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The RESTEasy component in SwitchYard provides REST-based binding support for services and references in SwitchYard. 

Binding Services with RESTEasy

Composite-level services can be exposed as a REST-based service using the <binding.rest> binding definition.  The following configuration options are available for binding.rest when binding services:

  • interfaces : A comma seperated list of interfaces or abstract/empty classes with JAX-RS annotations.

  • contextPath : Additional context path for the REST endpoint. Default is none.

Here's an example of what a REST service binding looks like:

<sca:service name="OrderService" promote="OrderService/OrderService">

Binding References with RESTEasy

Binding a reference with REST can be used to make REST-based services available to SwitchYard services. The following configuration options are available for binding.rest when binding references:

  • interfaces : A comma seperated list of interfaces or abstract/empty classes with JAX-RS annotations.

  • address : A URL that points to the root path of resources. This is only applicable for Reference bindings. It is optional and if not specified will default to

  • timeout : The request's time-out value in milliseconds.

  • contextPath : Additional context path for the REST endpoint. Default is none.

  • proxy : HTTP Proxy settings for the endpoint.

  • basic/ntlm : authentication configuration for the endpoint.

Here's an example of what a REST reference binding looks like:

<sca:reference name="Warehouse" promote="OrderService/Warehouse" multiplicity="1..1">

In this example above the resource URLs will start from http://localhost:8080/rest-binding.

Proxy Configuration

If the REST reference needs to pass through a proxy server then the proxy server configuration can be provided using the proxy element. The following configuration options are available:

  • host : The proxy host.

  • port : The proxy port (optional).

  • user : The proxy user (optional).

  • password : The proxy password (optional).

<sca:reference name="Warehouse" promote="OrderService/Warehouse" multiplicity="1..1">

Authentication Configuration

If the REST reference endpoint is secured using BASIC/NTLM, then the authentication configuration can be provided using the basic or ntlm elements. The following configuration options are available:

  • user : The authentication user.

  • password : The authentication password.

  • realm/domain : The authentication realm or the Windows domain.

A sample NTLM authentication configuration:

<sca:reference name="Warehouse" promote="OrderService/Warehouse" multiplicity="1..1">

SSL Configuration

If the REST reference endpoint is secured using SSL, the following optional configuration options are available:

  • verifier : Allowed options are ANY,STRICT or BROWSER. Please read Apache HTP component documentation for more info.

  • keystore : The SSL keystore.

  • keystorePass : The password for SSL keystore.

  • truststore : The SSL truststore.

  • truststorePass : The password for SSL truststore.

A sample configuration:

<sca:reference name="Warehouse" promote="OrderService/Warehouse" multiplicity="1..1">
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:45:38 UTC, last content change 2015-07-21 11:35:11 UTC.