only creating and deleting them.

See All Bundles But Only Create Bundles in Certain Bundle Groups previously unsupported

Bundle Group A ---> Role R1 <--- User U               Role R2 <--- User U
                         ^                                 ^
                         |                                 |
            BundleGroup.CREATE_BUNDLES              Global.VIEW_ALL_BUNDLES

Be Able To Create In Certain Bundle Groups But Not Be Able To Create In Other Viewable Groups previously unsupported

Bundle Group A ---> Role R1 <--- User U       Bundle Group A ---> Role R1 <--- User U
                         ^                                             ^
                         |                                             |
            BundleGroup.CREATE_BUNDLES                    BundleGroup.VIEW_BUNDLES

Be Able To Delete From Certain Bundle Groups But Not Be Able To Delete From Other Viewable Groups previously unsupported

Bundle Group A ---> Role R1 <--- User U       Bundle Group A ---> Role R1 <--- User U
                         ^                                             ^
                         |                                             |
            BundleGroup.DELETE_BUNDLES                    BundleGroup.VIEW_BUNDLES

Unsupported Use Cases

None currently

How To Support These Unsupported Use Cases

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 08:09:04 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:41:49 UTC.