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The MQTT binding in SwitchYard provides support for asynchronous communication with MQTT messaging providers. It supports both sides - service and reference.  The MQTT binding is built on top of camel-mqtt and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please refer camel documentation for a detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be aplied to <binding.mqtt> definition:

  • host : host to connect

  • localAddress : local address

  • connectAttemptsMax : The maximum number of connect attempts

  • reconnectAttemptsMax : The maximum number of reconnect attempts

  • reconnectDelay : The time in milliseconds between reconnect attempts

  • reconnectBackOffMultiplier : The multiplier to use to the delay between connection attempts

  • reconnectDelayMax : The maximum time in milliseconds between reconnect attempts

  • userName : user name

  • password : password

  • qualityOfService : The MQTT Quality of Service. Possible values are AtMostOnce, AtLeastOnce or ExactlyOnce

  • byDefaultRetain : The default retain policy

  • mqttTopicPropertyName : The property name for the MQTT topic

  • mqttRetainPropertyName : The property name for the MQTT Retain policy

  • mqttQosPropertyName : The property name for the MQTT Quality of Service

  • connectWaitInSeconds : Delay in seconds to wait for connection to be established

  • disconnectWaitInSeconds : Delay in seconds to wait for connection to be disconnected

  • sendWaitInSeconds : Delay in seconds to wait for the message to be sent

Binding Services with MQTT

Following option can be specified for MQTT service binding:

  • subscribeTopicName : The MQTT Topic name to subscribe

Here's an example of what a mqtt service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-mqtt-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-mqtt-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService/GreetingService">
        <mqtt:binding.mqtt name="Greet">

Binding References with MQTT

Following option can be specified for MQTT reference binding:

  • publishTopicName : The MQTT Topic name to publish

Here's an example of what a mqtt reference binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-mqtt-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-mqtt-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="StoreReference" multiplicity="0..1" promote="GreetingService/StoreReference">
        <mqtt:binding.mqtt name="Store">
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:45:44 UTC, last content change 2014-11-17 13:33:56 UTC.