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Teiid 9.0 (draft)

Oracle Translator (oracle)

Also see common JDBC Translator Information

The Oracle Translator, known by the type name oracle, is for use with Oracle 9i or later.

Sequences may be used with the Oracle translator. A sequence may be modeled as a table with a name in source of DUAL and columns with the name in source set to{{<sequence name>.[nextval|currval].}}

Teiid 8.4 and Prior Oracle Sequence DDL
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE seq (nextval integer OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE 'seq.nextval'), currval integer options (NAMEINSOURCE 'seq.currval') ) OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE 'DUAL')

With Teiid 8.5 it's no longer necessary to rely on a table representation and Oracle specific handling for sequences. See DDL Metadata for representing currval and nextval as source functions.

You can also use a sequence as the default value for insert columns by setting the column to autoincrement and the name in source to <element name>:SEQUENCE=<sequence name>.<sequence value>.

A rownum column can also added to any Oracle physical table to support the rownum pseudo-column. A rownum column should have a name in source of rownum. These rownum columns do not have the same semantics as the Oracle rownum construct so care must be taken in their usage.

Out parameters for procedures may also be used to return a result set, if this is not represented correctly by the automatic import you need to manually create a result set and represent the output parameter with native type "REF CURSOR".

DDL for out parameter result set
create foreign procedure proc (in x integer, out y object options (native_type 'REF CURSOR')) 
returns table (a integer, b string) 

Oracle specific importer properties:

Oracle specific execution properties:

Geo Spatial function support

Oracle translator supports geo spatial functions. The supported functions are:

Relate = sdo_relate

CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_relate (arg1 string,  arg2 string,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_relate (arg1 Object,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_relate (arg1 string,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_relate (arg1 Object,  arg2 string,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;

Nearest_Neighbor = sdo_nn

CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_nn (arg1 string,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string,  arg4 integer) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_nn (arg1 Object,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string,  arg4 integer) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_nn (arg1 Object,  arg2 string,  arg3 string,  arg4 integer) RETURNS string;

Within_Distance = sdo_within_distance

CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_within_distance (arg1 Object,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_within_distance (arg1 string,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_within_distance (arg1 Object,  arg2 string,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;

Nearest_Neigher_Distance = sdo_nn_distance

CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_nn_distance (arg integer) RETURNS integer;

Filter = sdo_filter

CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_filter (arg1 Object,  arg2 string,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_filter (arg1 Object,  arg2 Object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION sdo_filter (arg1 string,  arg2 object,  arg3 string) RETURNS string;
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:11:45 UTC, last content change 2015-10-14 14:51:32 UTC.