JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Management Console


The SwitchYard management console is integrated with the standard JBoss AS management console and provides the following:

  • A view of the applications and services deployed on the server.

  • A view of various execution metrics.

  • A view of the SwitchYard subsystem configuration.

SwitchYard contributes views to the standard JBoss AS management console's Runtime and Profile pages.

Metrics Views

SwitchYard Message Metrics can be accessed on the Runtime page of the AS console under Status -> Subsystems -> SwitchYard.  This page provides a view of a comprehensive set of metrics aggregated at various levels within the system.

The following types of metrics are available:

  • Message count: total, success, failed

  • Processing time: total, min., avg., max.

Collected metrics can be viewed at the following levels:

  • System : metrics for the entire SwitchYard runtime (all deployed applications)

  • Service : metrics for a composite service in an application. Additional metric details are provided for the following:

    • Gateway: metrics for each binding on the service (e.g. FTP metrics for service "ABC")

    • Operation: metrics for each operation on the service

    • Service Reference : metrics for references invoked by the service

  • Reference : metrics for a composite reference in an application.  Additional metric details are provided for the following

    • Gateway : metrics for each binding on the reference (e.g. FTP metrics for reference "ABC")

    • Operation : metrics for each operation on the reference

This page also provides the user with the ability to reset metrics at various levels.


Application Views

SwitchYard contributes a page to the Runtime Operations section which provides views detailing various aspects of SwitchYard applications running on the system.  These views may be accessed on the Runtime page of the AS console by selecting Runtime Operations -> SwitchYard.  The following views are provided:

  • Applications: lists all SwitchYard applications deployed on the server

  • Services: lists all Services provided by the applications deployed on the server

  • References: lists all service References used by applications deployed on the server

  • Artifacts: lists all artifacts referenced by applications deployed on the server


The main Applications tab displays all the applications deployed on the server.  Selecting a particular application in the list will populate the Application Details section below the list.  The following details are provided:

  • Services: services provided by the application.  Selecting a service will open the main Services tab, displaying details for the service.

  • References: services used by the application.  Selecting a reference will open the main References tab, displaying details for the reference.

  • Properties: properties defined in the application.  The properties may also be edited within this view.

  • Artifacts: artifacts referenced by the application.  Selecting an artifact will open the main Artifacts tab, displaying details for the artifact.

  • Transformers: transformers configured in the application.

  • Validators: validators configured in the application.


Services Tab

The Services tab displays information about the services provided by the application.  This information includes the services provided by the application and the component services used to implement the services.

The Services table displays the services provided by the application.  The table provides the following details:

  • Name: the name of the service.

  • Promoted Service: the name of the component service providing the implementation for the service.

Clicking on an item in the Name column will load the open the main Services page displaying details for that service.  Clicking on an item in the Promoted Service column will highlight the corresponding item in the Component Services table below.

The Component Services table displays the component services defined in the application.  This table provides the following details:

  • Name: the name of the component service

  • Interface: the interface implemented by the component

  • Implementation: provides a link for viewing the implementation details of the component

Clicking on an item in the Implementation column will open a dialog detailing the component's implementation.

The Implementation dialog provides the following information:

  • The technology used to implement the component (e.g. Camel).

  • A list of references required by the component.

  • The raw configuration for the implementation.


References Tab

The References tab lists all the composite references used by the application.


Properties Tab

The Properties tab provides a list of properties defined in the application.  In addition to viewing the properties, this page may be used to update the values for individual properties.


Artifacts Tab

The Artifacts tab provides information about the artifacts referenced by the application and is comprised of a table providing the following details:

  • Name: the name of the referenced artifact

  • URL: the location of the artifact

Clicking on an item in the table will navigate to the main Artifacts page.


Transformers Tab

The Transformers tab provides details about the transformers deployed by the application, providing the following details:

  • From: the from type supported by the transformer.

  • To: the to type supported by the transformer.

  • Type: the implementation technology used by the transformer (e.g. Java, XSLT, etc.).


Validators Tab

The Validators tab provides details about the validators deployed by the application, providing the following details:

  • Name: the name of the validator.

  • Type: the type of the validator.



The main Services tab displays all services provided by the deployed applications.  Selecting a specific service will populate the Service Details section below the list.  Details displayed include:

  • Name: the service name

  • Namespace: the namespace within which the service is defined

  • Application: the application providing the service (this links to the main Applications tab)

  • Interface: the interface provided by the service.

  • Promoted Service: the component service implementing the service.

  • Gateways: lists the gateways providing access to the service.

  • Throttling: throttling configuration for the service


Gateways Tab

The Gateways tab in the details section provides the following information for each of the gateways provided for the service:

  • Name: the name of the gateway

  • Type: the type of the gateway (e.g. SOAP, HornetQ, etc.)

  • Status: the status of the gateway (e.g. started, stopped)

  • Start/Stop: starts or stops the gateway

  • Configuration: opens a dialog displaying the raw configuration for the gateway


Throttling Tab

The Throttling tab in the details section allows the user to view throttling details for the service.

  • Edit: switch to edit mode, allowing the user to change the throttling configuration.

  • Enable: enable/disable throttling for the service

  • Maximum Requests: the maximum number of requests per period before throttling occurs

  • Time Period: the time period over which requests are counted (cannot be edited)



The main References tab displays all service references used by the deployed applications.  Selecting a specific reference will populate the Reference Details section below the list.  Details displayed include:

  • Name: the name of the reference

  • Namespace: the namespace within which the reference is defined

  • Application: the application containing the reference (this links to the main Applications tab)

  • Interface: the interface provided by the reference.

  • Gateways: lists the gateways through which the reference is accessed.

The Gateways section provides the following information for each of the gateways configured for the reference:

  • Name: the name of the gateway

  • Type: the type of the gateway (e.g. SOAP, HornetQ, etc.)

  • Status: the status of the gateway (e.g. started, stopped)

  • Start/Stop: starts or stops the gateway

  • Configuration: opens a dialog displaying the raw configuration for the gateway



The main Artifacts tab displays all artifacts referenced by applications deployed to the system.  Selecting a specific artifact reference will populate the Applications Using Artifact table below. Selecting an application in the applications table will navigate to the main Applications tab.


Subsystem Configuration View

SwitchYard contributes an additional view to the standard JBoss AS management console's Profile page, which can be accessed by selecting the Subsystems -> SwitchYard -> Runtime Details node.  This page displays details about to the SwitchYard subsystem configured in the AS configuration profile.

This page displays the version of the SwitchYard runtime, along with a list of installed components.  Selecting a component will populate the Component Details section below, which displays:

  • Name: the component name, e.g. SOAP, Camel.

  • Type: the component type, e.g. soap, camel.  (The type is the suffix used within switchyard.xml identifying component specific elements, e.g. binding.soap, implementation.camel.)

  • A section providing component specific details.  For most components, this section lists any configurable properties and their current settings.


JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:45:49 UTC, last content change 2013-08-09 20:12:56 UTC.