JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

WildFly 8



Welcome to the WildFly 8 Documentation. The documentation for WildFly is split into two categories:

There is also the WildFly Model Reference that provides information about all subsystem configuration options generated directly from the management model.

Administrator Guides

  • The Getting Started Guide shows you how to install and start the server, how to configure logging, how to deploy an application, how to deploy a datasource, and how to get started using the command line interface and web management interface

  • The Admin Guide provides detailed information on using the CLI and Web Management interface, how to use the domain configuration, and shows you how to configure key subsystems

  • The High Availability Guide shows you how to create a cluster, how configure the web container and EJB container for clustering, and shows you how to configure load balancing and failover

Developer Guides

  • The Getting Started Developing Applications Guide shows you how to build Java EE applications and deploy them to WildFly. The guide starts by showing you the simplest helloworld application using just Servlet and CDI, and then adds in JSF, persistence and transactions, EJB, Bean Validation, RESTful web services and more. You'll also discover how to deploy an OSGi bundle to WildFly. Finally, you'll get the opportunity to create your own skeleton project. Each tutorial is accompanied by a quickstart, which contains the source code, deployment descriptors and a Maven based build.

  • The Developer Guide (in progress) takes you through every deployment descriptor and every annotation offered by WildFly.

  • The Extending WildFly 8 guide walks you through creating a new WildFly subsystem extension, in order to add more functionality to WildFly, and shows how to test it before plugging it into WildFly.

  • We've also put together a collection of Java EE 7 samples and unit tests: Java EE 7 Samples


WildFly comes with a number of quickstarts, examples which introduce to a particular technology or feature of the application server. The Contributing a Quickstart section of the documentation details the available quickstarts

Table of content

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:45:42 UTC, last content change 2015-03-26 23:44:04 UTC.