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SwitchYard 1.0


Testing your applications is dead simple with the comprehensive unit test support provided in SwitchYard.  There are three primary elements to test support in SwitchYard:

Enabling Test Support

Adding test support to your SwitchYard application is simply a matter of adding a dependency to the switchyard-test module in your application's pom.xml.

    <version>[release-version]</version> <!-- e.g. "0.7.0" -->

In addition to a dependency on the core test framework, you might want to take advantage of MixIns in your test classes.  Dependency information for each MixIn is listed under the Test MixIns section.

SwitchYardRunner and SwitchYardTestKit

To take advantage of the test support in SwitchYard, your unit test should be annotated with the SwitchYardRunner JUnit test Runner class. SwitchYardRunner takes care of creating and starting an embedded runtime for each test method. After the embedded runtime is started, the project containing the test is packaged as a SwitchYard application and deployed to it. The runtime state of the deployed SwitchYard test application is represented by an instance of the SwitchYardTestKit class, which is injected into the test when a property of type SwitchYardTestKit is declared in the test.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private SwitchYardTestKit testKit;

    public void testOperation() {
        MyTestServiceHandler service = new MyTestServiceHandler();

        // register the service...
        testKit.registerInOutService("MyService", service);
        // invoke the service and capture the response...
        Message response = newInvoker("MyService")

        // test the response content by doing an XML comparison with a
        // file resource on the classpath...
        testKit.compareXMLToResource(response.getContent(String.class), "/myservice/expected-create-response.xml");

    private class MyTestServiceHandler implements ExchangeHandler {
        // implement methods....

The SwitchYardTestKit provides a set of utility methods for performing all sorts of deployment configuration and test operations.


The optional SwitchYardTestCaseConfig annotation can be used control the behavior of the SwitchYardRunner:

  • config: allows the specification of a SwitchYard XML configuration file (switchyard.xml) for the test. The SwitchYardRunner will attempt to load the specified configuration from the classpath. If if fails to locate the config on the classpath, it will then attempt to locate it on the file system (e.g. within the project structure).

  • mixins: composition-based method for adding specific testing tools to your test case.  Each TestMixIn provides customized testing tools for things like service implementations, gateway bindings, and transformers. When a TestMixIn is annotated on a Test Class, the SwitchYardRunner handles all the initialization and cleanup (lifecycle) of the TestMixIn instance(s). It's also possible to manually create and manage TestMixIn instance(s) within your test class if (for example) you are not using the SwitchYardRunner.

  • scanners: add classpath scanning as part of the test lifecycle. This adds the same Scanner behavior as is available with the SwitchYard maven build plugin, but allows the scanning to take place as part of the test lifecycle. You will often find that you need to add Scanners if you want your test to run inside your IDE. This is because running your test inside your IDE bypasses the whole maven build process, which means the build plugin does not perform any scanning for you.

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(config = "testconfigs/switchyard-01.xml", mixins = {CDIMixIn.class, BPMMixIn.class}, scanners = {BeanSwitchYardScanner.class, TransformSwitchYardScanner.class})
public class MyServiceTest  {

    public void testOperation() {


The TestMixIn feature allows you to selectively enable additional test functionality based on the capabilities of your application. To include MixIn support in your application, you must include a Maven dependency in your application's pom.xml.

    <version>release-version</version> <!-- e.g. "0.7.0" -->
  • CDIMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-cdi) : boostraps a stand-alone CDI environment, automatically discovers CDI beans, registers bean services, and injects references to SwitchYard services.

  • HTTPMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-http) : client methods for testing HTTP-based services.

  • SmooksMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-smooks) : stand-alone testing of any Smoooks transformers in your application.

  • BPMMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-bpm) : utility methods for working with jBPM 5 Human Tasks (like starting/stopping a TaskServer).

  • HornetQMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-hornetq) : bootstraps a stand-alone HornetQ server and provides utility methods to interact with it for testing purpose. It can be also used to interact with remote HornetQ server.

  • NamingMixIn (switchyard-component-test-mixin-naming) : provides access to naming and JNDI services within an application.

  • PropertyMixIn (switchyard-test) : provides ability to set test values to properties that are used within the configuration of the application.


Scanners add classpath scanning as part of the test lifecycle. This adds the same Scanner behavior as is available with the SwitchYard maven build plugin, but allows the scanning to take place as part of the test lifecycle. The following Scanners are available:

  • BeanSwitchYardScanner: Scans for CDI Bean Service implementations.

  • TransformSwitchYardScanner: Scans for Transformers.

  • BpmSwitchYardScanner: Scans for @Process, @StartProcess, @SignalEvent and @AbortProcessInstance annotations.

  • RouteScanner: Scans for Camel Routes.

  • RulesSwitchYardScanner: Scans for @Rule annotations.

Metadata and Support Class Injections

As shown above, injecting the SwitchYardTestKit instance into the test at runtime is simply a case of declaring a property of that type in the test class.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private SwitchYardTestKit testKit;

    // implement test methods...

The SwitchYard test framework also injects other test support and metadata classes, which we outline in the following sections.

Deployment Injection

The Deployment instance can be injected by declaring a property of type Deployment.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private Deployment deployment;

    // implement test methods...

SwitchYardModel Injection

The SwitchYardModel instance can be injected by declaring a property of type SwitchYardModel.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private SwitchYardModel model;

    // implement test methods...

ServiceDomain Injection

The ServiceDomain instance can be injected by declaring a property of type ServiceDomain.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private ServiceDomain serviceDomain;

    // implement test methods...

TransformerRegistry Injection

The TransformerRegistry instance can be injected by declaring a property of type TransformerRegistry.

public class MyServiceTest  {

    private TransformerRegistry transformRegistry;

    // implement test methods...

TestMixIn Injection

TestMixIn instance(s) can be injected by declaring properties of the specific type TestMixIn type.

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(mixins = {CDIMixIn.class, HTTPMixIn.class})
public class MyServiceTest  {

    private CDIMixIn cdiMixIn;
    private HTTPMixIn httpIn;

    // implement test methods...

PropertyMixIn Injection

PropertyMixIn instance(s) are injected like any other TestMixIn type, however any properties you set on the mix in have to be done before deployment to be respected, thus the use of the @BeforeDeploy annotation:

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(mixins = {CDIMixIn.class, PropertyMixIn.class, HTTPMixIn.class})
public class MyServiceTest  {

    private PropertyMixIn propMixIn;
    private HTTPMixIn httpMixIn;

    public void setTestProperties() {
        propMixIn.set("soapPort", Integer.valueOf(18002));

    // implement test methods...

Invoker Injection

Service Invoker instance(s) can be injected by declaring properties of type Invoker and annotating them with @ServiceOperation annotation.

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(config = "testconfigs/switchyard-01.xml")
public class MyServiceTest  {

    private Invoker createOrderInvoker;

    public void test_createOrder() {

Note the annotation value is a dot-delimited Service Operation name of the form "service-name.operation-name".

Selectively Enabling Activators for a Test

The test framework defaults to a mode where the entire application descriptor is processed during a test run.  This means all gateway bindings and service implementations are activated during each test.  There are times when this may not be appropriate, so we allow activators to be selectively enabled or disabled based on your test configuration.

The following example excludes SOAP bindings from all tests.  This means that SOAP gateway bindings will not be activated when the test framework loads the application.

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(config = "testconfigs/switchyard-01.xml" exclude="soap")
public class NoSOAPTest  {

This example includes only CDI bean services defined in the application descriptor.

@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(config = "testconfigs/switchyard-02.xml" include="bean")
public class BeanServicesOnlyTest  {

Preparing procedure for the Test

Sometimes we need to add some procedures before test is performed. JUnit @Before operation is invoked right after the application is deployed, however, it can't be used if you expect something before deploy. We have @BeforeDeploy annotation for this purpose. This is required to test the application which has JCA binding with using JCAMixIn since the ResourceAdapter must be deployed before the application is activated.

This is the example for deploying HornetQ ResourceAdapter to the embedded IronJacamar JCA Container using JCAMixIn.

public void before() {
    ResourceAdapterConfig ra = new ResourceAdapterConfig(ResourceAdapterConfig.ResourceAdapterType.HORNETQ);
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:54:48 UTC, last content change 2013-11-14 19:21:56 UTC.