JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9

RHQ 3.0.0.B06

This was a bad release. The distribution was missing some jars due to an error during the release process. Please use 3.0.0.B05 until 3.0.0 final is released.

New Features

  • Improved support for app server provisioning

  • Updated Inventory Search

  • Improved support for configuring apache

Known Issues

  • Known Issues can be found here.

Bug fixes

  • BZ 562154 - EWP is not discovered

  • BZ 581818 - Database: No option available in 'Database Type' selection box to install 'Oracle 11g'

  • BZ 591490 - Alert: Clicking on Alert Name on Alert Definition page throws error

  • BZ 590708 - Alert Notification: Specific Resource type fails to pick up Resource ID

  • BZ 591036 - Alert: Group alert creation fails with LazyInitializationException

  • BZ 587555 - Alert: Alert from Subsystem view of main menu throws exception

  • BZ 588838 - install of EAP 4.3 CP fails with ""java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A command asked to access an unknown output stream with ID of [1]"" error

  • BZ 566235 - when using Postgre

  • BZ 591485 - Alert template: disappears once enabled from Alert Definition page

  • BZ 555098 - Enhancement: Add AS 4 connection metrics that are found in AS-5

  • BZ 593000 - Inventoried JBossAS5 servers are not going green

  • BZ 591552 - upgrade SIGAR from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

  • BZ 576230 - apache Saving Apache configuration from RHQ UI destroys all comments

  • BZ 590724 - alert notifications are not cascaded when creating/updating group alert definitions / alert templates

  • BZ 563113 - ""Manually Add"" dropdown merges distinct types with the same name

  • BZ 535339 - Allow to execute an arbitrary resource action when an alert fires

  • BZ 590718 - Fail upgrade JON 2.3.1 to JON 2.4 with Roles & Users

  • BZ 580931 - EWS 1.0.1 not detected (Windows?)

  • BZ 535640 - fix CLI formating of first column

  • BZ 536877 - rhq-agent segfault on windows 2003 x86_64

  • BZ 535576 - Alert Templates take hours to be applied to existing resources

  • BZ 536210 - Alert notification should take a more Factory/plugin-like approach

  • BZ 586403 - apache plugin fails when augeas 0.7.0 is used.

  • BZ 534869 - Add possibility to execute a script as a reaction to an alert.

  • BZ 587325 - Do not nest singleton resources in autogroups in the left nav tree

  • BZ 535747 - RHQ Logo is plain white image in installer pages (regression)

  • BZ 588467 - NullPointerException when clicking ""Cancel"" on Groups > New Group

  • BZ 587317 - Revert to using different icons for different resource types in the left nav tree

  • BZ 535788 - Alerts don't fire for up to 1.5 hours after creation

  • BZ 579529 - generate-db-password.sh does not work on Solaris

  • BZ 577051 - Validate support for latest versions of EWS

  • BZ 536227 - French translation for Installer messages

  • BZ 537449 - agent shutdown when augeas starts

  • BZ 534739 - Operations scheduling calendar widget expands past bottom of browser window

  • BZ 588383 - make sure server sleeps a given amount of time at startup to ensure agents know it was down

  • BZ 548172 - Bad query in Postgres agent plugin

  • BZ 591041 - Return value from resource operation alert sender resourcePicker is unusable

  • BZ 590575 - Alert Notification: is removed when alert condition is modified.

  • BZ 589199 - modal view of ""Synchronization Results History"" entries disappears after few seconds

  • BZ 588803 - as5 plugin's getAvailability() should handle the case then AS5/AS6 instance is listening on an AS4 Server Resource's JNP URL

  • BZ 591645 - Check that all resource types correctly advertise the singleton attribute

  • BZ 537236 - Table ""Content Providers Associated With This Repository"" fails to display a ""Total"" #

  • BZ 582195 - Context-menu tooltip hint appears on left nav nodes that don't offer a context-menu

  • BZ 571944 - There is a missing ""Read-Only"" checkbox when editing an Alert Definition on a resource that originated from an Alert Definition Template

  • BZ 585292 - Inconsistent node collapsing behavior of the resource and group tree

  • BZ 583990 - Server side plugins config page does not react on tree selection

  • BZ 580928 - RHQ JBoss server is no longer indicated as such in the UI

  • BZ 589268 - server log ERROR SQLGrammarException when subscribing new resource to a repository

  • BZ 583680 - JON Server getting OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

  • BZ 576154 - apache IndexOutOfBoundsException while checking for config updates of ApacheIfModuleComponent

  • BZ 586435 - Request case sensitive/insensitive option for LDAP Configuration

  • BZ 549985 - Apache: Values could not be saved for directive 'DirectoryIndex'.

  • BZ 586493 - PropertyNotFoundException when trying to Edit... Notification Actions on an alert

  • BZ 559892 - Apache: Error on editing options in apache virtual host.

  • BZ 576155 - apache NPE during configuration update check in ApacheDirectoryComponent

  • BZ 583836 - wrong node selected in resource tree

  • BZ 582991 - db-upgrade 2.78 broken

  • BZ 582698 - NPE in when listing groups

  • BZ 586676 - alert > history sub-tab is broken after recent dbupgrade fixes

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 07:55:17 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:40:20 UTC.