JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.9

RHQ 3.0.0 final

July 7, 2010

This is the final release of the RHQ 3 release stream. Development will continue in the 'master' branch for RHQ 4

Highlights of RHQ 3

This is a list of highlights across all the development between RHQ 1.3 and RHQ 3

  • Server side plugins - extend the server functionality by writing plugins

    • Pluggable alert notification senders - write your own alert notification senders to e.g. integrate with a trouble ticket system

  • Provisioning - deploy software centrally to managed platforms

  • Improved Search possibilities for the inventory

  • Support for Authorization via LDAP groups

  • Support for Oracle 11g

New Features

Please note that list of features and bug fixes include all features and bugs we have incorporated in earlier community versions (RHQ 3.0.0.B0x), which are not explicitly listed again.

  • It is now possible to do alerting on Call Time data ( Session Bean method stats, Web response times). This has been contributed by Frank Brüseke (Univ. Paderborn).

Bug Fixes

Please note that list of features and bug fixes include all features and bugs we have incorporated in earlier community versions (RHQ 3.0.0.B0x), which are not explicitly listed again.

  • BZ 534884 - Convert resource hub to the RF tabs

  • BZ 535181 - Allow to mark alerts as work in progress

  • BZ 535338 - PostgresUserComponent.getConnection() throws NPE when plugins update command is run from the Agent prompt

  • BZ 535432 - Indicate the results of inidividual conditions in the alert notification email

  • BZ 535436 - hitting JDK1.5 concurrency bug in inventorymanager

  • BZ 535576 - Alert Templates take hours to be applied to existing resources

  • BZ 535601 - Obfuscate DB password stored in rhq-server.properties

  • BZ 535671 - Changing a dynagroup def from compat -> mixed, does not delete existing Group Alerts on the resulting group

  • BZ 535717 - Document change from 2.2: <depends> tag referencing none existing plugin now blows up plugin deployment

  • BZ 535718 - SCHWERWIEGEND: Target Unreachable, 'baseurl' returned null on 'java.util.LinkedHashMap'

  • BZ 535792 - JBossCache plugin throws parsing error while checking configuration jboss-web-cluster.sar

  • BZ 535799 - RoleCriteria shold have add as opposed to set methods for the filter criteria

  • BZ 535819 - Find another way of mapping augeas nodes to rhq properties

  • BZ 535849 - fix manual discovery plugin API

  • BZ 536343 - Add support for uninventorying/deleting resources from a group

  • BZ 536444 - asynchronous updating of metric tempates / schedules

  • BZ 537100 - [raw-config] clicking on Stop on Upload config UI does not stop the upload

  • BZ 541312 - PluginGen not not generating returns for operations

  • BZ 542755 - Unable to redeploy a previously undeployed server side plugin

  • BZ 542764 - After one server-side plugin undeployed, others do not undeploy

  • BZ 545062 - Alerts based on events start fire after an unknown delay

  • BZ 547494 - Monitoring graph functionality broken

  • BZ 547830 - SNMP packets not sent upon alert triggering

  • BZ 547864 - Twitter only updated once upon multiple alert firings

  • BZ 550963 - Left hand tree structure UI annoyingly collapsing servers automatically

  • BZ 552335 - Configured Alert Sender Plugins disappear from 'Add a sender' selector box on 'New Alert Sender stuff' page

  • BZ 553398 - Alert:SNMP server-side alert sender plugin has misspelling on config page

  • BZ 555091 - Microblog Plugin fail to generate alert.

  • BZ 562236 - EAP 4.2/4.3 CPs cannot be applied with JON-2.3

  • BZ 562751 - Unable to upload plugin on RHQ host via WEB UI

  • BZ 563960 - The Search Simplified syntax on page browseResources.xhtml page is not yet working

  • BZ 566004 - Clicking the Definition link for any Alert contained within the Alert History results in a stack trace

  • BZ 566040 - JON docs root page has redhat.com | as a title.

  • BZ 566896 - Link to individual alert definition on alert templates page fails

  • BZ 567383 - Alerts, please add an ack button to match the ack feature the list mode

  • BZ 568537 - Alerts, alert names are not displayed correctly on alert definition page

  • BZ 568544 - Alerts, alert history lists duplicate alerts.

  • BZ 568737 - Condition set box displays 'null DOWN' when a different condition is edited and canceled.

  • BZ 569546 - NPE occurs deterministically when adding a Measurement Baseline condition to a new Alert using the new Alert UI

  • BZ 569559 - If a user creates an alert, adding a condition with invalid input, the invalid input will be accepted

  • BZ 570161 - (Alert Page )Roles for Alert Has been selected by ##emove Roles##Button

  • BZ 570360 - improve performance for call time data subsystem

  • BZ 570575 - Adding a dampening rule/condition to a new Alert Definition requires that the Alert Name field be filled in beforehand

  • BZ 571881 - Modifying conditions on Alert Definition derived from Alert Template results in failure and stack trace in log

  • BZ 571888 - Cannot toggle Active property for an alert – setting does not stick.

  • BZ 571890 - Stack trace on clicking Edit Alert Conditions of an already created active alert definition template.

  • BZ 571908 - If a user assigns a misconfigured Mobicents Alert Sender Plugin to an Alert, the Alert will not fire

  • BZ 571968 - Users cannot delete Alert Notification Templates

  • BZ 572631 - ORA-00933 on choosing from Resources menu

  • BZ 573816 - New Feature: extend alert operation docs to include operations on remote resource

  • BZ 573822 - Update the installation procedures for changes in v3

  • BZ 573824 - Update migration procedures

  • BZ 573830 - Add any new CLI procedures for v3 to the CLI guide

  • BZ 573840 - Write alert senders reference for the plugin guide

  • BZ 573842 - Write introduction chapter to the admin guide

  • BZ 576617 - [apache] ServerName not persisted with Virtual host update

  • BZ 577051 - Validate support for latest versions of EWS

  • BZ 577055 - add support to metadata update code for moving a ResourceType to a different parent

  • BZ 577109 - ajax / partial-page requests do not properly recover from view exceptions

  • BZ 577217 - Support for pluggable alert notifications

  • BZ 577294 - 10-20 Simulatenous users accessing a page with leftnav causes huge memory usage

  • BZ 577722 - Perspectives services causes page load failure after session timeout

  • BZ 578635 - update jon-data.xml to use the new content model (i.e. channels replaced by repos)

  • BZ 579824 - Release note: Installer UI inability to handle unicode means passwords can be incorrectly obfuscated.

  • BZ 579886 - NPE during attempt to delete Resources with obsolete types during Server startup

  • BZ 580153 - AvailabilityManagerRemote.getCurrentAvailabilityForResource suggests using getCurrentAvailabilityTypeForResource but it is not in remote interface

  • BZ 580919 - Dashboard portlets show ambiguous resource names

  • BZ 582275 - High memory consumption, OOM errors (heap space)

  • BZ 582609 - NPE when 1st switching between overview to monitor tab

  • BZ 583104 - Installation Date displayed on EAR's Content tab is incorrect

  • BZ 583833 - The Events quick link is missing from the Quick Links column in the new browseResources.xhtml pages

  • BZ 584008 - EWS: Restart op appears to do nothing, but says success.

  • BZ 586068 - Overview->Subsystem->OOB view is broken

  • BZ 586079 - Missing the ASSOCIATE... and DISSASSOCIATE SELECTED buttons within a repository table Content Sources Associated with This Repository

  • BZ 586131 - Make sure alert notification plugins handle subject/role removal gracefully

  • BZ 586500 - Recurring - not reproducible - problem where refresh counter displays negative numbers

  • BZ 586918 - AlertDefinitionCriteria throws ClassCastException if filterAlertTemplateParentId / filterAlertTemplateResourceTypeId is set

  • BZ 586943 - Configuration for a compatible group times out trying to update the config for the second group member

  • BZ 587026 - ConcurrentModificationException trying to open a resource

  • BZ 587754 - upgrading from 1.1.0 caused server log exceptions due to classloader issues

  • BZ 588381 - Agent doesn't like to auto-upgrade under Windows

  • BZ 588568 - Administration > Repositories > JBoss Patches > Subscribe Resources page is unusable

  • BZ 588729 - Refactor the search results page to look better with new style resource names

  • BZ 589161 - server log ERROR [RepoManagerBean] inserting credentials for JBoss CSP Patch Feed

  • BZ 589173 - for a newly created WAR resource, several of the package details (on the Content>Deployed subtab) are blank or incorrect

  • BZ 589231 - when uploading a new package via an EAR or WAR Resource's Content>New subtab, user should not be required to select a repo

  • BZ 589597 - Document that JDK5 is deprecated in JON 2.4, next release will require JDK6

  • BZ 589611 - Test mixed JDK environment (Agent/EAP)

  • BZ 591516 - JON + EWP: Failed to find template for: QueueTemplate

  • BZ 591519 - platform plugin: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Sigar.getCpuPercList() when number of CPUs has decreased since last time getCpuPercList() was called

  • BZ 592970 - Left navigation auto group didn't shows any sign for availability

  • BZ 593000 - Inventoried JBossAS5 servers are not going green

  • BZ 593218 - Alert Notification: fails to default select the alert sender type once clicked on save

  • BZ 593223 - Alert Notification: fails to save the command line arguments for script execution

  • BZ 593282 - Alert Notification: Resource operation alert fails with no resource selected even after fully configuring the notification.

  • BZ 593347 - Augeas plugin lens files have to be stored in the agent temporary files and not in system temporary files.

  • BZ 593384 - augeas will be used in apache plugin only when it is set in the plugin configuration

  • BZ 593414 - Documentation recommends an unacceptable global statement_timeout of 30 seconds

  • BZ 594417 - StringIndexOOBE in ListChildResources - due to Pluralizer

  • BZ 594490 - After group definition condition update exception EntityNotFoundException is thrown.

  • BZ 594516 - search: group definitions parameterized filters are too strict

  • BZ 594520 - EAP 5.x running production config reports partitionName trait as NULL

  • BZ 596480 - Data source configuration update crashes RHQ server

  • BZ 596667 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in server log when there is a search criteria and user enters an opening parenthesis at the beginning of search bar.

  • BZ 596704 - mergeDiscoveredPackages generated ORA-00001: unique constraint (JON.RHQ_PACKAGE_VERSION_IDX) violation

  • BZ 596753 - Fresh installation on a existing database fails with table already exist error

  • BZ 597174 - The category context has auto complete values in lower case which does not work in case of exact match search.

  • BZ 598027 - SearchBar suggestions should preventDefault on up-arrow/down-arrow events

  • BZ 598053 - SearchBar's inner TextBox has visible dynamic border

  • BZ 598115 - Annoying stack trace in the log

  • BZ 598575 - ORA-01400 on adding new alter notification

  • BZ 598610 - operations fail on an inventoried tomcat6 server

  • BZ 598625 - suggestion selection fails when performing mid-token expression replacement

  • BZ 598627 - Make the content pane use the same resource type icons as the new resource tree

  • BZ 598640 - Group tree should share visuals with the resource tree

  • BZ 598660 - selecting a saved saved from the SearchBar suggestions does not activate it

  • BZ 598734 - editing the name of the active saved search is buggy

  • BZ 598760 - saved searches drop-down doesn't work on IE

  • BZ 598963 - support searching resources by alerts

  • BZ 598965 - selecting a saved search from the SearchBar suggestions does not execute it

  • BZ 598991 - AS 5 - Creation of JMS Q failed

  • BZ 599039 - Apache: check syntax Op fails

  • BZ 599120 - Timeline shows null conditions for alerts

  • BZ 599142 - NPE when trying to associate a resource with a repo

  • BZ 599538 - Resource operation alert does not find a resource

  • BZ 599565 - Beta installer fails with deployment exception

  • BZ 599652 - selecting a search suggestion via mouse click throws exception

  • BZ 599687 - repositioning the cursor in the SearchBar does not refresh suggestions

  • BZ 600106 - Resource Search is disabled/unavailable on F11 firefox 3.5.4

  • BZ 600365 - Group config update failed, getting current state is stuck

  • BZ 600522 - links from alertHistory/alertDefinition subsystem views are broken

  • BZ 600543 - A failed group configuration update can leave member status as in progress

  • BZ 600545 - improve audit trail for plugin configuration

  • BZ 601104 - Agent selfupdate failed

  • BZ 601144 - Hibernate exception throw when updating configuration

  • BZ 601176 - [apache] '*' isn't handled in the vhost port specification

  • BZ 601240 - Intermittent NullPointerException is observed in server log while testing search.

  • BZ 601263 - Server fails to start with error HibernateException: Dialect class not found: org.rhq.core.domain.dialect.H2CustomDialect when using H2 as the DB

  • BZ 601328 - Confusing package type selection when creating a package-based child of an AS4/5

  • BZ 601808 - Link broken in Resource Version Inventory Report

  • BZ 601917 - IE7 File Upload hanging

  • BZ 601921 - Tomcat Plugin Vhost Create New WAR fails with empty Package Type drop down

  • BZ 601983 - improve audit trail for alert notifications

  • BZ 601987 - selecting only ancestor for relative-resource operation-based alert sender is broken

  • BZ 601991 - resource picker for specific-resource mode for operation-based alert sender throws exception

  • BZ 602123 - alert notification processing exceptions prevent alerts audit trail from being created

  • BZ 602176 - SUMMARY -> TIMELINE UI distorted

  • BZ 602194 - Search results UI not updated in the resource picker for specific resource alert sender

  • BZ 602270 - Resource operation alert sender reports success even if the invoked operation fails

  • BZ 602483 - Make sure master-ora build is running regularly

  • BZ 602538 - PackageVersion create error on AS5 discovery merge

  • BZ 602678 - Metrics collection incorrect for named-based vhosts sharing the same IP address and port

  • BZ 602682 - Alert notification: agent side script execution fails on tokens for alert sender operations

  • BZ 602701 - correction in the Description field for Tomcat Server operations

  • BZ 602788 - Trying to edit a script-based alert notification fails with FK constraint violation.

  • BZ 603187 - Group removal for an uninventoried resource should not be deferred to bulk delete

  • BZ 603646 - Exception on click to re-enable

  • BZ 603772 - SearchBar doesn't blank out welcome message

  • BZ 603899 - User assigned role with dynagroup, resourcehub shows wrong content

  • BZ 603926 - EAP 4.2.0 jboss-web-cluster.sar > SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog

  • BZ 604251 - installer fails to prepare embedded H2 DB

  • BZ 604291 - NPE thrown by TabularWriter when querying resources from CLI

  • BZ 604444 - Tomcat Operation for Shutdown is failing. Could have to do with JRE/JDK assumptions.

  • BZ 604475 - Uploading a .war file for remote deployment results in an exception

  • BZ 604790 - deploy wizard version selector is disabled

  • BZ 604840 - cannot create bundle after initially cancelling it

  • BZ 605272 - Add HornetQ plugin to RHQ

  • BZ 605336 - bundle deploy wizard previous button support is broken

  • BZ 605821 - ant launcher invoker deployer multiple times

  • BZ 606301 - sorting on avg response time column doesn't work

  • BZ 606387 - incorrect aggregate metric value computations for resourceGroups / autoGroups

  • BZ 606999 - resource component discovery invocations that timeout (and get blacklisted) are very difficult to debug due to insufficient logging

  • BZ 607548 - Alert notification: for Resource Operations is failing with NPE

  • BZ 607580 - Alerts not shown for change of trait data in subsystem view

  • BZ 607672 - alert notification log upgrade bug

  • BZ 607799 - The JBoss CSP Patch Feed is not authenticating to the default Feed URL

  • BZ 607898 - Alert notification: of direct email type fail for multiple email addresses.

  • BZ 607932 - Autodiscovery: fails to detect multiple instances of JBossAS

  • BZ 607990 - No 'E' icon is shown for resources with events in ResourceHub's MICA section

  • BZ 608461 - measurement units incorrect for query execution max time metric for hibernate plugin

  • BZ 608487 - agent startup without --clean fails to sync with server

  • BZ 608597 - Agent can not sync to server : PersistentMap not found

  • BZ 608898 - Calculating a modified dynagroup never seems to come back in a timely manner

  • BZ 608920 - pagination/sorting is broken on the event>history pages

  • BZ 609003 - Server does not die

  • BZ 609211 - disable raw configuration support in GUI

  • BZ 609503 - WIN RHQ-Agent down after JON upgrade from JON2.3.1 to JON2.4

  • BZ 609711 - Cannot access bundle UI: constantly prompted for login

  • BZ 610163 - NPE when using SearchBar for groups

Known Issues

  • BZ 611432 - Sorting on ResourceHub does not work

  • RHQ 3 will not work with Postgres 9

  • The provisioning UI does not correctly work with IE; other browsers are ok.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 07:55:11 UTC, last content change 2013-09-18 19:40:18 UTC.