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RHQ 4.9

RHQ Storage Node Installation

Storage Nodes are included in a standard Server Installation

By default, an RHQ Server Installation includes an RHQ Storage Node installation. This page is only for installing a standalone RHQ Storage Node. Unless you are adding a standalone RHQ Storage Node, see RHQ Server Installation.

Multiple Storage Nodes

If you are installing multipe storage nodes as part of an RHQ HA environment, please review the page Deploying Multiple Storage Nodes. It contains information you will need to know when deploying multiple storage nodes.

Why install an RHQ Storage Node on its own machine? The reasons would be very similar if not the same as for running the RHQ Server and relational database on separate machines. Some of these reasons include,

Installing an RHQ Storage Node is very similar to installing the full server. The only real difference is adding an option to the install command. As such, follow the instructions in the RHQ Server detailed installation steps, with the following changes:

rhqctl install --storage [--storage-config=rhq-storage.properties] [options]

RHQ Storage Nodes require an RHQ Agent to manage them. So, installing an RHQ Storage node will automatically install an RHQ Agent. As such, any installation options relevant to an agent install should be included.

 Post Installation Steps

The steps in this section are only necessary if you have not yet installed the RHQ Server.

On the machine where you will install the RHQ Server, you will have to update <rhq-install-dir>/bin/rhq-server.properties with connection information for the Storage Node. You need to edit the rhq.cassandra.seeds property which should look like,

# A comma-delimited list of seed nodes. Each Cassandra node uses this list as
# contact points to find other nodes in the cluster and learn the ring
# topology. The RHQ server(s) use this list to connect to the cluster;
# therefore, this property MUST BE SET in order for RHQ to talk to Cassandra.
# Each entry in the list consists of three fields that are pipe-delimited. The
# of an entry is as follows,
#    hostname|jmxPort|nativeTransportPort|

The rhq.cassandra.seeds property is a comma-delimited list of Storage Node connection parameters that are pipe-delimited. If you did not specify any custom configuration settings using the --storage-config option, then use the the default values described next.

hostname defaults to the IP address of the localhost. This will depend on your machine's hostname configuration. To be certain you use the correct value, open <rhq-install-dir>/rhq-storage/conf/cassandra.yaml and search for the property named listen_address. Use this value.

jmxPort defaults to 7299.

nativeTransportPort defaults to 9142.

If you did specify a custom configuration file, use the values specified in that file. Note that the jmxPort parameter corresponds to the jmx-port property, and nativeTransportPort corresponds to the client-port property.

RHQ Storage Node and Compression

The Storage Node makes use of various compression libraries for things like compressing data files on disk. Some of the compression libraries make use of native components that are not available on all platforms. If the native components are not supported on a particular platform, the Storage Node simply disables compression and will function fine; The installer may print an exception to stderr that is reported by the Storage Node. This will occur if you are running an IBM JRE or OpenJDK 6 on a 32-bit arch. This issue is being tracked under BZ 971772. If you see an exception like this (and you are running on one of the aforementioned platforms), the Storage Node should still start up. You can verify that it has started up by checking <rhq-install-dir>/logs/rhq-storage.log for messages like,

INFO [main] 2013-06-07 22:11:17,201 StorageService.java (line 1324) Node localhost/ state jump to normal
INFO [main] 2013-06-07 22:11:17,210 StorageService.java (line 778) Startup completed! Now serving reads.
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 08:47:57 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:43:33 UTC.