This is the home of the Savara space.
Developer Guide
Eclipse Tooling User Guide
Describing an Architecture using Choreography
SOA Lifecycle Governance
First Steps
What is a Scenario?
Creating a Scenario
Adding Roles to a Scenario
Defining an Interaction
Representing Elapsed Time
Composing Scenarios
Generating an Image
Scenario Simulation
Create BPMN2 Choreography and Process Models
What is a Choreography?
Creating a Choreography
Importing Schemas
Defining a Choreography Task
A Complete Choreography
Adding Service Interfaces
Verify the Choreography
Deriving a Choreography from Endpoint Models
Service Contract
Generating a Contract
Service Design and Implementation
Generating a Service
BPMN2 Process
Validating Artifacts
Getting Started Guide
Installation Instructions
Importing Samples into Eclipse
Business Analysis
Create Example Messages
Outline Scenarios
Define Information Model
Define Choreography Model
Service Oriented Analysis and Design
Service Oriented Design
Service Development
SCA Java