To define a non-pushdown function, a Java function must be provided that matches the metadata supplied either in the Designer or Dynamic VDB defined metadata. User Defined Function (or UDF) and User Defined Aggregate Function (or UDAF) may be called at runtime just like any other function or aggregate function respectively.
Post Code Activities
Zip Deployment
The JAR file may be placed in your VDB under the "/lib" directory. It will automatically be used for the VDB classloader classpath when deployed.
AS Module
Create a JBoss AS module with the JAR file under <jboss-as>/modules directory and define the module on the -vdb.xml file as shown below example
<vdb name="{vdb-name}" version="1">
<property name ="lib" value ="{module-name}"></property>
The lib property value may contain a space delimited list of module names if more than one dependency is needed.