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SwitchYard 0.8



The SOAP component in SwitchYard provides SOAP-based web service binding support for services and references in SwitchYard. 

Binding Services with SOAP

Composite-level services can be exposed as a SOAP-based web service using the <binding.soap> binding definition.  The following configuration options are available for binding.soap when binding services:

  • wsdl : location of the WSDL used to describe the web service endpoint.  A relative path can be used if the WSDL is included in the deployed application.  If the WSDL is located outside the application, then a file: or http: URL can be used.

  • socketAddr : the IP Socket Address to be used. The value can be in the form hostName/ipAddress:portNumber or hostName/ipAddress or :portNumber.

  • wsdlPort : port name in the WSDL to use.  If unspecified, the first port definition in the WSDL is used for the service endpoint

  • contextPath : additional context path for the SOAP endpoint. Default is none.

In AS7 by default the JBossWS-CXF stack is enabled now and hence the socketAddr parameter will be ignored. However this parameter can be used for standalone usage under JDK's JAXWS-RI.

Here's an example of what a SOAP service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="orders" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:orders:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="OrderService" promote="OrderService">

Binding References with SOAP

Binding a reference with SOAP can be used to make SOAP-based web services available to SwitchYard services. The following configuration options are available for binding.soap when binding references:

  • wsdl : location of the WSDL used to describe the web service endpoint.  A relative path can be used if the WSDL is included in the deployed application.  If the WSDL is located outside the application, then a file: or http: URL can be used.

  • wsdlPort : port name in the WSDL to use.  If unspecified, the first port definition in the WSDL is used for the service endpoint.

  • endpointAddress : the SOAP endpoint address to override from that specified in the WSDL. Optional property, if not specified will use the one specified in the WSDL.

<sca:composite name="orders" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:orders:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="WarehouseService" promote="OrderComponent/WarehouseService" multiplicity="1..1">


UsernameToken Support

To enable WS-Security within your application, a few steps are required:

  1. Define a Policy within your WSDL, and reference with with a PolicyReference inside your binding.

  2. Configure your <soap.binding> with a <securityAction so JBossWS-CXF knows which tokens to respect within incoming SOAP requests.

  3. Include a WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml in your application with a <security-domain> specified, so JBossWS-CXF (who, in the case of WS-Security, is doing the JAAS login "at the front door") knows which modules to use for authentication and roles mapping.

SwitchYard provides a policy-security-wss-username Quickstart as an example. Here are the pertinent sections:


  <binding name="WorkServiceBinding" type="tns:WorkService">
    <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#WorkServicePolicy"/>
  <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="WorkServicePolicy">
        <sp:SupportingTokens xmlns:sp="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702">
            <sp:UsernameToken sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient">


  <binding.soap xmlns="urn:switchyard-component-soap:config:1.0">



With the above pieces in place, JBossWS-CXF will intercept incoming SOAP requests, extract the UsernameToken, attempt to authenticate it against the LoginModule(s) configured in the application server's "other" security domain, and provide any authorized roles. If successful, the request will be handed over to SwitchYard, who can do further processing, including enforcing our own policies. In the case of WS-Security, SwitchYard will not attempt a second clientAuthentication, but instead will respect the outcome from JBossWS-CXF. Note that if the original clientAuthentication fails, it is a "fail-fast" scenario, and the request will not be channeled into SwitchYard.

Signature and Encryption Support

In the current release, support for WS-Security Signature and Encryption requires additional, manual steps. The next release will streamline the process significantly.

  1. The Policy in your WSDL needs to reflect the added requirements. An example of this can be found in the JBossWS documentation here: Signature and Encryption.

  2. Manual addition of a CXF InInterceptor which sets certain CXF security properties is currently required.

Accomplishing that last point can be done like this:


  <binding.soap xmlns="urn:switchyard-component-soap:config:1.0">
      <interceptor class="com.example.MyInterceptor"/>


public class MyInterceptor extends WSS4JInterceptor {
  private static final PROPS;
  static {
    Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>();
    props.put("action", "Signature Encryption");
    props.put("signaturePropFile", "META-INF/bob.properties");
    props.put("decryptionPropFile", "META-INF/bob.properties");
    props.put("passwordCallbackClass", "com.example.MyCallbackHandler");
    PROPS = props;
  public MyInterceptor() {




The HTTP component in SwitchYard provides HTTP-based binding support for services and references in SwitchYard. 

Binding Services with HTTP

Composite-level services can be exposed as a HTTP-based service using the <binding.http> binding definition.  The following configuration options are available for binding.rest when binding services:

  • operationSelector : specification of the operation to use for the message exchange. See Operation Selector for more details.

  • contextPath : A context path for the HTTP endpoint.

Here's an example of what a HTTP service binding looks like:

<sca:service name="QuoteService" promote="StockService/QuoteService">
        <selector:operationSelector operationName="getPrice"/>

Binding References with HTTP

Binding a reference with HTTP can be used to make HTTP-based services available to SwitchYard services. The following configuration options are available for binding.http when binding references:

  • address : A URL that points to the HTTP endpoint. It is optional and if not specified will default to

  • method : The HTTP method used for invoking the endpoint. Default is GET.

  • contentType : The HTTP Content-Type header that needs to be set on the request.

Here's an example of what a REST reference binding looks like:

<sca:reference name="Symbol" promote="StockService/SymbolService" multiplicity="1..1">


The RESTEasy component in SwitchYard provides REST-based binding support for services and references in SwitchYard. 

Binding Services with RESTEasy

Composite-level services can be exposed as a REST-based service using the <binding.rest> binding definition.  The following configuration options are available for binding.rest when binding services:

  • interfaces : A comma seperated list of interfaces or abstract/empty classes with JAX-RS annotations.

  • contextPath : Additional context path for the REST endpoint. Default is none.

Here's an example of what a REST service binding looks like:

<sca:service name="OrderService" promote="OrderService/OrderService">

Binding References with RESTEasy

Binding a reference with REST can be used to make REST-based services available to SwitchYard services. The following configuration options are available for binding.rest when binding references:

  • interfaces : A comma seperated list of interfaces or abstract/empty classes with JAX-RS annotations.

  • address : A URL that points to the root path of resources. This is only applicable for Reference bindings. It is optional and if not specified will default to

  • contextPath : Additional context path for the REST endpoint. Default is none.

Here's an example of what a REST reference binding looks like:

<sca:reference name="Warehouse" promote="OrderService/Warehouse" multiplicity="1..1">

In this example above the resource URLs will start from http://localhost:8080/rest-binding.


The JCA gateway allows you to send and receive messages to/from EIS via JCA ResourceAdapter.

Binding Services with JCA message inflow

Composite-level services can be bound to a EIS with JCA message inflow using the <binding.jca> binding definition.  The following configuration options are required for binding.jca:

  • operationSelector : specification of the operation to use for the message exchange. See Operation Selector for more details.

  • inboundConnection

    • resourceAdapter

      • @name : Name of the ResourceAdapter archive. Please make sure the resource adapter has been deployed on JBoss application server before you deploy the SwitchYard application which has JCA binding.

    • activationSpec

      • property : Properties to be injected into ActivationSpec instance. Required properties are specific to the ResourceAdapter implementation.

  • inboundInteraction

    • listener : FQN of the listener interface. When you use JMSEndpoint, javax.jms.MessageListener should be specified. When you use CCIEndpoint, javax.resource.cci.MessageListener should be specified. Otherwise, you may need to specify EIS specific listener interface according to its ResourceAdapter. Note that the endpoint class should implement this listener interface.

    • endpoint

      • @type : FQN of the Endpoint implementation class. There are 2 built-in Endpoint, org.switchyard.component.jca.endpoint.JMSEndpoint and org.switchyard.component.jca.endpoint.CCIEndpoint. Note that these 2 have corresponding listener. If neither JMSEndpoint nor CCIEndpoint is applicable for the EIS you're supposed to bind to, then you need to implement its own Endpoint class according to the ResourceAdapter implementation. The Endpoint class should be a subclass of org.switchyard.component.jca.endpoint.AbstractInflowEndpoint.

      • property : Properties to be injected into Endpoint class. JMSEndpoint has no required property. CCIEndpoint needs connectionFactoryJNDIName property.

    • transacted : The boolean value to indicate whether transaction is needed by endpoint or not. True by default.

    • batchCommit : Multiple incoming messages are processed in one transaction if you define this element. The transaction is committed when the number of processed messages reach to batchSize, or batchTimeout milliseconds pass since the transaction is started. Transaction reaper thread is watching inflight transaction, and once batch timeout occurs the transaction reaper thread commits it.

      • @batchSize : The number of messages to be processed in one transaction

      • @batchTimeout : The batch timeout in milliseconds

Here's an example of what a JCA service binding looks like. This example binds a service to the HornetQ JMS:

<sca:composite name="JCAInflowExample" targetNamespace="urn:userguide:jca-example-service:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="JCAService" promote="SomeService">
            <selector:operationSelector operationName="onMessage"/>
                <jca:resourceAdapter name="hornetq-ra.rar"/>
                    <jca:property name="destinationType" value="javax.jms.Queue"/>
                    <jca:property name="destination" value="ServiceQueue"/>
                <jca:endpoint type="org.switchyard.component.jca.endpoint.JMSEndpoint"/>
                <jca:batchCommit batchSize="10" batchTimeout="5000"/>
    <!-- sca:component definition omitted -->

Binding References with JCA outbound

Composite-level references can be bound to a EIS with JCA outbound using the <binding.jca> binding definition.  The following configuration options are required for binding.jca:

  • outboundConnection

    • resourceAdapter

      • @name : Name of the ResourceAdapter archive. Please make sure the resource adapter has been deployed on JBoss application server before you deploy the SwitchYard application which has JCA binding.

    • connection

      • @jndiName : JNDI name which the ConnectionFactory is bound into.

  • outboundInteraction

    • connectionSpec : Configuration for javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec. Note that JMSProcessor doesn't use this option.

      • @type : FQN of the ConnectionSpec implementation class.

      • property : Properties to be injected into ConnectionSpec instance. 

    • interactionSpec : Configuration for _javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec. _Note that JMSProcessor doesn't use this option.

      • @type : FQN of the InteractionSpec implementation class.

      • property : Properties to be injected into InteractionSpec instance.

    • processor

      • @type : FQN of the class which processes outbound delivery. There are 2 build-in processor, org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.JMSProcessor and org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.CCIProcessor. If neither JMSProcessor nor CCIProcessor is applicable for the EIS you're supposed to bind to, then you need to implement its own processor class according to the ResourceAdapter implementation. Note that this class should be a subclass of org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.AbstractOutboundProcessor.

      • property : Properties to be injected into processor instance. JMSProcessor needs destination property to specify target destination. CCIProcessor needs recordClassName property to specify record type to be used to interact with EIS. If you use CCIProcessor with the record type other than MappedRecord and IndexedRecord, you need to implement corresponding RecordHandler. Please refer to org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.cci.IndexedRecordHandler and org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.cci.MappedRecordHandler.

Here's an example of what a JCA reference binding looks like. This example binds a reference to the HornetQ JMS:

<sca:composite name="JCAReferenceExample" targetNamespace="urn:userguide:jca-example-reference:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="JCAReference" promote="SomeComponent/SomeReference" multiplicity="1..1">
                <jca:resourceAdapter name="hornetq-ra.rar"/>
                <jca:connection jndiName="java:/JmsXA"/>
                <jca:processor type="org.switchyard.component.jca.processor.JMSProcessor">
                    <jca:property name="destination" value="ReferenceQueue"/>


The JMS binding in SwitchYard provides support for asynchronous communication with messaging providers. It supports both sides - service and reference.  The JMS binding is built on top of camel-jms and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please reffer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Known Limitation

https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-1285 - Declarative transaction management by the Transaction Policy doesn't work with camel-jms properly. We are investigating how can we solve it, but you may want to use JCA gateway instead for now.

Generic options

Following options can be apile to <binding.jms> definition:

  • queue or topic : destination name to consume from/produce to

  • connectionFactory : an instance of connection factory to use

  • username

  • password

  • clientId

  • durableSubscriptionName

  • concurrentConsumers

  • maxConcurrentConsumers

  • disableReplyTo

  • preserveMessageQos

  • deliveryPersistent

  • priority

  • explicitQosEnabled

  • replyTo

  • replyToType

  • requestTimeout

  • selector

  • timeToLive

  • transacted

  • transactionManager

Binding Services with JMS

Here's an example of what a jms service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">
            <camel:selector>RECEIVER='ESB' AND SENDER='ERP'<camel:selector>

Binding References with JMS

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingService" promote="camel-binding/GreetingService" multiplicity="1..1">


The file binding in SwitchYard provides filesystem level support for services and references in SwitchYard.

The file binding is built on top of camel-file and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please refer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.file> definition:

  • directory : directory to consume/produce files to

  • autoCreate : automatically create directory if doesn't exist

  • bufferSize : write buffer size

  • fileName : file name filter for consumer or file name pattern for producer

  • flatten : skip path and just use file name

  • charset : charset used for reading/wrinting file

Binding Services with Files

Supported options are:

  • delete

  • recursive

  • noop

  • preMove

  • move

  • moveFailed

  • include

  • exclude

  • idempotent

  • idempotentRepository

  • inProgressRepository

  • filter

  • sorter

  • sortBy

  • readLock

  • readLockTimeout

  • readLockCheckInterval

  • exclusiveReadLockStrategy

  • processStrategy

  • startingDirectoryMustExist

  • directoryMustExist

  • doneFileName

Here's an example of what a file service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">

Binding References with File

Binding a reference with file can be used to store outcome of service on disk. The following configuration options are available for binding.file when binding references:

  • fileExist

  • tempPrefix

  • tempFileName

  • keepLastModified

  • eagerDeleteTargetFile

  • doneFileName

For detailed description of these parameters please refer camel-file documentation

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingService" promote="camel-binding/GreetingService" multiplicity="1..1">


SwitchYard provides support for remote file systems on both sides service and reference.

The ftp binding is built on top of camel-ftp and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please refer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.ftp> <binding.ftps> and <binding.sftp> definition:

  • host

  • port

  • username

  • password

  • binary

  • connectTimeout

  • disconnect

  • maximumReconnectAttempts

  • reconnectDelay

  • separator

  • stepwise

  • throwExceptionOnConnectFailed

FTP specific options

  • passiveMode

  • timeout

  • soTimeout

  • siteCommand

FTPS specific options

  • securityProtocol

  • isImplicit

  • execPbsz

  • execProt

  • disableSecureDataChannelDefaults

SFTP specific options

  • knownHostsFile

  • privateKeyFile

  • privateKeyFilePassphrase

Binding Services with Files

Supported options are same as for File.

Here's an example of what a file service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">

Binding References with File

Binding a reference with file can be used to store outcome of service on remote server. All File referene properties are supported.

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingService" promote="camel-binding/GreetingService" multiplicity="1..1">


SwitchYard provides support for network level integration with TCP and UPD protocols.

The TCP and UDP binding is built on top of camel-netty and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please refer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.tcp> and <binding.udp definition:

  • host

  • port

  • receiveBufferSize

  • sendBufferSize

  • reuseAddress

  • encoders

  • decoders

  • allowDefaultCodec

  • workerCount

  • sync

  • disconnect

TCP specific options

  • textline

  • tcpNoDelay

  • keepAlive

UDP specific options

  • broadcast

SSL Options

This endpoint supports SSL. Following parameters may be used to configure it:

  • ssl - turn on SSL

  • sslHandler - custom SSL Handler to use

  • passphrase - bean reference to String instance used to open KeyStore

  • securityProvider - name of Java security provider

  • keyStoreFormat

  • keyStoreFile - reference to File instance which is used loaded into java KeyStore

  • trustStoreFile - reference to File instance

  • sslContextParametersRef - if this parameter is specified it must be an bean reference to an instance of org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters where you may specify all necessary parameters at once.

Binding Services with tcp/udp

Here's an example of what a file service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">


The jpa binding in SwitchYard provides support for consuming and storing JPA entities. It supports both sides - service binding for entity consumption and reference for entity storing.

The JPA binding is built on top of camel-jpa and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please reffer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.jpa> definition:

  • entityClassName

  • persistenceUnit

  • transactionManager

Binding Services with JPA

Supported options are:

  • consumeDelete

  • consumeLockEntity

  • maximumResults

  • consumer.query

  • consumer.namedQuery

  • consumer.nativeQuery

  • consumer.resultClass

  • consumer.transacted

The consumeLockEntity option causes problems with transaction management.

Here's an example of what a mail service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">

Binding References with JPA

Binding a reference with jpa can be used to store entity. The following configuration options are available for binding.jpa when binding references:

  • flushOnSend

  • usePersist

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingService" promote="camel-binding/GreetingService" multiplicity="1..1">


The sql binding in SwitchYard provides database read/write support for references in SwitchYard.

The file binding is built on top of camel-sql.

SQL Binding options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.sql> definition:

  • query : SQL query to execute

  • dataSourceRef : data source name

  • batch : turn on JDBC batching

  • placeholder : a placeholder sign used to replace parameters in query

For detailed description of these parameters please visit camel-sql site.

Binding Services with database

Two additional attributes may be specified for binding.sql element when used with service reference:

  • period - number of milliseconds between query executions. This attribute is mandatory.

  • initialDelay - an delay before query is run first time

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">
        <camel:binding.sql period="10s">
            <camel:query>SELECT * FROM greetings</camel:query>

Binding References with database

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingDatabaseStore" promote="camel-binding/GreetingDatabaseStore" multiplicity="1..1">
            <camel:query>INSERT INTO greetings (name) VALUES (#)</camel:query>


The mail binding in SwitchYard provides support for consuming and sending mail messages. It supports both sides - service binding for mail consumption and reference for message sending.

The Mail binding is built on top of camel-mail and supports most of options for this endpoint. Please reffer camel documentation for detailed description of them.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.mail> definition:

  • host

  • port

  • username

  • password

  • connectionTimeout
    Additional attribute secure may be used to identify usage of secured connection (pop3s/imaps/smtps) instead.

Binding Services with Mail

Supported options are:

  • folderName

  • fetchSize

  • unseen

  • delete

  • copyTo

  • disconnect
    Additional attribute accountType may be specified to choose mail protocol. Possible values are pop3 or imap. Default is imap.

Here's an example of what a mail service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">
            <camel:consume accountType="pop3">

Binding References with Mail

Binding a reference with mail can be used to send outgoing message. The following configuration options are available for binding.mail when binding references:

  • subject

  • from

  • to

  • CC

  • BCC

  • replyTo

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="GreetingService" promote="camel-binding/GreetingService" multiplicity="1..1">
                <camel:subject>Forwarded message</camel:subject>


The quartz binding in SwitchYard provides support for triggering services with given cron expression.

The quartz binding is built on top of camel-quartz.

Generic options

Following options can be apile to <binding.quartz> definition:

  • name : name of job

  • cron : execution expression

Binding Services with Quartz

Here's an example of what a quartz service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">
            <camel:cron>0 0/5 * * * ?</camel:cron>


The timer binding in SwitchYard provides support for triggering services with fixed timer. It's lightweight alternative for Quartz.

The file binding is built on top of camel-timer. Please refer camel documentation for detailed description of options.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.timer> definition:

  • name : name of timer

  • time

  • pattern

  • period

  • delay

  • fixedRate

  • daemon

Binding Services with Timer

Here's an example of what a timer service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">


The SEDA binding in SwitchYard provides asynchronous service binding between camel route and SwitchYard service.

SEDA queue is not persistent.

This binding is built on top of camel-seda. Please refer camel documentation for detailed description of options.

Generic options

Following options can be apiled to <binding.seda> definition:

  • name : queue name

  • size : the maximum capacity of the SEDA queue (the number of messages it can hold)

  • concurrentConsumers

  • waitForTaskToComplete

  • timeout

  • multipleConsumers

  • limitConcurrentConsumers

Binding Services with SEDA

Here's an example of what a SEDA service binding looks like:

<sca:composite name="camel-binding" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-binding:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="GreetingService" promote="GreetingService">

Camel URI

Camel binding support in SwitchYard allows Camel components to be used as gateway bindings for services and references within an application.

Binding Services with Camel

Every camel component binding supported by SwitchYard has it's own configuration namespace. However, there is asmall exception. Bindings for direct, seda, timer and mock share same namespace urn:switchyard-component-camel-core:config:1.0.

Composite-level services can be bound to a Camel component using the <binding.uri> binding definition.  The following configuration options are available for binding.uri:

  • configURI : contains the Camel endpoint URI used to configure a Camel component instance

  • operationSelector : specification of the operation to use for the message exchange. See Operation Selector for more details. This setting is not used for cxfrs configurations.

    binding.uri is not linked with any specific component. It allows usage of 3rd party camel components which are not part of distribution.

    Before SwitchYard 0.7 binding.camel element was used instead of binding.uri

Here's an example of what a service binding looks like using a Camel component.

<sca:composite name="SimpleCamelService" targetNamespace="urn:userguide:simple-camel-service:0.1.0">
    <sca:service name="SimpleCamelService" promote="SimpleComponent/SimpleCamelService">
        <camel:binding.uri configURI="file://target/input?fileName=test.txt&amp;initialDelay=50&amp;delete=true">
            <selector:operationSelector operationName="print"/>
    <!-- sca:component definition omitted -->

Binding References with Camel

Binding a reference with Camel is very similar to binding a service.  The only significant difference is that specification of the operationSelector is not required on reference bindings. Logically reference elements points to outgoing communication eg. service called by Switchyard.

<sca:composite name="orders" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart-demo:orders:0.1.0">
    <sca:reference name="WarehouseService" promote="OrderComponent/WarehouseService" multiplicity="1..1">
        <camel:binding.uri configURI="file://target/output"/>
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:51:24 UTC, last content change 2013-03-26 01:05:36 UTC.