JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

Teiid 9.0 (draft)

File Data Sources

File data sources use a Teiid specific JCA connector that is deployed into Wildfly 9.0.2 during installation. There are many ways to create the file data source, using CLI, AdminShell, admin-console, etc. The example shown below uses the CLI tool, as this works in both Standalone and Domain modes.

Execute following command using the CLI once you connected to the Server. Make sure you provide the correct directory name and other properties below. Add any additional properties required by the connector by duplicating the "connection-definitions" command below. Edit the JNDI name to match the JNDI name you used in VDB.

/subsystem=resource-adapters/resource-adapter=file/connection-definitions=fileDS:add(jndi-name=java:/fileDS, class-name=org.teiid.resource.adapter.file.FileManagedConnectionFactory, enabled=true, use-java-context=true)

To find out all the properties that are supported by this File Connector execute the following command in the CLI.

Developer's Tip

If Wildfly 9.0.2 is running in standalone mode, you can also manually edit the "<jboss-install>/standalone/configuration/standalone-teiid.xml" file and add the XML configuration defined in "<jboss-install>/docs/teiid/datasources/file" directory under "resource-adapters" subsystem. Shutdown the server before you edit this file, and restart after the modifications are done.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:09:30 UTC, last content change 2015-10-14 16:25:51 UTC.